Proposal to shorten games, slow down offenses

How about run all the ads at halftime. No TV timeouts. None.

Clip 5 seconds off the play clock.
I know they're never going to reduce the number of ads but they can arrange it so more ads get played at halftime or between quarters and fewer stoppages of actual game time for TV timeouts. You want to make halftime five minutes longer to run an extra ad or two? go for it. You want to make the break between quarters longer for extra ads? Sure. just quit stopping the game action every five minutes to run commercials.
Too easy to plan around commercial brakes in that case.
I’m not discounting the factors that you have cited, I’m just keeping the focus narrowly on college football. And while those other things are undoubtedly factors, I don’t want to discount that the domination by these teams, these especially boring teams, has had a significant impact - look at us, we’re college football fans, not just Miami Hurricanes fans, and we’re bored with these ******* teams. I found the NC game to be excruciating.

The title game was certainly a snooze fest, but the two games prior were arguably two of the best we've seen. It was certainly the best back to back duo in my opinion.

I would like to see a bigger variety of teams fighting it out yearly, but I'm okay with good football being played at the end of the season. The only way it would be better was if we were in it. The other teams don't matter, although I love seeing Notre Dame get in to be eviscerated admittedly. Beyond that, if it's UGA, Bama, Clemson, OSU, or whatever I'm seeing good football.

I guess I just don't care as much or label it boring. If we were in that position, would it still be boring for other schools fans? Maybe, but that's the price of being on top. Hope that all makes sense.
Yes, focus groups are fine, but you don’t need one to tell you that the sport has become so predictable in college football, the same 2 to 3 teams every year are at the top with no one even closely challenging them. TCU or a Cincy sneak in and they get slaughtered.

They expanded the playoff to 12 so that should help in theory.
How about run all the ads at halftime. No TV timeouts. None.

Clip 5 seconds off the play clock.

Viewership declines during halftime so those ads generate less money. It would mean a significant reduction in ad revenue which means the conferences would have to agree to a major financial haircut and we know that's not happening.
Well said. I also think a big part of why other people aren’t interested is can you think of two more ******* boring teams than UGA, and Alabama, that are basically dominating the sport now, and probably for quite a bit longer. This is why I pray that Mario and team hits on what they’re trying to do. I just want to shake this bull**** up so bad.

I don't understand why people think awesome running backs and defenses that **** near kill people on the field are boring? Also...Bryce Young is boring?
All these stud Bama WR are boing? James Cook is boring? The TE, Bowers, boring?

I hate all of this.

If they really want to shorten the game, have a running clock be instituted throughout, except for half time and commercials. Limit timeouts to one per half.

And just to make it unwatchable, increase the play clock to 60 seconds and mandate that a team cannot snap the ball until no less than 5 seconds remain.
Well said. I also think a big part of why other people aren’t interested is can you think of two more ******* boring teams than UGA, and Alabama, that are basically dominating the sport now, and probably for quite a bit longer. This is why I pray that Mario and team hits on what they’re trying to do. I just want to shake this bull**** up so bad.
100% correct. For everything I write from her on out on this subject I am only discussing casual fans. Diehard fans will be fans regardless.

For all their success there is simply no buzz to Bama, and UGA. Clemson had some buzz because of Watson and Lawrence. In additon to needing shorter games and some very good teams from the West, and East Coast, college football needs teams that bring eyeballs and attention to TV’s. Only 3 teams fit that bill for me; UM, USC and ND. I am not saying the sport should be rigged to help those 3 teams, but the reality is that they are the only teams (outside of maybe Michigan) that have a national following as opposed to a regional following.

I don’t know why people can’t understand that the sport is in trouble. The ratings for the national championship are abysmal.
Yes they did this running clock shorten game crap back in like 2007 it sucked so bad they went back after one season.

It isn't actual game time fans think is too long, it's reviews, targeting reviews, commercial breaks, that drag out the whole experience.

Why would anyone want less actual football?

Less plays? Less players playing? Less snaps? Not this guy
I don't understand why people think awesome running backs and defenses that **** near kill people on the field are boring? Also...Bryce Young is boring?
All these stud Bama WR are boing? James Cook is boring? The TE, Bowers, boring?

What’s boring is the same 2-4 teams over and over and over again. That may change over time with the advent of NIL, but it’s not going to be an easy road.
You guys understand that the purpose for all this is to increase commercial time right???. The length of the broadcast will not change at all....
Reducing commercials isn’t realistic. That’s $. No one is going to mess with that.

Realistically, although I like replays and getting plays right, the current model is unsustainable. Too many plays are reviewed. They probably need to institute a replay system; like, each coach has 2 challenges per half.