Shalala Running For Congress

I heard she had a hygiene issue. Looks like it, too. Typical hippie girl.
Donna the Whale in not a baby boomer. She was born in early 40s. She is either a drepression worthless trash like McCain or whatever they called those born during the war. Boomers are post WWII births. We have enough of our own trash without being hung with other generations trash.

Boomers are broadly defined as being born from the early to mid 1940's to the early to mid 1960's. Lil Dahhhhna was born in '41 or '42 if I'm doing the math correctly on how freakin' old she is.

McCain was born in the mid 1930's.

I know many people define it the way you're doing as post WW2 but I think it's also defined as people that "came of age" during Vietnam- which I'm sure Shalala would classify as herself.
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You’re an annoying right wing troll.

As you say that I bet you ignore all of the misdeeds by your boy Trump (even treason, you patriot!)

He's not trolling, he's simply spitting the truth.
I know, it's so lefty of you to call someone out for being a troll or racist when their posts don't jive
with your red worldview.
So work on being tolerant.
He's not trolling, he's simply spitting the truth.
I know, it's so lefty of you to call someone out for being a troll or racist when their posts don't jive
with your red worldview.
So work on being tolerant.

The truth is Trump is being investigated for conspiracy against the United States with Russia and for wide-ranging money laundering. I see you and your brethren are selective about the truth!
The truth is Trump is being investigated for conspiracy against the United States with Russia and for wide-ranging money laundering. I see you and your brethren are selective about the truth!

Yes, and this "investigation" is based on FISA warrants based on bogus information concocted by Clinton operatives
at the FBI and DOJ and propagated by DNC operatives in the print and news media - this so-called 'Dossier".
If you want to discuss conspiracy against this country, we can also discuss how Obama weaponized various powerful federal agencies against his
fellow American, including IRS against Tea Party organizations, FBI and DOJ against media people they didn't like, including James Rosen and
even his parents, lying about Benghazi and in the process getting embassy people killed and some dude in California arrested because he
was scapegoated as the person who triggered the terrorist incident at the embassy.
Sounds to me you're even more selective than my so-called "brethren".
The truth is Trump is being investigated for conspiracy against the United States with Russia and for wide-ranging money laundering. I see you and your brethren are selective about the truth!
She was a clean looking milf with a bubble butt when I saw her. She was in her late forties when I saw her up close, so she was past her hippie days.

You are aware what the "F" in MILF is right? It's not, "Fund"
LOL if you think Hillary was a MILF in her forties, you have some of the lowest MILF standards I've ever heard of.

Marxist I'd Like to F*ck?

Obviously joking. She wasn't a Marxist but just another crony capitalist. But that's neither here nor there. To ever have considered her a milf is insane unless you were stuck on an island with just her, Janet Reno, Sonia Sotamayor and Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Exactly. Their true political ideology is rooted in selfishness and shortsightedness and the thirst for power- not in any true allegiance to supposed conservative or liberal ideals.

**** liberalism and conservatism. These things mean nothing. They are for simple, weak minded fools. America is divided and conquered because of these.
Exactly. Their true political ideology is rooted in selfishness and shortsightedness and the thirst for power- not in any true allegiance to supposed conservative or liberal ideals.
Can't condemn the generation...just the politicians...It's been this way for 50+ years ever since the system allowed them to vote in favor of themselves and become professional politicians. BRING IN TERM LIMITS!!!!!!!
Yes, and this "investigation" is based on FISA warrants based on bogus information concocted by Clinton operatives
at the FBI and DOJ and propagated by DNC operatives in the print and news media - this so-called 'Dossier".
If you want to discuss conspiracy against this country, we can also discuss how Obama weaponized various powerful federal agencies against his
fellow American, including IRS against Tea Party organizations, FBI and DOJ against media people they didn't like, including James Rosen and
even his parents, lying about Benghazi and in the process getting embassy people killed and some dude in California arrested because he
was scapegoated as the person who triggered the terrorist incident at the embassy.
Sounds to me you're even more selective than my so-called "brethren".
Thank you for saving me keystrokes. Problem is way too many people fall victim to the media propaganda machine, and wouldn't know facts from clever spin if it hit them square on their heads... it's easier to get totally programmed by the media.
Younger candidates sorely needed. Both parties totally effed up by greedy, self-centered boomers who have bled the country dry and put true democracy on life support. It's a chitstorm like no other I've seen before.
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You’re an annoying right wing troll.

As you say that I bet you ignore all of the misdeeds by your boy Trump (even treason, you patriot!)

The CF is under investigation. I'll even link you to CNN just so you can't claim right wing fake news.

Truth hurts bud.

And how has Trump committed treason again? Any evidence or just basing this on the fishing expedition better known as the Mueller investigation lol?
Warning: long, don’t read...theory on generations–Howe_generational_theory

While writing Generations, Strauss and Howe described a theorized pattern in the historical generations they examined, which they say revolved around generational events which they call turnings. In Generations, and in greater detail in The Fourth Turning, they describe a four-stage cycle of social or mood eras which they call "turnings". The turnings include: "The High", "The Awakening", "The Unraveling" and "The Crisis".[21]

In Generations, Strauss and Howe refer to these four archetypes as Idealist, Reactive, Civic, and Adaptive.[54] In The Fourth Turning (1997) they change this terminology to Prophet, Nomad, Hero, and Artist.[55] They say the generations in each archetype not only share a similar age-location in history, they also share some basic attitudes towards family, risk, culture and values, and civic engagement. In essence, generations shaped by similar early-life experiences develop similar collective personas and follow similar life-trajectories.[56] To date, Strauss and Howe have described 25 generations in Anglo-American history, each with a corresponding archetype. The authors describe the archetypes as follows:

Late Medieval Saeculum
Arthurian Generation (1433–1460) (H)
Humanist Generation (1461–1482) (A)
Reformation Saeculum (104 years)
Reformation Generation (1483–1511) (P)
Reprisal Generation (1512–1540) (N)
Elizabethan Generation (1541–1565) (H)
Parliamentary Generation (1566–1587) (A)
New World Saeculum (112 years)
Puritan Generation (1588–1617) (P)
Cavalier Generation (1618–1647) (N)
Glorious Generation (1648–1673) (H)
Enlightenment Generation (1674–1700) (A)
Revolutionary Saeculum (90 years)
Awakening Generation (1701–1723) (P)
Liberty Generation (1724–1741) (N)
Republican Generation (1742–1766) (H)
Compromise Generation (1767–1791) (A)
Civil War Saeculum (67 years)
Transcendental Generation (1792–1821) (P)
Gilded Generation (1822–1842) (N)
None (Note 0) (H)
Progressive Generation (1843–1859) (A)
Great Power Saeculum (82 years)
Missionary Generation (1860–1882) (P)
Lost Generation (1883–1900) (N)
G.I. Generation (1901–1924)[30] (H)
Silent Generation (1925–1942)[31] (A)
Millennial Saeculum (age 74 years in 2017)
Baby Boom Generation (1943–1960)[32] (P)
Generation X (1961–1981)[33] (N)
Millennial Generation (1982–2004)[34] (H)
Homeland Generation (2005–present)[35] (A)
Key: Prophet (P), Nomad (N), Hero (H), Artist (A)

Also recommend looking into the "Fourth Turning". by these guys as well.