Should we have a football season?

BTW, most of the Fortune 500 is not going back to the office until September.

I think someone forgot to tell moat of the F500 people I know.

They come and go into their offices as they please. Not a single one has been prevented. In fact, they said they will be at their respective locations more and more starting this week and next.
The season should start as close to the original schedule as possible. I sea know reason why a limited number of fans can't be in the stands as well. Masks will probably bee required and tailgating eliminated.

Canedog nose that some universities may decide not two go fourword with football or any other sports. NASCAR, Major League Baseball, and the NBA, will show weather it can bee done safely, or knot.

In 1968 when the Hong Kong flu ravished the country, life went on. The Chi Com Wuhan virus may bee more deadly but at some point life Musk go on with centsable precautions.
All this stuff was primarily to protect the medical care system, especially in NYC and NJ. Since our Canes will probably suck anyway, I don't care personally but Americans do not take restrictions well so I think we need to move on. If we let people in high infection rates to travel domestically at great risk of infection to other parts of the country then why not sports which would be voluntary.

It would be better to consider eliminating all travel to and from China between say October and June each year, since we know now that they will never tells us the truth. This will at least give us more notice and cut back on common probably cut back on common flu also. To be effective, you would need to ban travel between US and any country that does not band China travel along with us, since our "friends" will not stand up to China. I do not believe in telling other countries what to do or how to live but that doesn't mean they have the right to endanger us. Travel restrictions are powerful tool to protect us. Trump's big mistake was not banning travel from Europe when he did China. He should have known they would ***** themselves.

I travel a lot, especially cruises but I think we should now accept getting stuck in foreign country as the risk of traveling. We canceled a religious trip to the Holy Land in February right after Trump cut off travel with China. It was hard to see which way this was going. The world dislikes us but it loves the way we spend money. It will make the adjustments necessary to keep us coming. So will airlines. Never book a flight that does not guarantee cash back, at least most of it. The airlines cannot live without American consumers, hardly nobody can.

Don't punish sports fans and players for things not caused by them. Hit the people who do cause it. PLAY BALL.
Sorry, really difficult to see how games are played this fall unless the stadiums are empty. It is one thing for states to reopen so businesses can reopen while still practicing social distancing as much as possible. This allows the economy to recover a bit, while minimizing the threat to public health.

It is another thing to pack 70,000 people into a tight stadium where you have about 12 people within 6 feet of you as you sit in the stands and who knows how many you pass in the corridors within 6 feet as you go to your seat. The public can understand increasing the risk of infection so the majority of people can make a living and not be in as confined a place as a stadium, but do you really think something as frivolous as a football game will be viewed as favorably?

It is one thing if only the people who choose to go to the games would be at risk for the disease, but it would increase the risk for the general public as well, kind of like secondhand smoke. If you know of anyone who has had symptoms of this disease, you would know it is not something to fool with.
In one breath, you talk about people understanding loosening restrictions because it will help the economy. Then, you call college football "frivolous." College football is a zillion dollar business that does a lot more for the economy than Catfish Dewey's.
In one breath, you talk about people understanding loosening restrictions because it will help the economy. Then, you call college football "frivolous." College football is a zillion dollar business that does a lot more for the economy than Catfish Dewey's.
Not to mention, how much money do the 1,000s of small restaurants, bars, stores, etc. in Auburn, AL or countless other college towns bring in just during those football weekends?
I think someone forgot to tell moat of the F500 people I know.

They come and go into their offices as they please. Not a single one has been prevented. In fact, they said they will be at their respective locations more and more starting this week and next.
It's easier to assume than actually know....
Dr. Fauci said sports shouldn't return until it was "guaranteed safe." As a result, sports should be banned permanently. Already .005% of non-nursing home citizens of Florida have been slaughtered by C19. How many more need to perish before we accept that not just sports, but everything must be shut down until there is a vaccine that 100% of the population takes, or forever (whichever comes first)?
If the entire country shut down until all the country took a vaccine, you would have no country.
He said "Liberal Governors." Last I checked, Larry Hogan of Maryland is considered by most commentators as pretty liberal...And he is a Republican.

Chill out...Maybe have some Ice Cream with Mommy Nancy at her mansion while she collects a taxpayer check
We all know what it means. In in any case it's political. Stop the bull****!!!
Not to mention, how much money do the 1,000s of small restaurants, bars, stores, etc. in Auburn, AL or countless other college towns bring in just during those football weekends?
I consider that part of the college football economy.
I consider that part of the college football economy.
100% it is, and agreed. These towns economies are quite literally built on and reliant upon those few weeks floating their entire year. Which also plays into the whole discussion of players getting spokesperson dollars in college towns vs Miami from the other threads.

I went to Tulane for undergrad. Our college bar essentially on campus was The Boot. The Boot made so much money during the one main week of Mardi Gras leading up to Fat Tuesday that the rest of the year was entirely profit. That week was their break even for all expenses. It is pretty much the same thing for those entire towns but football season.
Given that the NFL is planning to start their season on time with contingencies, should college football do the same given its different dynamic of student athletes and college campuses?

Should there be a college football season this year? If yes, then what type of season?

There are basically 4 options:

1. Cancel the season all together.
2. Start the season as normal with contingencies.
3. Play a season without fans in the stands.
4. Start the football season in the Spring 2021 semester (January) when we may have a Covid-19 vaccine.

Given the revenue importance of college football, I think we'll have college footbal at some point. It's just a matter of when and how.

What are your thoughts on the options for the 2020 college football season?

Here's an article on the possible options.