Ruiz family podcast

I never said there was anything wrong with that?
That was not about you my friend, nothing wrong with what you reported. I was just referring to Lemonis tweet thread with people complaining about how he was donating his 3 million by getting re-tweets.
He needs to pitch the stadium with some sort of shopping and entertainment connected to it. If he can pitch a City Walk/Disney Springs with a stadium instead of a theme park at one end he may be able to argue the job creation aspect and have a better chance. This way the project is generating revenue and work for the community year round. Build some of the retail space into the stadium. Dual purpose parking garages that aren't sitting unused 359 days. Tropical Park would be perfect, right off the highway. Keep some of the green space, City Walk/Disney Springs section, and then a stadium at the end of it all that blends in with the aesthetics. Enter into an agreement to let the local schools use the stadium. Create Jobs.

It has to be about adding to the community. It can't just be a stadium.

Oh, and selfishly, it has to be called the Orange Bowl and it has to have a similar layout. And urinal troughs. And the guy at the food stand needs to give me a discount if I pay him in cash.
Cat dogs too.
I am surprised that folks still don’t get it or perhaps don’t want to get it. The BEST interest of the Miami program is to own and operate their own stadium. Forget about YOUR convenience for a minute. Forget about Hard Rock being loud enough. There are two simple FACTS.

A stadium is a large source of revenue. In order for Miami to operate to its max potential, which I imagine we should all want, Miami needs to be in position where the program gets ALL revenue. Advertising, parking, concessions, renting out to external parties like Ross does to Miami for a piece of THAT party’s revenue. As it stands, Ross gets more than 4 million annually off of Miami’s use of that stadium. Add that up over years. That is a substantial amount of money.

The second part is empowerment. Miami is NOT empowered in the current situation. Has nobody learned from the Orange Bowl situation? Miami, again, is at the MERCY of an external organization who have their own interests. Should those interests ever conflict with UM, UM can’t do a **** thing about it. WHY WHY WHY would ANY of you want that? Miami should endeavor to be in COMPLETE control of all of the facilities used for their program!
Were you wagging your finger while typing this? How the fvck do you pretend to know the economics of a proposed stadium being funded (maybe) by boosters? If HR makes $4M as was suggested by some random article that is a HORRENDOUS return on investment.

Miami could have all the students driven to games in limos with strippers for the next 50 years for less money and as for "empowered" .... if we said to Ross we want to invest $100M into HR and in return we want to control the ****** concessions/parking/whatever for the 6 days a year he'd crawl threw broken glass to sign that deal.
Were you wagging your finger while typing this? How the fvck do you pretend to know the economics of a proposed stadium being funded (maybe) by boosters? If HR makes $4M as was suggested by some random article that is a HORRENDOUS return on investment.

Miami could have all the students driven to games in limos with strippers for the next 50 years for less money and as for "empowered" .... if we said to Ross we want to invest $100M into HR and in return we want to control the ****** concessions/parking/whatever for the 6 days a year he'd crawl threw broken glass to sign that deal.

Just do the research buddy. There is a REASON why MOST major programs seek the unquestionable benefit to OWNING, to being in CONTROL of their own destiny. You said it yourself. Miami has to go to Ross to propose something. Miami cannot do whatever it wants. If you cant see the problem in that, especially after the Orange Bowl fiasco, then you don't want to know. Take a look at the following about USC. You think they didnt see or understand the importance of being in complete control?
Just do the research buddy. There is a REASON why MOST major programs seek the unquestionable benefit to OWNING, to being in CONTROL of their own destiny. You said it yourself. Miami has to go to Ross to propose something. Miami cannot do whatever it wants. If you cant see the problem in that, especially after the Orange Bowl fiasco, then you don't want to know. Take a look at the following about USC. You think they didnt see or understand the importance of being in complete control?
LOL at comparing the USC situation with their EMPTY LA Coliseum that only houses USC football and an occasional techno music festival where the county said we CAN'T invest the $100M we promised so you can have it as long as you promise to invest the $50-100M in improvements you demanded. By comparison HR just got $400M in improvements and it cost UM nothing.

Its not black and white like you make it out to be and people like you claiming to know the financials live in fantasyland.

Look at the pathetic list of "events" scheduled for 2022 that are non USC football.

I am surprised that folks still don’t get it or perhaps don’t want to get it. The BEST interest of the Miami program is to own and operate their own stadium. Forget about YOUR convenience for a minute. Forget about Hard Rock being loud enough. There are two simple FACTS.

