Shalala Running For Congress

That's why I laugh when people call the WWII generation the "The Greatest Generation." They might have been good at some stuff but they were obviously sh#tty parents because they raised the baby boomer ideologue morons who have run our country for the last 30+ years. Many of Gen X and younger (who these old f#cks always complain about) have wisely abandoned political parties altogether and are unaffiliated. Of course, the leeches can't stand that so they have rigged our system to keep independents out of the primaries, then whine about how spoiled we are when we decide that we are no longer interested in choosing the lesser of the two evils.

I have to agree my generation the boomers sucked at bringing up kids, but the generation below us took it to entirely different level. Now their kids are the dumbest generation of all time, 30th dumbest kids in the world can't blame us for that F up, they did it. The liberal school system is an abomination.
Not Bill.

Vince Foster? He WAS doing Hillary (just unbelievable, but true).

Like I said many years ago, a LOT of posters who defended Fester, Radio then Folden to the end, did so because of their political ideology. Shalala was infallible, thus her coaching hires were beyond reproach. Remember "Bomb"? LOL!
Jesus you're a nutjob lmao. Stop watching Alex Jones. All been debunked or not remotely proven.

I'll only put in effort for one of them.

Until charges are actually pressed there's not really any proof besides Trump's tenuous word. Alex Jones and fam have nothing so they make up absolutely ridiculous **** that only brain dead people could believe. Hillary Clinton is covering up a child prostitution ring in pizzeria basements too, right?

The Uran
Jesus you're a nutjob lmao. Stop watching Alex Jones. All been debunked or not remotely proven.

I'll only put in effort for one of them.

Until charges are actually pressed there's not really any proof besides Trump's tenuous word. Alex Jones and fam have nothing so they make up absolutely ridiculous **** that only brain dead people could believe. Hillary Clinton is covering up a child prostitution ring in pizzeria basements too, right?

Clinton was certainly tied to Uranium one. She's even said she could not have done that all alone it took 9 other crazies to sign off of that. I'm still wondering why a Russia bank paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for one 90 minute speech? LOL Not even getting into if there were other pay offs, we shall see when it comes out. ''Clinton gave a 90-minute speech to Renaissance Capital, a Kremlin connected bank that was promoting the Uranium One Deal's stock. ''
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The Uran

Clinton was certainly tied to Uranium one. She's even said she could not have done that all alone it took 9 other crazies to sign off of that. I'm still wondering why a Russia bank paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for one 90 minute speech? LOL Not even getting into if there were other pay offs, we shall see when it comes out. ''Clinton gave a 90-minute speech to Renaissance Capital, a Kremlin connected bank that was promoting the Uranium One Deal's stock. ''
I never said it wasn't done..
Vince Foster? He WAS doing Hillary (just unbelievable, but true).

Like I said many years ago, a LOT of posters who defended Fester, Radio then Folden to the end, did so because of their political ideology. Shalala was infallible, thus her coaching hires were beyond reproach. Remember "Bomb"? LOL!

Did anybody really defend any of the coaches except Shannon until the end? Most of the Shannon supporters only supported him because he was black. Pretty much everybody was done with Golden after 2014 UVA and everybody was done with Coker after 2006 Louisville.
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