State of Emergency-NOAA Link in OP

Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.

True. But judging by his tone, it seems if given a choice between a category 4 hurricane MISSING Florida and watching this dumb game, he'd choose the game. smdh.

Take the ***** out of your ***, you fairy cūnt. Nothing I post on here is going to change a fūcking thing that happens.

But yeah, fūck you and everybody else, I want the fūcking game played. Go cry and bleed on someone else's time.

So let me get this straight, tough guy. If the game is played, and we lose because kids whose families and loved ones were left homeless by the hurricane up north played like crap cause they were preoccupied with what was going on in REAL LIFE, are you going to come on this forum and start bashing and ripping on them and calling them "fairy *****" for thinking about their family and loved ones instead of this stupid meaningless game? smdh
This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.

True. But judging by his tone, it seems if given a choice between a category 4 hurricane MISSING Florida and watching this dumb game, he'd choose the game. smdh.

Take the ***** out of your ***, you fairy cūnt. Nothing I post on here is going to change a fūcking thing that happens.

But yeah, fūck you and everybody else, I want the fūcking game played. Go cry and bleed on someone else's time.

So let me get this straight, tough guy. If the game is played, and we lose because kids whose families and loved ones were left homeless by the hurricane up north played like crap cause they were preoccupied with what was going on in REAL LIFE, are you going to come on this forum and start bashing and ripping on them and calling them "fairy *****" for thinking about their family and loved ones instead of this stupid meaningless game? smdh

Jesus ******* Christ. A run-on paragraph with 8 distinct assumptions. The SJW smell is pungent. Relax, nothing anyone can do about it. This is a canes board. Take it elsewhere.
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All joking aside, anyone in edgewater, Daytona, Ormond, or Cape Canaveral. Gtfo the way of this thing. I'm leaving town now and skipping work next two days (sure they'll be kind enough to notify us tomorrow or Friday when it's too late)
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Why are you posting on a football board and not on the first flight to Haiti on Sanctimonious Air? The destruction you're so worried about has already taken place there. Shouldn't you be there volunteering instead of being more concerned about chastising us? Shame on you. So selfish.
All joking aside, anyone in edgewater, Daytona, Ormond, or Cape Canaveral. Gtfo the way of this thing. I'm leaving town now and skipping work next two days (sure they'll be kind enough to notify us tomorrow or Friday when it's too late)

Definitely, a Cat 4 is scary as ****.
Not only that, everytime i hear "dont worry the game's still on the storm's gonna be hundreds of miles away" all i can think about is that we have actual kids on our team with family and loved ones "hundreds of miles away" in C and N Florida. smdh.

But **** the people in the Caribbean islands that have already been devastated by it, right?

Is that how this game works??

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Buddy of mine sent this to me. TIFWIW

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.

True. But judging by his tone, it seems if given a choice between a category 4 hurricane MISSING Florida and watching this dumb game, he'd choose the game. smdh.

Take the ***** out of your ***, you fairy cūnt. Nothing I post on here is going to change a fūcking thing that happens.

But yeah, fūck you and everybody else, I want the fūcking game played. Go cry and bleed on someone else's time.

So let me get this straight, tough guy. If the game is played, and we lose because kids whose families and loved ones were left homeless by the hurricane up north played like crap cause they were preoccupied with what was going on in REAL LIFE, are you going to come on this forum and start bashing and ripping on them and calling them "fairy *****" for thinking about their family and loved ones instead of this stupid meaningless game? smdh

As has already been said, the fact that you're sanctimoniously chastising me on a football board, instead of volunteering your time and money in Haiti and other parts of the Caribbean where people are literally dying, suffering, hungry and shelterless, makes you the biggest fūcking hypocrite on this board.

STFU and go help the needy instead of making your anonymous self feel like a social justice avenger by typing letters on a keyboard.

Oh, and go fūck yourself on the way down to Haiti.
Buddy of mine sent this to me. TIFWIW

View attachment 39335

My friend's roommate's sister dates a friend of the water boy and he says the game is on. TIFWIW.

Actually, the waterboy is about to flip a coin on this. Be aware that this is a calibrated coin, capable of perfect 50/50 odds as to whether the weather is good or bad. He won the coin from a weatherman, on a coin flip.
Literally LOL worthy: an anonymous friend of a friend of a friend on a Seminole fan site. Sounds legit.

Anytime I see TFWIW I know horseshīt follows, unless it's from the few posters on here that have more than proven themselves in the past.
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Hurricanes should immediately counter with a proposal for a Monday Night Game, same weekend.

Much bigger audience than the suckass NFL game that's on.
Buddy of mine sent this to me. TIFWIW

View attachment 39335

My friend's roommate's sister dates a friend of the water boy and he says the game is on. TIFWIW.

Actually, the waterboy is about to flip a coin on this. Be aware that this is a calibrated coin, capable of perfect 50/50 odds as to whether the weather is good or bad. He won the coin from a weatherman, on a coin flip.

You're one of the 6 people on this board capable of using "whether" and "weather" correctly. Kudos!
Buddy of mine sent this to me. TIFWIW

View attachment 39335

Yeah I don't buy this. The game could get cancelled, but nothing has changed in the forecast since the schools announced today that as of now they are planning to play the game. Why would the schools announce already with a decision in their minds that they're cancelling this thing?
Fck anyone dumb enough in the US to get killed by a hurricane. They warn you about that **** 10 days before the storm hits.

Play football.
I was just sharing it. Just thought it was funny what was going around their site. Sauces. Delicious.