Shalala Running For Congress

Can't condemn the generation...just the politicians...It's been this way for 50+ years ever since the system allowed them to vote in favor of themselves and become professional politicians. BRING IN TERM LIMITS!!!!!!!
Who do you think votes for those politicians?
Younger candidates sorely needed. Both parties totally offed up by greedy, self-centered boomers who have bled the country dry and put true democracy on life support. It's a chitstorm like no other I've seen before.

So young people are not greedy or self-centered?
I think I heard this song before.
Who do you think votes for those politicians?

Well, if its only the boomers voting them in, then shame on the generations that followed, that allowed that. You know, as we're learning, Democracies/Representative Republics tend not to work too well if people become apathetic and self-absorbed (with things like $ worship, cell phones, pokemon, eating tide pods, and 45 years of video gaming) - that's why the form of government isn't for everybody around the globe.

Less than 8% of registered voters got Clinton and Trump (the two worse candidates in presidential history) their nominations in the primaries. As a previous poster pointed out; the primaries are rigged (Even in more ways at the DNC) to keep out those of us from Independent parties.

It is however refreshing to see the kids from Parkland (unfortunate what it took to motivate them) of this generation of mostly white, middle class kids, caring about something enough to take to the streets for the first time in half a century. But a change is coming in 2020 that I think all us generational Canes fans can agree on:


The CF is under investigation. I'll even link you to CNN just so you can't claim right wing fake news.

Truth hurts bud.

And how has Trump committed treason again? Any evidence or just basing this on the fishing expedition better known as the Mueller investigation lol?

So one is an investigation, and one is a fishing expedition? They're both legitimate investigations. Truth hurts bud. Especially with Manafort going to trial and Gates pleading guilty already. Where there's smoke there's fire.
So one is an investigation, and one is a fishing expedition? They're both legitimate investigations. Truth hurts bud. Especially with Manafort going to trial and Gates pleading guilty already. Where there's smoke there's fire.

And what is the truth that is hurting with Manafort and Gates?
What is the smoke?
Please elaborate and compare with the Clintons and Uranium1, fake Dossiers created by a political party/deep state in order to trigger fake FISA requests, server with Top Secret in someone's bathroom, government spying on Americans, President weaponizing Federal agencies, Special Counsel members and politicians selectively leaking information pertaining to people under investigation (a felony, btw) that enough smoke for you?
Good for her. That's my district. If she earns the nomination Shalala will almost certainly be elected, since the partisan index of FL-27 is +5 Democratic. That means the relationship between the district voting percentage in 2016 and how the nation voted.

The reason Ros-Lehtinen retired is she knew a Republican had very little chance in a district like that, given the situational influence of 2018. FL-27 is atop the list of districts most likely to flip. Massive favoritism. I've seen it pegged at 1/25 odds on one site that evaluates political math based on long term trends. Right now the ones considered toss up are districts with partisan index in the range of +7 Republican, like TX-7. So that means a gap of 12 points from FL-27.

An incumbent is very unlikely to overcome a 12 point gap in a negative national landscape.

BTW, I'm sure the geniuses at West End Zone are offering exactly that type of analysis. :rk5i6fxwjlgev5j6.jpg:
So one is an investigation, and one is a fishing expedition? They're both legitimate investigations. Truth hurts bud. Especially with Manafort going to trial and Gates pleading guilty already. Where there's smoke there's fire.

That's what I was saying. Both are legitimate investigations. Only one has resulted in people pleading guilty. And more to come. (Let's check back in on this thread at the end of this year.)
Good for her. That's my district. If she earns the nomination Shalala will almost certainly be elected, since the partisan index of FL-27 is +5 Democratic. That means the relationship between the district voting percentage in 2016 and how the nation voted.

The reason Ros-Lehtinen retired is she knew a Republican had very little chance in a district like that, given the situational influence of 2018. FL-27 is atop the list of districts most likely to flip. Massive favoritism. I've seen it pegged at 1/25 odds on one site that evaluates political math based on long term trends. Right now the ones considered toss up are districts with partisan index in the range of +7 Republican, like TX-7. So that means a gap of 12 points from FL-27.

