Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

"...3. The OL should be leaps & bounds better..."
Manny won with a lesser roster. Is Mario really that much worse a coach than garbage *** Manny Diaz?
but with a much much better OC who knew how to calls running plays that required the running back to run into his own lineman put up points. big big difference and the real reason miami won 5 games
Again, historically, by yr 2 any coach worth a **** takes his team to another level w/ the same players.

1. The cancers r supposed to have removed from the team & replaced with better talent.

2. We’re allegedly bringing back a veteran QB who has 1st round talent

3. The OL should be leaps & bounds better

4. We allegedly brought in an offensive mind to be an OC,

5. We’re going to running a defensive scheme that was ranked highly

If Manny can go from 6-7 to 8-3 after a change in offensive philosophy, & supposedly TVD is leaps & bounds better than D King (pause), then why shouldn’t any of us expect at least 9 wins next yr at an $8m/yr clip?

Listen, I was defending Mario last season. I knew we would have struggles, not 5-7 struggles, but struggle nonetheless. That was yr 1, yr 2 should look & feel way different.
Prepare to be disappointed. Unless Mario has 3 or 4 studs waiting to be signed we about to look real 6-6 ish.
Manny won with a lesser roster. Is Mario really that much worse a coach than garbage *** Manny Diaz?

Disagree, and your comments are thoughtless. Manny didn't win with a "lesser roster." The worst roster we've had in years, 2022, was constructed by Manny, with the exception of who Mario could bring in the last few weeks of the cycle.

The wheels were coming off for Manny. We had the 77th best class or something when he was fired because people could see it. His last full class, before that, 2021, is already half gone. He was about to lose his OC who had propped him up, and his failed evaluations and trail losses were coming home to roost. Who do you think was going to want to come here to work for him at that point? We were circling the drain. UM was going to implode in 2022 regardless of who the HC was, IMO. The talent was that bad, and the injuries compounded it.
Disagree, and your comments are thoughtless. Manny didn't win with a "lesser roster." The worst roster we've had in years, 2022, was constructed by Manny, with the exception of who Mario could bring in the last few weeks of the cycle.

The wheels were coming off for Manny. We had the 77th best class or something when he was fired because people could see it. His last full class, before that, 2021, is already half gone. He was about to lose his OC who had propped him up, and his failed evaluations and trail losses were coming home to roost. Who do you think was going to want to come here to work for him at that point? We were circling the drain. UM was going to implode in 2022 regardless of who the HC was, IMO. The talent was that bad, and the injuries compounded it.
Was the 2022 roster worse than the 2021 roster? Did the transfers and signees Mario brought in not make the team better? The only players who contributed heavily in 2021 that weren't on the roster in 2022 were Rambo, Harley and Cam Harris. Three undrafted players. The question wasn't "would Manny have won more games in 2022?" The question is "why didn't a better and MUCH higher paid coaching staff do a better job with a better roster than the previous staff?"
I think that last year we were hyped and we oversold the team. This year, we’re bummed and we’re underselling them.
I think we rightfully expected a 15M/year coaching staff with a crazed booster seemingly underwriting their wish list to perform at a level higher than the staff and roster Duke football transitioned into for 2022.

Yeah, we needed to uproot bad habits and toxic attitudes. We also needed to be better prepared for the likes of MTSU, Duke, TAMU, and Pitt. And, not get blown to bits by FSU.

Cristobal needs a breakfast ball (mulligan)? Have at it. But, expectations will be anchored to some of the worst results we’ve ever seen in this program. I think our collective hope is we find a way to destroy that anchor, too.
but with a much much better OC who knew how to calls running plays that required the running back to run into his own lineman put up points. big big difference and the real reason miami won 5 games
You're correct. Lashlee was the only reason Manny won 15 games the prior two seasons. They likely would have been a garbage team if they had kept Dan Enos because Manny's defense sucked. Butttttt....hiring coaches and coordinators is a huge part of the head coach's job. Especially if the head coach is a guy who doesn't have prior coordinator experience like Mario.
You're correct. Lashlee was the only reason Manny won 15 games the prior two seasons. They likely would have been a garbage team if they had kept Dan Enos because Manny's defense sucked. Butttttt....hiring coaches and coordinators is a huge part of the head coach's job. Especially if the head coach is a guy who doesn't have prior coordinator experience like Mario.
You are correctly answering your own questions as to why 2021 was better than 2022; the staff. Mario missed on his first staff, but it happens in coaching, a lot, that the first staff has lots of misses. I expect the improvement in staff alone to account for 2 more wins than in 2022.