Tate to be used more going forward

If they plan to line him up at QB they better let him throw the ball. Constantly lining him up and running will not be effective.

This. We’ve never once had a “wildcat” package where we actually throw the ball, making it like the rest of our offense...turgid and predictable.
It’s nice one person who understands football, there was multiple big plays off his motion. Out of fifteen snaps he was in motion three of the big plays. But yet we must still ***** and moan because alot of people dislike him.

Agreed. That being said, if they don’t try to actually do something with Tate (other than a diversion) teams will adjust by focusing more on DJ and it won’t be as effective.

It’s disappointing Hightower and Pope didn’t see more snaps. I hope this changes this week.
Exactly just watching how we was used against Florida you can tell there are more plays for him. Just off the top of my head I can think of Tate takes the wildcat snap and throws the ball and Tate either gets a direct snap as he crosses the formation or takes a handoff from Dallas and either runs or throws. Don't even need to interview the coach to figure that out.

I’m not being an a-hole, but what makes it a wildcat snap? If he is a QB isn’t it just a snap?
I've seen a few other articles saying Tate will play a lot more, one included quotes from Manny. He said they have a lot of plays for him that we didn't see vs UF. I think that one was from 247

Let's hope coach diaz not talking like that, cause if their are "alot" more plays for tate, WTH were they saving them for during the gaytor game cause the ones they called didnt work.
I dont mind tate getting reps. But i have a really hard time believing he should be getting reps over payton, hightower and pope. It just doesnt make sense. We already have osborn, harley, and thomas taking most of the reps and theyre all on the smaller side. Adding tate as the 4th guy is overkill, need to get some bigger WRs some reps.
Believe it or not other teams have been using this exact issue to negatively recruit against Miami. The pitch goes something like this:

“They let short slow QB who lost his job and transferred from Ohio State, where he committed to, come to Miami and lose his job at QB again - get playing time over real receivers who committed to Miami and have been grinding.”

They been hitting recruits with some variation of this repeatedly. I tried to tell folks that Tate Martell is a DISTRACTION.
Believe it or not other teams have been using this exact issue to negatively recruit against Miami. The pitch goes something like this:

“They let short slow QB who lost his job and transferred from Ohio State, where he committed to, come to Miami and lose his job at QB again - get playing time over real receivers who committed to Miami and have been grinding.”

They been hitting recruits with some variation of this repeatedly. I tried to tell folks that Tate Martell is a DISTRACTION.

People can just throw sh*t against the wall and see if it sticks, it’s certainly plausible as you know how the south Florida community goes. That’s just one of the optics that you possibly will have to deal with in terms of playing martell so much over the other receivers
Talented as they are, payton, hightower and pope don't command the respect that Tate did from the Gator D.

ROFL, if you think todd gratham was worried about transfer tate being in the game, you must be smoking the same stuff coach enos was smoking during the gaytor game, and whatever the **** coach diaz was smoking when he said this dumb ****:

"If he's on the field you’ll want to know where he’s aligned because that can make you change your game plan pretty quickly.” Manny Diaz said to the media following the Florida loss.

LOL, coach grantham said thank you, cause like i said prior to the game, transfer tate not out running nobody on the gaytors defense, and hopefully you didnt fall for the baloney that coach diaz spoke when he got disrespectful and tried his best to give transfer tate credit for the deejay dallas touchdown run, deejay had to break 5 tackles to get in the endzone, got not one block from tate, if kj osborn scored while tate was in the game i might've said, well let's see, maybe transfer tate had an affect, but this man, transfer tate hasnt done **** in the whole of college football,him nor mallory for teams to be concerned about them, but on the dallas run, they jet sweeped tate to the short side of the field, which was dumb to began with, but come on, here's the transfer tate challenge for you, see if you can find him anywhere in these, i couldnt,i failed:

I’m confused over the big deal made about him playing over Hightower. What has Hightower down other then drop passes?
ROFL, if you think todd gratham was worried about transfer tate being in the game, you must be smoking the same stuff coach enos was smoking during the gaytor game, and whatever the **** coach diaz was smoking when he said this dumb ****:

"If he's on the field you’ll want to know where he’s aligned because that can make you change your game plan pretty quickly.” Manny Diaz said to the media following the Florida loss.

LOL, coach grantham said thank you, cause like i said prior to the game, transfer tate not out running nobody on the gaytors defense, and hopefully you didnt fall for the baloney that coach diaz spoke when he got disrespectful and tried his best to give transfer tate credit for the deejay dallas touchdown run, deejay had to break 5 tackles to get in the endzone, got not one block from tate, if kj osborn scored while tate was in the game i might've said, well let's see, maybe transfer tate had an affect, but this man, transfer tate hasnt done **** in the whole of college football,him nor mallory for teams to be concerned about them, but on the dallas run, they jet sweeped tate to the short side of the field, which was dumb to began with, but come on, here's the transfer tate challenge for you, see if you can find him anywhere in these, i couldnt,i failed:

Dude, you got some serious Tate Hate....you should see a professional about that.
Believe it or not other teams have been using this exact issue to negatively recruit against Miami. The pitch goes something like this:

“They let short slow QB who lost his job and transferred from Ohio State, where he committed to, come to Miami and lose his job at QB again - get playing time over real receivers who committed to Miami and have been grinding.”

They been hitting recruits with some variation of this repeatedly. I tried to tell folks that Tate Martell is a DISTRACTION.
So just to clarify, the recruiting dead period just ended August 31, and the quiet period is currently in place...and the game was August 24th. But the other teams have been using Martell's limited playing time as a recruiting pitch against us?
People can just throw sh*t against the wall and see if it sticks, it’s certainly plausible as you know how the south Florida community goes. That’s just one of the optics that you possibly will have to deal with in terms of playing martell so much over the other receivers

At the game I only remember three or four snaps. On one, when he was used as a decoy that was very effective. A huge run resulted.

I think that’s where his value is - as a decoy. I don’t know how good a receiver he is or he isn’t.

But if you can get someone else to rip a 30 - 40 yard run, I’m all for his occasional use.
At the game I only remember three or four snaps. On one, when he was used as a decoy that was very effective. A huge run resulted.

I think that’s where his value is - as a decoy. I don’t know how good a receiver he is or he isn’t.

But if you can get someone else to rip a 30 - 40 yard run, I’m all for his occasional use.
Totally agree...........if we can decoy and use that ploy to help win 3, 4, or even 5 games along with the gimmie games, I would be fine with it..
Anything to bring home wins.......bottom line.
ACCC is our target, and if Martell is part of the aim to achieve that......... then what the ****?
Believe it or not other teams have been using this exact issue to negatively recruit against Miami. The pitch goes something like this:

“They let short slow QB who lost his job and transferred from Ohio State, where he committed to, come to Miami and lose his job at QB again - get playing time over real receivers who committed to Miami and have been grinding.”

They been hitting recruits with some variation of this repeatedly. I tried to tell folks that Tate Martell is a DISTRACTION.
this is dumb af and not true