Ruiz family podcast

Building the stadium should mean more money for the school and a stadium to call home close to the campus.
Don’t use common sense here where fans are only concerned about their convenience.
Maybe 2 miles? Around there

I'd say 4-5 miles depending on where at UM and where at TP you are starting from and going to. Certainly convenient.

I just think its a complete non-starter because of the amount of land you'd need for parking. As I said in a different thread the concept of condemning the majority of a public park that gets 1.5 visitors a year for a private stadium is not realistic.
100%. I’m sure the story with her interview will be up on CBS 4’s website if it isn’t already.

This old hag is going to fight til the death to ruin any semblance of hope for our own stadium.

So her defenders on here saying she cared about the program & had nothing to do w/ us & our vacancy from the OB is full of chit, is practically what u’re saying, correct?
What are you idiots talking about? Unlike Ruiz, who is a rich blowhard gassing you guys up, Dr. Shalala is merely speaking truth. Just an FYI, she spent years fighting the City of Coral Gables on building projects including the Student Center that has her name on it. She knows that the entire concept of building at CGHS is a joke, THE ALUMNI OF THAT SCHOOL ARE ALREADY MOBILIZING ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Never mind the fact that this is all mental *********ion, playing at Hard Rock isn't nearly as bad as our "We need a stadium" fart sniffers believe. No one is anxious to return to sitting on hot, plastic bleachers, drinking **** warm Presidente and hoping that the water dripping on them isn't **** from the troughs in the upper deck restrooms.
How about you get DoCtOr ShAlAlA's **** out your mouth.
This Ruiz family seems to mean business. I’m very intrigued about this wave. Let’s see how far it really goes but this is definitely interesting.
How about you get DoCtOr ShAlAlA's **** out your mouth.
How about you actually pay attention to the last 30+ years of CG politics and stop letting a guy who isn't even liquid at this point gas you up? I know that the meatheads on this board think that critical thought is illegal, but let's be honest here. CGHS is already out. They are already mobilizing. Good luck getting any politician to sign off on paving over valuable park land for a private use stadium, for a private institution. You realize that citizens have shown at the ballot box that they are tired of these giveaways, right? Never mind the fact that it doesn't make sense for Ruiz to spend BILLIONS of dollars on a stadium, when he could get significantly more bang for his buck by helping to revamp campus and potentially waiting for the opportunity to pounce. Who knows how much longer Sunset Place has left(That thing is hemorrhaging money, it has never been the boon the developers thought it would be).
If they can build a suitable stadium fine. But for me coming from palm beach, getting on and off of the turnpike is ABC. If all the students go to the game Its still on fans like us, many of which who didnt go to the school to show up. Its much easier to get to and from Hard Rock than a stadium in the heart of Miami. Like i said if they can do it, do it. But its of less consequence than people making. What matters is this money we pouring into the staff and the program. Hard Rock is gonna be lit. Also don't forget it is covered and i love being way up in the 300s when that rain come
Its covered? During the GT game the players looked drowned rats but I’m glad those in the section 300s were nice and dry.
How about you actually pay attention to the last 30+ years of CG politics and stop letting a guy who isn't even liquid at this point gas you up? I know that the meatheads on this board think that critical thought is illegal, but let's be honest here. CGHS is already out. They are already mobilizing. Good luck getting any politician to sign off on paving over valuable park land for a private use stadium, for a private institution. You realize that citizens have shown at the ballot box that they are tired of these giveaways, right? Never mind the fact that it doesn't make sense for Ruiz to spend BILLIONS of dollars on a stadium, when he could get significantly more bang for his buck by helping to revamp campus and potentially waiting for the opportunity to pounce. Who knows how much longer Sunset Place has left(That thing is hemorrhaging money, it has never been the boon the developers thought it would be).

A public/private partnership on a stadium at Tropical is very feasible. There is already a high school stadium there. You don’t need to pave over anything. A 50K state of the art venue where the county can also do events would make a lot of sense. You seem to be in problem for every solution mode, and that’s generally not productive. Relax, we’re daydreaming with Monopoly money.

Btw, he’s already got a few hundred million at least, so no reason to believe he won’t be able to afford it. His SPAC may not go off for 20B, but it’s going to get some billions.
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I am surprised that folks still don’t get it or perhaps don’t want to get it. The BEST interest of the Miami program is to own and operate their own stadium. Forget about YOUR convenience for a minute. Forget about Hard Rock being loud enough. There are two simple FACTS.

A stadium is a large source of revenue. In order for Miami to operate to its max potential, which I imagine we should all want, Miami needs to be in position where the program gets ALL revenue. Advertising, parking, concessions, renting out to external parties like Ross does to Miami for a piece of THAT party’s revenue. As it stands, Ross gets more than 4 million annually off of Miami’s use of that stadium. Add that up over years. That is a substantial amount of money.

The second part is empowerment. Miami is NOT empowered in the current situation. Has nobody learned from the Orange Bowl situation? Miami, again, is at the MERCY of an external organization who have their own interests. Should those interests ever conflict with UM, UM can’t do a **** thing about it. WHY WHY WHY would ANY of you want that? Miami should endeavor to be in COMPLETE control of all of the facilities used for their program!
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It’s been a while since I’ve been in the Gables but isn’t Tropical off of 72nd?

North end of Tropical is Bird Road (40th). South end of Tropical is Miller (57th).

I missed the majority of it but I was able to get about 20 minutes in. Honestly....he was mostly hyping his company lol and really nothing groundbreaking.

My biggest takeaway though is that John Ruiz (and his entire family) is 100% committed to this program and will absolutely do everything they can do to get us back to the promise land.
Selfish people! Can't they just build the stadium without self promotion and advertisement and all this fanfare?

How did I do?
(True CIS porster)