A stadium is a large source of revenue. In order for Miami to operate to its max potential, which I imagine we should all want, Miami needs to be in position where the program gets ALL revenue. Advertising, parking, concessions, renting out to external parties like Ross does to Miami for a piece of THAT party’s revenue. As it stands, Ross gets more than 4 million annually off of Miami’s use of that stadium. Add that up over years. That is a substantial amount of money.

The second part is empowerment. Miami is NOT empowered in the current situation. Has nobody learned from the Orange Bowl situation? Miami, again, is at the MERCY of an external organization who have their own interests. Should those interests ever conflict with UM, UM can’t do a **** thing about it. WHY WHY WHY would ANY of you want that? Miami should endeavor to be in COMPLETE control of all of the facilities used for their program!

Bro, all of the push back is from PERSONAL agendas of convenience. Literally.

What u said is spot on, and everybody & their mama outside the program have said The Hurricanes need their own stadium. But we have fans saying…but, but, but, I don’t wanna drive though. Lol.
LOL at comparing the USC situation with their EMPTY LA Coliseum that only houses USC football and an occasional techno music festival where the county said we CAN'T invest the $100M we promised so you can have it as long as you promise to invest the $50-100M in improvements you demanded. By comparison HR just got $400M in improvements and it cost UM nothing.

Its not black and white like you make it out to be and people like you claiming to know the financials live in fantasyland.

Look at the pathetic list of "events" scheduled for 2022 that are non USC football.

Ok, you know what? Let’s put revenue and finances aside!

You honestly don’t see the importance of a major college football program having complete control over its football stadium? Do you really believe it is inconsequential and of little importance? Even with the history of the OB where Miami got put out on its ***?
Love Hard Rock .. Turnpike empties into the parking lot .. tremendous tailgating .. great fan amenities .. NOISEY!! You would lose more out of town fans than you would gain Miami students and city residents ... by having a hard to get to .. small stadium with lesser amenities. PLUS .. Mayor of Coral Gables called the idea "silly". Not even a concept has been presented to Coral Gables and he said flat out .. wouldn't happen IN Coral Gables. Principal of the high school said "crazy idea .. the school is a Historic Structure .. and we just invested $49 million into making it a state of the art facility in every regard". Not happening at CGHS. Ever.
Plenty of ****tshole warehouses that can be razed downtown.
Ok, you know what? Let’s put revenue and finances aside!

You honestly don’t see the importance of a major college football program having complete control over its football stadium? Do you really believe it is inconsequential and of little importance? Even with the history of the OB where Miami got put out on its ***?
Of course it would be preferred to have an on campus (or very close to campus stadium) but it would be an atrocious use of $500M and the bottom line is win games and HR could easily be packaged by a skillful recruiter as the most unique stadium in NCAAF just like the OB was back in the day.

The OB was run by the corrupt city of Miami. HR is owned run by a skillful billionaire businessman that realizes a partnership with UM is good for business.
Of course it would be preferred to have an on campus (or very close to campus stadium) but it would be an atrocious use of $500M and the bottom line is win games and HR could easily be packaged by a skillful recruiter as the most unique stadium in NCAAF just like the OB was back in the day.

The OB was run by the corrupt city of Miami. HR is owned run by a skillful billionaire businessman that realizes a partnership with UM is good for business.

To me, this sounds like you are only thinking about the immediate future. Ross, whom you referenced, is 81 years old. What may be a good partnership today, does not mean it will be a good partnership tomorrow. I don’t think it is smart to say “well hey things are great right now, if things change in the future, we cross that bridge when we come to it.” I think having a vision and plan for the future is important. It is more than a preference that UM have its own stadium. On campus or not, the more important thing is that UM have complete control of it and not be at the mercy of someone else.
LOL at comparing the USC situation with their EMPTY LA Coliseum that only houses USC football and an occasional techno music festival where the county said we CAN'T invest the $100M we promised so you can have it as long as you promise to invest the $50-100M in improvements you demanded. By comparison HR just got $400M in improvements and it cost UM nothing.

Its not black and white like you make it out to be and people like you claiming to know the financials live in fantasyland.

Look at the pathetic list of "events" scheduled for 2022 that are non USC football.

Lol; did u just say “pathetic list” when the very first two events is about to be a sold out? Also, b/c of the huge Polynesian community, Rugby is pretty popular. No, it won’t sell out, but it’ll get revenue. Lol. Also, u do realize that USC got paid handsomely off of naming rights to the Coliseum, correct? Also, The Rams were playing there before moving to So Fi as tenants. The Dodgers have hosted games there recently.

Don’t be so hard on The Coliseum my friend. There’s a reason y it was renovated.
Canes fans need to buy the Dolphins and then we can do what we want with HRS.

....or buy property around Hialeah Park and add ESTADIO ÑO QUE BARATO to the grounds !