Richt will never lead us to #6

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People like you are completely blinded to the fact that the university has changed and will never go back to the way we USED to do. Just pick a different school to root for, it'll save you from whining every day of your life.

How has the university changed? Its barely a top 60 program nationally academically. Clemson, OSU, UGA— these are our academic peers. UF, USC, Texas— all schools with better academics than Miami who have won a title since we decided to become a pussified version of ourselves.

Stop the delusion.
How has the university changed? Its barely a top 60 program nationally academically. Clemson, OSU, UGA— these are our academic peers. UF, USC, Texas— all schools with better academics than Miami who have won a title since we decided to become a pussified version of ourselves.

Stop the delusion.

I'm not deluded, I realized when they hired Shannon, and then Golden, and then Richt what kind of head coach the BoT is looking for and what they want from this football program. Quote meaningless rankings if you want, but the evidence is right in front of you.
I'm not deluded, I realized when they hired Shannon, and then Golden, and then Richt what kind of head coach the BoT is looking for and what they want from this football program. Quote meaningless rankings if you want, but the evidence is right in front of you.

You are correct. The BOT does not care at all about football that is why they hired 4 TERRIBLE coaches in a row. I knew they really wanted to bury the program when they hired a bum who was ****canned by UGA and couldn't get a job at any decent P5.
Im pretty sure there are plenty of good athletes out there to find for Richt to field an offensive line that can compete with relative consistency that aren't bad kids.
And most of them end up landing jobs and being relatively succesful I would imagine. If you have the work ethic to become a D1 athlete you will be able to hold down a pretty good job.
Your correct, almost everyone I keep up with is very successful, what really helps is even after you' get out and go into business people want to give you their bus. whatever that may be. I am still getting new bus. because of football and I have not padded in 30 years, but I live in the same city I was born and raised which helps
Your correct, almost everyone I keep up with is very successful, what really helps is even after you' get out and go into business people want to give you their bus. whatever that may be. I am still getting new bus. because of football and I have not padded in 30 years, but I live in the same city I was born and raised which helps

I figured that was the case. Thanks.
Brother, no disrespect, but you need to stop writing and parroting insanity in this thread. This stuff you’re writing is mind boggling, for someone with a college degree. You graduated from Miami?!? Oh my.

I mean zero disrespect, but you’re tbrowing out some absolutely WILD notions

What's really mind-boggling, and a wild notion-is that there are actually people out there who believe everyone who is successful, earned their position in society strictly from their own merit. While those who are unsuccessful, deserve to be where they are, due to their lack of virtue, or them possessing some type of character flaw. You do realize..we're currently living in the greatest period of class-warfare & income inequality in this country's history right? :confused:
We've been an elite team like 4 years out of the last 25. People on here act like Richt has run a Ferrari into a ditch.

Simply from a cost/benefit standpoint..based on PMR currently earning over 2X the salary of his predecessors, it is easy to come to the conclusion, that he is underperforming his contract. Who seriously would think there's a stark difference between losing to Clemson 58-0 and 38-3 ?
Why am I not shocked that those who love Richt and are afraid of change, crave order, and follow blindly, are also neo-fascists?
I, for one, got schooled here on the art of the hustle, i had no idea, i guess you need to live in a big city for that to be around, i would think Houston would have some real hustlers as big as it is, and i'm 100 miles away. I have never lived in the "hood" so its hard for me to comprehend all that we ran over in this thread, but it was educational for me. I guess it could be going on all around me and i wouldnt even know it
Richt needs to win out ....if he doesn't its evident changes need to be made.....there is enough talent at Miami to at least dominate the excuses!
#6 in the division, perhaps.

If you don't win, you don't get the recruits.

If we can somehow right the ship and win the division, we should end up fine with this year's recruiting class.

If the wheels come off the bus, it could start to get messy.

Hopefully richt does us all a favor and retires within the next 2 years... Now that would be great

This ain't uga, 9-10 wins a yr isn't good enough

It is what it is
Hopefully richt does us all a favor and retires within the next 2 years... Now that would be great

This ain't uga, 9-10 wins a yr isn't good enough

It is what it is

Never ever in life...we won't even make a CFB playoff let alone play for a NC.

Richt is the 1st coming of Al Golden and we are STUCK with this dude.

Gotta get lucky...we need a Cam Newton/Deshaun Watson type to come here.
hate to tell you but if we signed a few more OL and even an above average QB this is a team that would compete for #6