Should we have a football season?

In states that have a low death rate & high recovery rate, there absolutely should be football this season.

In NY, NJ, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennslyvania, Illinois & Connecticut I wouldn't be surprised if they cancelled Football for them.

But for Florida, Texas, Virginia, Colorado, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, Kansas, Utah, Kentucky, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Oregon, Idaho, West Virginia, the Dakotas, Montana & Wyoming, there's no reason why they should cancel football.

California & Washington will be tricky, because Washington early on was hit hard with infections, but due to their rigorous shutdown their infection/death numbers dropped way down & they've been doing great with slowing down the contagion spread state wide. Cali's numbers aren't nearly as bad as you would expect given how densely populated the state is, but the Governor most likely will not allow any sports this year & the head Director of Santa Clara's health Department who was the first Doctor to issue the Stay-in-home order in the country said that there will be no sports in her county until after Thanksgiving, that's where the Niners, Warriors, SF Giants & Stanford plays.

Only states that have been devasted & hit hard with C19 should even consider canceling the season, but I don't think any games should be played with fans on the stadiums.

College football should be moved more towards a heavy stream based distributed game anyhow, you can make money from AD revenue to somewhat makeup for raw ticket sales.

I think the season will be moved down to October, but not playing any Football in this calendar year is vast over reaction IMO. Makes no sense to reopen states across the country, reopen businesses, reopen schools & allow people on campuses but not allow athletes to play their respective sports. If everything will eventually reopen before there's a vaccine then there's no reason to cancel Football.
Good breakdown. I'm not sure the Santa Clara Health Department has the authority to shut down sports. That's probably more within the governor's purview.

The way I see it is there's so much time between now and the season that the only real threats to not playing are NY due to the crazy outbreak there and CA due to the governor's hyper vigilance.
Up 3-0 in the second period of game 1 and blowing that lead screwed them for the entire playoffs. They were t faced with adversity all year and when they were they folded like a tent. I think this might be the last year for them because they have some young talented guys they need to resign.

Yeah this is true, they definitely **** the bed lol. Fun fact, my girlfriend is Yzerman’s trainer at Lifetime in Michigan. It was really weird that he was the GM there when he was literally always in Michigan
If they stand by the rule that we only play if students are campus, it's likely that they don't play a full season and somewhat likely they don't play at all.
BTW, most of the Fortune 500 is not going back to the office until September.
Good breakdown. I'm not sure the Santa Clara Health Department has the authority to shut down sports. That's probably more within the governor's purview.

The way I see it is there's so much time between now and the season that the only real threats to not playing are NY due to the crazy outbreak there and CA due to the governor's hyper vigilance.

But Governor Newsome like you said is taking the hyper vigilant approach & he'll take her recommendation as Gospel.

I only mentioned it because her county was the first to issue the Stay-in shelter order in America & about 2 weeks ago the Gov & their state health officials had a meeting where they discussed how soon public gatherings & sports could reconvene & she made it a point to emphasize she's not allowing any sports in her county until much later in the year & it was noteworthy because a lot of professional teams play in Santa Clara. The article I read basically said if the Niners, Warriors, Giants or Stanford wants to play, they're gonna have to convince her because she's got the Gov's ear lol.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Oklahoma is partially reopening the state by tomorrow & has said that the positive tests in his state have gone down to just 5.5% & he was asked about the possibility of Football this year & basically said he believes Okla, OK St, Tulsa etc will definitely be able to play this year if guidelines continue to be met.

Basically, everything will be up to the Governors, they hold the power.

What I'm curios to see is what Louisiana & Georgia's Gov's will do, because they're both experiencing high spikes in infection rates & a lot of people in both states are not respecting any kind of social distancing or quarantine orders lol, so it'll be interesting to see how two regions that holds Football like a religion but will also probably have a shìt ton of infected citizens & overrun Hospitals.
Yeah this is true, they definitely **** the bed lol. Fun fact, my girlfriend is Yzerman’s trainer at Lifetime in Michigan. It was really weird that he was the GM there when he was literally always in Michigan
He’s actually the reason I became a Lightning fan. I grew up watching his Red Wing teams dominate and he was one of my favorite players then when he took over as GM in Tampa I became a big fan of the organization. Small world tho, that’s pretty cool.
CFB should start on time but we should cancel canes football for the health of all canes fans.
He’s actually the reason I became a Lightning fan. I grew up watching his Red Wing teams dominate and he was one of my favorite players then when he took over as GM in Tampa I became a big fan of the organization. Small world tho, that’s pretty cool.

Yeah, he’s a really nice guy, I hope he can turn the wings around, they’re a dumpster fire. Would be nice if we can see the season continue, but I doubt it at this point
Still a lot of moving parts. Some states partially opening, some not. Several therapeutics in development. At best, there will be a vaccine by the end of the year so that won’t be a factor. I think we’ll have a clearer picture by June 1.
I agree there are several options that will sort themselves out as the numbers get better or worse.
PBR, professional bull riding, went fourward in Vegas this weekend with no fans. Still great on tv. College football needs two cowboy up.
The reason I mentioned using safer sites is because not all states and counties will have the same regulations. Bring the MSU game to Orlando.
Sorry, really difficult to see how games are played this fall unless the stadiums are empty. It is one thing for states to reopen so businesses can reopen while still practicing social distancing as much as possible. This allows the economy to recover a bit, while minimizing the threat to public health.

It is another thing to pack 70,000 people into a tight stadium where you have about 12 people within 6 feet of you as you sit in the stands and who knows how many you pass in the corridors within 6 feet as you go to your seat. The public can understand increasing the risk of infection so the majority of people can make a living and not be in as confined a place as a stadium, but do you really think something as frivolous as a football game will be viewed as favorably?

It is one thing if only the people who choose to go to the games would be at risk for the disease, but it would increase the risk for the general public as well, kind of like secondhand smoke. If you know of anyone who has had symptoms of this disease, you would know it is not something to fool with.
Still a lot of moving parts. Some states partially opening, some not. Several therapeutics in development. At best, there will be a vaccine by the end of the year so that won’t be a factor. I think we’ll have a clearer picture by June 1.
I agree there are several options that will sort themselves out as the numbers get better or worse.

There is a 0% chance of having a vaccine approved for broad human use by the end of this year.
If kids are on campus, there is no excuse not to play football.

The only question is fans vs. no fans. I suspect they will delay the season until they can have fans in order to secure that essential revenue.

Delay until when? Covid will still be circulating in August, October and January.