Tate Martell

Take a look at last season after the FSU game and you’ll find your answer. Add to the fact he’s about as mature as my left nut. I don’t want a guy starting qb for Miami who acts like a ******* clown on social media and probably in person.

So basically you're holding his freshmen year against him?? Jarren got suspended last year too... Should he be labeled as mature as your right nut? Sounds like your grudge is a little more than just immaturity issues that I'm sure all young kids show in one form or another. And it can't be his play in that ancient offense right?? I just don't get why it's entertainment to degrade these young men. Field performance is one thing, but all that other nonsense being discussed about him can literally be discussed about a bunch of young men so why
I see no reason to doubt Manny when he said everyone has a clean slate, it's an open competition at all positions, and there's no depth chart. With a new HC, an entirely new offensive staff, and a new DC, it makes perfect sense and is an excellent approach.

Manny knows what he's got on the D side and I have no doubt he's pretty sure what he's got on the O side. All the moves he's made - pink slips to the entire O staff, the transfers, the new DC, added support staff, just to name the most noticeable, were all very calculated moves to make improvements in all areas. And most importantly, he's done a **** of a job so far changing the culture.

Manny and the staff have set the tone and those that totally buy in at any position will start. The cream will rise to the top.
Im happy to see Tate taking the QB comp seriously. But I also think people need to realize that some of the other QBs may have class right after practice, making it impossible for them to stay after. Im sure each QB is putting in the extra effort now because they know this may be their last chance.

I hope you are right. We saw no evidence of that last year.
So basically you're holding his freshmen year against him?? Jarren got suspended last year too... Should he be labeled as mature as your right nut? Sounds like your grudge is a little more than just immaturity issues that I'm sure all young kids show in one form or another. And it can't be his play in that ancient offense right?? I just don't get why it's entertainment to degrade these young men. Field performance is one thing, but all that other nonsense being discussed about him can literally be discussed about a bunch of young men so why

You are ignoring the issue of position. LBs and Dline are expected to be a little xpcrazy and wild. WRs can be divas. Oline organized and you hope a little nasty. QBs, first and foremost need to be leaders- dedicated, hard working, first in last out, follow me types. Immaturity has no place in that position. Even uber-talented ones usually fall apart eventually without leadership. Fans can like any smuck that comes down the road, but players need to trust the dude they follow into “combat”. Most of our NC QBs were kind of choir boy types yet were leaders our “thugs” willingly followed because they were all about winning.
It’s amazing. Diaz actually said, verbatim, “there is no depth chart” when asked about the quarterbacks. I don’t know how much more clear it could’ve been made.

I promise you, there’s gonna be a group in here claiming that the starter has been secretly chosen in the minds of the coaches, they’re just not releasing it yet, and those porsters are going to be reassuring us who that starter is.

My guess, and it’s only a guess, is that I don’t think the coaches are going to have their mind set who the starter is until sometime in the summer months.

And hopefully, we have 2 other guys ready to go, in case the first named starter is not hitting it on all cylinders
Plain and simple you wait till August 10-17th to make QB announcement that way you keep all 3 potentially. Too late to get into camp with anyone and win the job.
Plain and simple you wait till August 10-17th to make QB announcement that way you keep all 3 potentially. Too late to get into camp with anyone and win the job.
You can't have all 3 splitting time until the week before Florida. That means the winner only gets a third of the preparation he should be getting with the 1s. They have to at least name a top 2 by the end of spring and risk #3 leaving or the #1 won't get enough work with the 1s.
I think Tate wins out just b/c it appears he wants it more. All we keep hearing about is how much this kid is working out. In the limited amount of snaps he had at OSU, he was accurate.

Do I think he’ll throw 50+ on a rope? Nope (in my Al B Sure’s voice). But I think the kid will probably be a 225/yrds passing per game and 50-60 yrds rushing per game w a 4TD - 1int ratio. I think Enos will put him in a position like Hurts. If he can play like 2018 Hurts, I’ll be good. I just want a QB that the huddle respects and the locker room rallies behind.

We haven’t had that for a min. Last time it was K.D and he earned those guys respect. It appears, and again, it “appears” Tate is doing the same.
I think Tate wins out just b/c it appears he wants it more. All we keep hearing about is how much this kid is working out. In the limited amount of snaps he had at OSU, he was accurate.

Do I think he’ll throw 50+ on a rope? Nope (in my Al B Sure’s voice). But I think the kid will probably be a 225/yrds passing per game and 50-60 yrds rushing per game w a 4TD - 1int ratio. I think Enos will put him in a position like Hurts. If he can play like 2018 Hurts, I’ll be good. I just want a QB that the huddle respects and the locker room rallies behind.

We haven’t had that for a min. Last time it was K.D and he earned those guys respect. It appears, and again, it “appears” Tate is doing the same.

Disagree with this completely . Williams spent every minute of his spring break out in Cali at a camp with Quincy Avery. Working out with Dwayne Haskins, Justin fields, Emory Jones (UF), Malik Willis (AU), Deshaun Watson was involved. And it wasn't just throwing; chalkboard stuff, defensive analysis etc.
Came back to Atlanta and worked with another group. Not to mention Enos made a point to recognize Jarren and point out how much he saw JW doing the extra work in the off season.

Jarren wants this job. Make no mistake about that.
The scrimmages will show more about which one handles game pressure.
He was at sway Saturday night. Some of you are going to kill him over that. How could he have a bad day 3 practices and go out? The nerve of this guy. How will he ever be our savior if he does this type of thing
The days of feeling like you should be making decisions for our coaches is over. Whether it’s Randy playing favorites, Golden being stubborn to his scheme and his assistants, Richt being delusional, there’s no trust from the fan base to let the pros make decisions anymore. Enos doesn’t strike me as the guy that’s going to pick a favorite and leave the best QBs on the bench. Just grab some popcorn and watch it unfold.
Disagree with this completely . Williams spent every minute of his spring break out in Cali at a camp with Quincy Avery. Working out with Dwayne Haskins, Justin fields, Emory Jones (UF), Malik Willis (AU), Deshaun Watson was involved. And it wasn't just throwing; chalkboard stuff, defensive analysis etc.
Came back to Atlanta and worked with another group. Not to mention Enos made a point to recognize Jarren and point out how much he saw JW doing the extra work in the off season.

Jarren wants this job. Make no mistake about that.

Great to know. This is what competition does. I love it.
Jarren could be special. I remember the comments his HS coach made, “he’s a game changer for Miami. He has the ability to completely change a program.”
I kept remembering that quote when JW couldn't even see the field last season with two struggling QBs ahead of him.
Good grief! Only on CIS
Let me put it another way. Do you believe Tate was recruited to transfer on the basis he would be one of three equal competitors for the job (after a season in which Perry was unimpressive and JW remained behind not one, but two badly struggling QBs) or, that the job would be Tate's to lose? Not to say Tate can't lose the starting job but ... I think it's the latter case.
He may not win the job but it certainly won't be for lack of effort. If Jarren wins it, that's a great development for the team.