Tate Martell

He was at sway Saturday night. Some of you are going to kill him over that. How could he have a bad day 3 practices and go out? The nerve of this guy. How will he ever be our savior if he does this type of thing

And to think he's 21 and legal too? Unforgivable!

This is precisely why I'm all in on Peyton Matochampion.
I think those who are expecting and hoping that Martell will easily win our QB competition may be in for surprise.

I love the greater intensity of all the competitors. I give Martell large credit for bringing that

But workout and preparation efforts can be and have been matched by ALL the competitors. That's good for Miami as a whole regarding our QBs. Hopefully it sticks.

As for talent throwing doing what it takes on the field to run Enos' new offense...that's up in the air. To date, many say Martell is struggling on the field behind JW and Perry. But that's only after a few practices.

Just saying, It's a long way before the 1st game and ALL of the competitors WANT to be the starter and its also apparent that ALL are willing to put forth the effort.

Manny wants to win. He's not giving this position to anyone ....and if he wants to win as bad as it as appears, he'll go with whoever's the best to lead us to victory NOT just who the fans want.
I think Tate wins out just b/c it appears he wants it more. All we keep hearing about is how much this kid is working out. In the limited amount of snaps he had at OSU, he was accurate.

Do I think he’ll throw 50+ on a rope? Nope (in my Al B Sure’s voice). But I think the kid will probably be a 225/yrds passing per game and 50-60 yrds rushing per game w a 4TD - 1int ratio. I think Enos will put him in a position like Hurts. If he can play like 2018 Hurts, I’ll be good. I just want a QB that the huddle respects and the locker room rallies behind.

We haven’t had that for a min. Last time it was K.D and he earned those guys respect. It appears, and again, it “appears” Tate is doing the same.

Yeah but don’t underestimate Tate’s arm. Watch his college highlights, 55 yards on a rope v Rutgers. Obviously height is an issue so Enos would have to be creative if he beats out jarren
Yeah but don’t underestimate Tate’s arm. Watch his college highlights, 55 yards on a rope v Rutgers. Obviously height is an issue so Enos would have to be creative if he beats out jarren

Yeah he did have some very nice passes in the mopup duty he did, but it’s still too early to project a starting QB at this point. For all of those that love Martell, he’s struggled. For those pushing Jarren, it’s been 3 practices, and only 1 in pads. Let’s see how this plays out and may the very best QB win. Enos knows what he’s looking for, and what it will take to be the starting QB and as well lead the team. I just don’t think he’s made that call yet, nor has Manny mandated a call. I want to see how they perform for the 1st time in a live scrimmage game April 20th. From there we’ll be able to begin telling who’s doing the best out of the three.
You are ignoring the issue of position. LBs and Dline are expected to be a little xpcrazy and wild. WRs can be divas. Oline organized and you hope a little nasty. QBs, first and foremost need to be leaders- dedicated, hard working, first in last out, follow me types. Immaturity has no place in that position. Even uber-talented ones usually fall apart eventually without leadership. Fans can like any smuck that comes down the road, but players need to trust the dude they follow into “combat”. Most of our NC QBs were kind of choir boy types yet were leaders our “thugs” willingly followed because they were all about winning.

No sir. Every position needs the same leadership, dedication, and maturity in order to truly succeed in my opinion. You don't have to be a "choir boy" to lead this team, I'll tell you that.. But to each his own I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️
I’m not going to make a determination on a QB until they get into a situation where guys are coming at them,guys are covering receivers,they have to make reads,takeoff to make a play etc.

Saying this guy or that is throwing the ball better in 7 on 7 ‘s or a guy can’t throw the ball 80 yds doesn’t make a **** bitof difference to me.I want to see these guys in a game type situation to see how they play then.How they handle pressure ,find their second or third option etc.

Playing catch with receivers is great.Give me the guy that performs when bullets start flying.
Wow. He didn’t take over and dominate as a freshman in Richts offense.

It’s probably better for him that his confidence wasn’t shattered in that **** show.
Who said anything about "dominating?" PLaying behind Rosier and Perry, with all their continued struggles, you might've thought JW would have gotten at least a chance.
Unless Enos is going to use Martell as a rushing threat, it will and should be won by a guy like Jarren and Tate should have never come here.

For Martell's inadequacies in his passing ability, he makes up for it by being a hard-nosed running threat. If you aren't using that ability to help slow down, soften up, and confuse the defense, you are doing him a disservice. His feet open up the pass and make his life easier. When you factor in his skill as a runner, you get a more complete weapon at the Qb position.

If you take that away or don't fully devote your offense to it, you're left forcing a QB to strictly throw when that isn't his game. I hope Enos has a plan in place to run an Urban style offense for Martell. Maybe even use him the way UCF used Milton with something like 12-14 rushes a game. Martell's dynamic ability is a QB is removed when you sever one of his biggest skills.

Martell is a gamer and has the attitude of recent great QB's stemming back to Tebow -- I have faith in Tate. It's Enos I am worried about.
Unless Enos is going to use Martell as a rushing threat, it will and should be won by a guy like Jarren and Tate should have never come here.

