post practice 4/17/18

If they have what it takes to beat out Rosier then they will beat out Rosier.

They either will or won’t.

And talent doesn’t mean anything unless you can implement it.

Your comment about going off script or improvising is kind of surprising. Most QB coaches or OC’s don’t want that. In fact none that I know want that, so in that respect, Rick is no different.

All quarterbacks have a script they follow. That’s kind of how it works. You know that already, nobody needs to tell you. Call the play. First read, second read, etc. It’s not the schoolyard.

Sounds like you’ve soured and made up your mind which is your prerogative. I happen to think people determine their own fate. If either of those guys is good enough and works hard enough to beat out Rosier, they will.

I wouldn’t be making it something that it isn’t.

It’s a competition and Rosier still happens to be ahead.
You're misinterpreting my comments & reading into them. I agree with Richt.

I haven't soured at all, I've come to the conclusion that Rosier runs the Offense the way he's supposed to & is the best we can do right now, I'm good with that. The competition imo is for QB2, Rosier's the guy.
I also think Williams fits that bill perfectly, and I don't think it's something that Perry can't correct. A lot of football left. ****, a lot of Spring ball left.
I do too. Williams has a great shot being the starter next year, Perry imo is fighting for his life come this Fall.
I was responding to your post

Well here’s my reply. You sound really emotional. But anyway, I’m not telling the fans anything. Rosier’s ahead because Rick says he’s ahead, not because I say he’s ahead.

It’s not complicated. Whoever wins the QB competition in five months will be the starter. With a couple of guys ready to take his place if he doesn’t perform.
You're misinterpreting my comments & reading into them. I agree with Richt.

I haven't soured at all, I've come to the conclusion that Rosier runs the Offense the way he's supposed to & is the best we can do right now, I'm good with that. The competition imo is for QB2, Rosier's the guy.

Then I have misinterpreted you.

But it does sound like your down on Perry, though.

I’m not ready to write him off yet. But you can put me in the very concerned camp.

If the light comes on for Perry I think he has a shot this year. If it doesn’t, don’t count out Williams, he’s got some skills and I’m told is more cerebral.
Then I have misinterpreted you.

But it does sound like your down on Perry, though.

I’m not ready to write him off yet. But you can put me in the very concerned camp.

If the light comes on for Perry I think he has a shot this year. If it doesn’t, don’t count out Williams, he’s got some skills and I’m told is more cerebral.
I think they're both better QB's than Rosier, but I don't think either of them play this year except late vs Savannah St & FIU. I think Richt wants the Offense run a specific way & neither of them have fully grasped that yet.

JW is only getting 3rd team reps, so he has a distance to climb, but the competition is between him & Perry for the backup. But, I wouldn't be shocked if he redshirted this year either.
Thanks for stepping up with that, but it's not about being right or wrong. There's a lot of practice left between now and September, and I took nothing away from that interview that suggests that Richt thinks, or even want's anybody else to think that Rosier's job is safe or his lead insurmountable. All I've ever tried to maintain is that throwing the football isn't all there is to playing QB, and it isn't the only thing that will be considered. That doesn't mean that the other guys can't develop and get better in the areas that Rosier is ahead. In fact, I'd say they have the easier road to taking the job than Rosier has protecting it due to the young guys athletic superiority. They just need to live in the film room to learn the ins and outs of why a QB reads what he reads and why he makes line adjustments, and work on being consistent with fundamentals. If Rosier has that part down as well as Richt seems to be telling us, what else can he really do to maintain his lead? Sure he can work on his mechanics and accuracy, but how much can he really get better? I guess we'll see.
just giving credit where it's due... But yea totally hit the nail on the head with there's a good amount of time between now and end of fall camp so the young guys just gotta eat it up in the film room. I think coming in with all healthy offense with all the weapons will be huge for any qb that runs our offense .. Only thing scares me is tight end right now but that will be answered by summer
Do you guys remember last year's spring? None of the QB's could move the ball. We had Sitkowski saying that our offense was **** lmao. I don't know who is going to be the QB this year but i just love that we seem to have 3 capable guys competing for a whole summer and fall. May the best QB win.
I think most of us realize on LSU game day Rosier will be the starter . I think most realize unless Rosier has gotten alot better he wont be the starter for long this season as Perry will get the job. IMO if we were opening up with East Louisana instead of LSU Perry would start but you don't want his first game against LSU IMO. I also think Williams is the QB next season .
Rosier will be the starter & there's not much either of them can do about it. They just have to prepare themselves to be ready in case Rosier plays terribly late in the season.

I think both of those guys have what it takes to beat out Rosier, but talent doesn't mean anything. Richt wants the QB who does exactly what he says & doesn't go off script or improvise. Rosier fits that bill perfectly.

Maybe we have the same season as last year or maybe we don't, but he's riding with Rosier. The others just have to challenge themselves to be mentally tapped in & wait for opportunities.

Yes - and they will have roughly 3 1/2- 4 months to prepare before the season starts.
The biggest thing is recognition of what is in front of them on the field, making a decision on what to do and then executing. All of that only comes with practice... They have to know the plays, understand the options and be able to communicate it to the rest of the offense with CONFIDENCE. Most importantly, the rest of the offense has to believe if Richt puts one of them out there it's because HE believes in them.