An incumbent is very unlikely to overcome a 12 point gap in a negative national landscape.

BTW, I'm sure the geniuses at West End Zone are offering exactly that type of analysis. :rk5i6fxwjlgev5j6.jpg:

So a Democrat Lebanese-American carpet bagger from Ohio is a shoe-in against what looks like a Native Hispanic-American Republican in an open seat election in a district that is almost three-quarters Latino.

I respect you oddsmaking acumen Awsi, but don't bet all your money; Nate Silver was infallible...Before 2016
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Younger candidates sorely needed. Both parties totally offed up by greedy, self-centered boomers who have bled the country dry and put true democracy on life support. It's a chitstorm like no other I've seen before.
Wow, so us evil baby boomers have bled the country dry... amazing shiit. Yes boomers like Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and others are rich, but this is a free market country isn't it. However, the silent generation has more rich folks still... hey the longer you live the more you accumulate.
It looks like you are a prime candidate to vote for the following anti-get-rich measures so we can put an end to the milkers:
  1. an intensive system of redistribution of wealth
  2. new style socialist system where the more you make the tax brackets keep increasing and increasing
  3. an outright Communist type central government (Cuban like)
  4. institute a Soylent Green method to deal with Baby Boomers and older
And what is the truth that is hurting with Manafort and Gates?
What is the smoke?
Please elaborate and compare with the Clintons and Uranium1, fake Dossiers created by a political party/deep state in order to trigger fake FISA requests, server with Top Secret in someone's bathroom, government spying on Americans, President weaponizing Federal agencies, Special Counsel members and politicians selectively leaking information pertaining to people under investigation (a felony, btw) that enough smoke for you?
Jesus you're a nutjob lmao. Stop watching Alex Jones. All been debunked or not remotely proven.

I'll only put in effort for one of them.

Until charges are actually pressed there's not really any proof besides Trump's tenuous word. Alex Jones and fam have nothing so they make up absolutely ridiculous **** that only brain dead people could believe. Hillary Clinton is covering up a child prostitution ring in pizzeria basements too, right?
Vince Foster was the guy who killed himself. I think he was doing Hillary. Hubbell was, too? I know I wouldn't, even for all the money in her foundation.
Wasn’t Foster’s suicide the one that was first report to have occurred in his office at the White House? Location was laterred move to some park. Perhaps someone realized that only the Secret Service packs in the White House. Too bad Clinton’s never served in Nam, their body count might have made a difference.
That's what I was saying. Both are legitimate investigations. Only one has resulted in people pleading guilty. And more to come. (Let's check back in on this thread at the end of this year.)
But not for any crimes directly related to the core purpose of the investigation's mandate. As I recall, the guilty pleas are on peripheral matters discovered during the course of the investigation, such as perjury.

By the way, I"m a registered Democrat, but have been a little too close to the Clinton's or some if her people, and found out what they are like. I didn't vote for Trump. I just didn't vote.
Who do you think votes for those politicians?
They have to be on the ballot to run...unfortunately far too many VOTERS vote on name recognition solely so the $$$$ is who gets them voted in (or opposed) and that's usually special interest groups controlling the nomination and election media. Has been that way for 50+ years...hasn't been the same generation voting in these "representatives" it's been ALL generations.
Who do you think votes for those politicians?
No term limits mean they won’t come to office as upper middle class and leave billionaires like Pelosi , feeding off inside information to invest and billionaires there so much publicly against but back room piling it on.


But not for any crimes directly related to the core purpose of the investigation's mandate. As I recall, the guilty pleas are on peripheral matters discovered during the course of the investigation, such as perjury.

By the way, I"m a registered Democrat, but have been a little too close to the Clinton's or some if her people, and found out what they are like. I didn't vote for Trump. I just didn't vote.

The perjury have been guilty pleas because those dudes got more dirt on the guys above them.

This kind of case generally involves money. Most traitors are traitors because they get paid or some financial benefit.

Watch what happens this year.