For Martell's inadequacies in his passing ability, he makes up for it by being a hard-nosed running threat. If you aren't using that ability to help slow down, soften up, and confuse the defense, you are doing him a disservice. His feet open up the pass and make his life easier. When you factor in his skill as a runner, you get a more complete weapon at the Qb position.

If you take that away or don't fully devote your offense to it, you're left forcing a QB to strictly throw when that isn't his game. I hope Enos has a plan in place to run an Urban style offense for Martell. Maybe even use him the way UCF used Milton with something like 12-14 rushes a game. Martell's dynamic ability is a QB is removed when you sever one of his biggest skills.

Martell is a gamer and has the attitude of recent great QB's stemming back to Tebow -- I have faith in Tate. It's Enos I am worried about.
So Enos should change his offensive scheme to fit the style of 1qb over the other 2. Now this is the next scenario to place blame if Tate doesn't win the job. It's a qb competition with a oc bringing creativity and versatility to a talent group of skill players. If your take is that Tate's feet sets up his throwing proficiency then this may or may not be good. But i think Enos system can fit the playing style of all the qbs. It's about who can use his attributes to consistently move the ball down the ffield and score touchdowns(some FGs). They all gotta step their game up. We ain't crowning divas, we want all savages. My 2 cent
So Enos should change his offensive scheme to fit the style of 1qb over the other 2.

He should adapt his system to whichever QB gives them the best chance to win. If that is Martell, then yes, he should be able to adapt and be fluid in his coaching to formulate an offense that highlights his strength as a dual-threat QB. Having a rigid system that you aren't able to change based on your personnel is a sure way to end up fired.

Additionally, if Enos isn't capable of something as simple tailoring an offense during the offseason to a QB's strengths, then him and Manny were fools for pursuing Tate in the Portal. You grab a guy like that and make him drop back and pass all game and you're wasting everyone's time.
Not sure why Jarren is perceived as not a threat to run. These are his stats for passing and running. He sure looks like he is a willing runner to me.
2017 - 348214301528411555410
2016 - 3141882618264893969
2015 - 279131165014101043423
Total - 94153372836818308129222
So Enos should change his offensive scheme to fit the style of 1qb over the other 2. Now this is the next scenario to place blame if Tate doesn't win the job. It's a qb competition with a oc bringing creativity and versatility to a talent group of skill players. If your take is that Tate's feet sets up his throwing proficiency then this may or may not be good. But i think Enos system can fit the playing style of all the qbs. It's about who can use his attributes to consistently move the ball down the ffield and score touchdowns(some FGs). They all gotta step their game up. We ain't crowning divas, we want all savages. My 2 cent
why wouldn't he use that weapon? tates running ability is going to be a huge factor in the offense. do not underestimate its impact on this competition. JW is going to have to be a lot better thrower than tate to win this job in my opinion.

i don't think you need to change the scheme. you add a few plays for the QB to get out in space. either way most of the damage is done when the play breaks down on non-designed runs.
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A recruit posted him around lunch time yesterday throwing in the IPF. Then martell posted a video of him in class. Then he posted this back in the IPF. Kid maybe might not win this competition but he’s sure as **** gonna set an example. This is what Manny meant when he said he wanted to change the culture in that room. Hope the other guys are doing the same.
There was an interview with Enos of him speaking about the progression of Tua and Hurts. He said after spring ball, he told the qbs what they needed to do to improve as far as footwork and throwing motion, and he gave them the workouts to do. He said both Tua and Hurts put in the individual work to improve. This qb battle will go well into the fall so it will be interesting to see who puts in the work over the summer to improve. So far it seems like Martell has the best work ethic by far so lets see how it plays out.
There was an interview with Enos of him speaking about the progression of Tua and Hurts. He said after spring ball, he told the qbs what they needed to do to improve as far as footwork and throwing motion, and he gave them the workouts to do. He said both Tua and Hurts put in the individual work to improve. This qb battle will go well into the fall so it will be interesting to see who puts in the work over the summer to improve. So far it seems like Martell has the best work ethic by far so lets see how it plays out.
How did you come up with Martell having the best work ethics so far? Im just curious to understand your thinking behind the claim. He may just be the hardest worker of them all, but you made a public claim and i was just trying to see what you see.
There was an interview with Enos of him speaking about the progression of Tua and Hurts. He said after spring ball, he told the qbs what they needed to do to improve as far as footwork and throwing motion, and he gave them the workouts to do. He said both Tua and Hurts put in the individual work to improve. This qb battle will go well into the fall so it will be interesting to see who puts in the work over the summer to improve. So far it seems like Martell has the best work ethic by far so lets see how it plays out.

Disagree with the comment about Martell having the best work ethic. No one has said that. Not at all.
How did you come up with Martell having the best work ethics so far? Im just curious to understand your thinking behind the claim. He may just be the hardest worker of them all, but you made a public claim and i was just trying to see what you see.
According to inside reports from last season, Perry and Williams were lacking in that department. This is why Rosier was able to keep them off the field. Now its only a few days into spring but who have we seen staying after practice thus far?