Practice #11?

Because if that were the case he wouldn't still be on the team & still receiving first team reps.

Enos doesn't agree with that take, it's not reasoned at all, it's a fans summation based on their own limited information which is biased & jaded based upon last year.

If the OC/QB coach who has proven to be competent & good at his job still thinks he's viable option to be the starter, then fans should at very least respect the opinion of the guy who coaches him every day.

You also don't know anything about the other two's on/off field & innate flaws either, making a snap judgment about ANY of them is simply based on who people like from a personal standpoint & not who actually might be the best for the time being.

And it's not out of the question that one of the 3 QB's that people are rooting for or against could end up playing anyway despite not being named the starter. So if you're against any of'em & the guy you're rooting for gets benched due to poor performance & is replaced by the guy you were against you'll be angry that the guy you were against is playing over the guy you were for & then we'd have the awful scenario of fans actually being upset that a QB won a game simply because it wasn't their guy.

Keep preaching.

We’ve got some fanboys here that have lost all perspective.

Just taking into account Enos and Manny, we’ve got two guys whose futures, careers, and reputations are on the line.

You think they care about whose the cutest QB? Do you think they have fangirl crushes?

They can make mistakes, but even if they initially make an unproductive choice, it will have been based on a million times more data points than anyone here, instead of who makes them moist when they open their hips to throw a pass.
#1 I dont want a QB whos scared when the lights come on. Yall would've ran off Dorsey and his noodle arm too.

Exactly... all reports talked about was how scared Tate was in the pocket in the scrimmage. Dorsey was never scared terrible comparison.
@Tetragrammaton Cane,

View attachment 92522

As soon as I saw the clip, I was like, "Oh, no....hear we go!" This is complete....

View attachment 92524

I was able to reframe from responding, but then you had to go and do this. I do not have, nor do I inspire to have the discipline to reframe twice from responding to Coming to America clips. I wanted to be mad at you for getting me started but I was like...

View attachment 92525

Well, there goes having a productive rest of my day, and to that I say....
View attachment 92526
Let’s just roll with Jarren Williams. He seems to be the person with the best arm, can eye the field better than most, and he can run IF HAS TO. I think he just needs a couple of drives to get him going, and then bam... he’s good!! Besides, Jarren is a Georgia QB, and over the past years, it seems like GA QBs are the way to go.
- Deshaun Watson
- Jake Fromm
- Trevor Lawrence
- Justin Fields
I agree, I’ve always had a feeling that the missing piece with Jarren is him getting the nod, trust, and keys to this offense. He needs some validation and winning this competition will be the confidence he needs to finally relax and exhale. When he does this, we’ll see a gamer and the closest to a complete package.

The problem with Kosi is that he is too comfortable all the time. Kinda flat, can’t be rattled even when a coach wants a player to be in response to coaching. Kosi is too unbothered by a bad pass or turnover even though bouncing back is a ideal quality.

Kosi is a consistent 80% effort and skill at everything, and you can’t get more than that. And Jarren has been idling at 70-75% the last two years here. If he wins the QB comp and Enos/Diaz validate him that night, we’ll see 95% QB in all ideal facets.
It's a 3 man race, but IMO i'd love for it to be a 2 man race between Tate and Jarren. Kosi just makes me too nervous with his turnovers, frail pocket presence, and up and down accuracy.

If Tate can improve the rest of camp on his pass throwing and accuracy, still show out when the lights are on (ie. in 11 on 11, full contact), and has the respect of the locker room, then you give him the keys first

If Jarren can do what he does against air when the lights are on, and has the respect of the locker room, you give it to him.

Either way, it sounds like this competition will continue through the season or at least the first half of it
I have no dog in this race. But, can I also highlight that not only is it the same thing being reported, but it's also from the same portion of practice. I have no doubt that Jarren has the overall best arm talent, but what if it just takes Tate and Perry a few more throwing reps to warmup at the beginning of practice (first 1-2 periods of drills) before they're feeling right and in a throwing rhythm? Media has no idea.
Neither does anyone else on this site. The only one that does and the only one that matters is Dan Enos!!!
Does it make sense to keep both Gaynor and Clark at center? Clark will need to wait around for 3 seasons unless he unseats Gaynor.

And don't anyone think about suggesting that Gaynor will turn pro early. One of them should get a look at guard.
Does it makes sense to have a backup at center for the 2019 season? Yes

Certainly. But maybe the ticket is shifting Gaynor over to guard and moving Scaife back to tackle. Maybe that isn't the ticket. I just wonder if Berry has tried that combo since he's still in the stage of throwing shizz at the wall to see what sticks.