State of Emergency-NOAA Link in OP

Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.

True. But judging by his tone, it seems if given a choice between a category 4 hurricane MISSING Florida and watching this dumb game, he'd choose the game. smdh.
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.

True. But judging by his tone, it seems if given a choice between a category 4 hurricane MISSING Florida and watching this dumb game, he'd choose the game. smdh.

uh uh uh guys...

am I gonna be alive?
Not only that, everytime i hear "dont worry the game's still on the storm's gonna be hundreds of miles away" all i can think about is that we have actual kids on our team with family and loved ones "hundreds of miles away" in C and N Florida. smdh.
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.

True. But judging by his tone, it seems if given a choice between a category 4 hurricane MISSING Florida and watching this dumb game, he'd choose the game. smdh.

But he can't choose, so what does it matter?
The hurricane will come and go, hopefully with as little damage as possible. But hopefully, it doesn't cause this game to be cancelled.
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.

True. But judging by his tone, it seems if given a choice between a category 4 hurricane MISSING Florida and watching this dumb game, he'd choose the game. smdh.

Stop preaching fam it ain't Sunday
Who is this guy? You are on a football board. We want to see the game and hope the best for all in the state. But cancelling the game won't change the effect the hurricane will have.
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.

True. But judging by his tone, it seems if given a choice between a category 4 hurricane MISSING Florida and watching this dumb game, he'd choose the game. smdh.

Take the ***** out of your ***, you fairy cūnt. Nothing I post on here is going to change a fūcking thing that happens.

But yeah, fūck you and everybody else, I want the fūcking game played. Go cry and bleed on someone else's time.
Seems to me there's not a **** thing we can do about the hurricane, so there's no point in talking about what ifs. I hope it just goes away, but that won't make it so. In light of that fact, I hope for something more likely, like watching Miami beat FSU on Saturday night. :eek:)
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

You forgot the third type... Phony internet tough guys sitting behind their desks trying to sound all alpha in between pushing their pencils. You know.. the ones who don't understand sarcasm.
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

You forgot the third type... Phony internet tough guys sitting behind their desks trying to sound all alpha in between pushing their pencils. You know.. the ones who don't understand sarcasm.

... and the fourth type: self-important ambulance attendants who think people give a shīt about their minimum wage civil service job on a football board.
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

You forgot the third type... Phony internet tough guys sitting behind their desks trying to sound all alpha in between pushing their pencils. You know.. the ones who don't understand sarcasm.

... and the fourth type: self-important ambulance attendants who think people give a shīt about their minimum wage civil service job on a football board.

Yea. They're jerks too. No denying that.
I empathize with all who are impacted by this hurricane, each and every one.

In a perfect world, nobody (else) would be harmed. If this means the game is postponed, so be it.

With that said, I hope the game is on, and we beat the everliving **** out of the Noles.

While I am perfectly fine with a close win, like virtually every real Cane on this board, I want to embarrass them.
Adversity brings out the gheyness in some people. You have two types on this thread, the panicked teenage drama queens predicting doom and that we're all fūcked, or the smart *** prīcks rooting for major damage and the game to be canceled.

This storm could cost thousands of people their homes, could kill dozens and hurt hundreds more, and all you care about is some lousy football game? Shame on you.

Not playing the football game won't save their house or bring people back to life.

True. But judging by his tone, it seems if given a choice between a category 4 hurricane MISSING Florida and watching this dumb game, he'd choose the game. smdh.

I'd chop a finger off for a blowout. To you maybe it is a dumb game, to me it's not. To our players it most certainly is not. So blow it out your ***.
I empathize with all who are impacted by this hurricane, each and every one.

In a perfect world, nobody (else) would be harmed. If this means the game is postponed, so be it.

With that said, I hope the game is on, and we beat the everliving **** out of the Noles.

While I am perfectly fine with a close win, like virtually every real Cane on this board, I want to embarrass them.

This . All this other back and forth is immature .