I do think they will get their chance. or at least one of them will. Richt definitely left that out there with his comment "if we need to throw someone else in there we will do it".
Do you guys remember last year's spring? None of the QB's could move the ball. We had Sitkowski saying that our offense was **** lmao. I don't know who is going to be the QB this year but i just love that we seem to have 3 capable guys competing for a whole summer and fall. May the best QB win.
I agree with this 100% . Rosier isn't a bad QB at all. He isn't top 20 in college but he is for sure top 40 . And he is just holding the place til Perry or Williams grow into the role.
I think they're both better QB's than Rosier, but I don't think either of them play this year except late vs Savannah St & FIU. I think Richt wants the Offense run a specific way & neither of them have fully grasped that yet.

JW is only getting 3rd team reps, so he has a distance to climb, but the competition is between him & Perry for the backup. But, I wouldn't be shocked if he redshirted this year either.

They’re only better QB’s if they can grasp offenses.

I guess we can disagree on the definition of “better”

Any offensive coach, no matter who it is, is going to want HIS offense implemented. That’s just how it works. Now, he can tweak it to fit better fit this guy or that guy, but every coach is going to have HIS offense.

And it’s up to the QB to learn that offense and implement the offense. It’s in the job description. So to be a “better” QB, you not only have to have the physical skills, you have to be able to implement the offense.

So, they’re not better if they can’t implement an offense.

JaMarcus Russell could have been a hall of Famer, he was “better” (arm & strength & size & potential) than anyone drafted when he came out, but he wasn’t a better QB. He had the skills, he couldn’t implement the skills.

Also, don’t sell Williams short just yet.
They’re only better QB’s if they can grasp offenses.

I guess we can disagree on the definition of “better”

Any offensive coach, no matter who it is, is going to want HIS offense implemented. That’s just how it works. Now, he can tweak it to fit better fit this guy or that guy, but every coach is going to have HIS offense.

And it’s up to the QB to learn that offense and implement the offense. It’s in the job description. So to be a “better” QB, you not only have to have the physical skills, you have to be able to implement the offense.

So, they’re not better if they can’t implement an offense.

JaMarcus Russell could have been a hall of Famer, he was “better” (arm & strength & size & potential) than anyone drafted when he came out, but he wasn’t a better QB. He had the skills, he couldn’t implement the skills.

Also, don’t sell Williams short just yet.
Yep. The difference between Vince Young and Cam Newmans is that one of them knows how to play QB.
Well here’s my reply. You sound really emotional. But anyway, I’m not telling the fans anything. Rosier’s ahead because Rick says he’s ahead, not because I say he’s ahead.

It’s not complicated. Whoever wins the QB competition in five months will be the starter. With a couple of guys ready to take his place if he doesn’t perform.
There is NO competition. CMR has all but shut down anymore discussions concerning QB1 in that interview. Regardless of how anyone else performs, #12 is his guy...honestly, **** yeah im feeling some kind of way. I want the U to be elite and we could have taken a big step this season. It's like taking 2 steps backwards when you're trying to compete with the big boys. Its the stubborness that i can't get over right now. These fans and recruits see this. A lot ppl don't post but they sure as **** talk about all this. Im headed to the bar; this like going to job intetview and they choose to promote the guy within, whose been sitting in the mailroom for 3yrs over hiring you fresh out of school with a Masters degree and internship on your resume...GO CANES
Well here’s my reply. You sound really emotional. But anyway, I’m not telling the fans anything. Rosier’s ahead because Rick says he’s ahead, not because I say he’s ahead.

It’s not complicated. Whoever wins the QB competition in five months will be the starter. With a couple of guys ready to take his place if he doesn’t perform.
Man, some of yall write off people so hard. Folks were writing off Mike Jack, Gerald Willis, Redwine this time last year. From what I saw in the 17 season, Richt will have no problem pulling that dude. Rosier plays a LOT better when he has a sense of urgency from beginning to end. Case in point, Pitt game after he got pulled, Dude threw a perfect strike for a TD. Or the VT and ND games. For a coach to play a RS Frosh or True Freshman, he needs to play lights out to unseat RS SR that just went 10-3, and I don't see that yet from Perry or Williams. Who knows, it may happen in the summer or Fall camp, but as of right now, it's not there yet! Folks talking about going to the LSU game with a RS Frosh that just went 11 for 25 against the starting D, without getting tackled, LOL...The Oline is way more of concern than Rosier.
I’m hoping and praying Richt is telling the others guys, “The only reason Rosier is ahead of you is because he knows what to do.” He says it time after time that Rosier knows what he’s doing. Please let one of the other guys know what they are doing soon so Richt will have an easier time benching Rosier. I can’t stomach another year of 3.6 3rd down conversions a game. We have more skill position talent than we’ve had in many years, and it’s going to waste with a QB that can’t keep them on the field.
problem is Perry hasnt stepped up like we thought he would. This is now what, 6 scrimmages over 2years that he's had the same horrible stats. I don't wanna give up on the kid, but I'm really disappointed he hasn't made a significant improvement and been able to outshine someone like Rosier already. We heard all these glowing accounts about him on the scout team especially late last season, but that just hasnt translated to consistently looking like the best QB.... head scratcher...

Not freaking out yet, but I would love Richt to shake things up and start Williams for several practices and let him get some serious 1st team reps and see what he does... hate the idea of going into next year unsure of perry and rosier and not knowing if maybe, just maybe this FR QB can some in and be a stud with the 1st team.
I think Richt is waiting for Williams to know a little more before giving him time with the 1s. That time is coming, but it can’t get here fast enough for my blood pressure.
There is NO competition. CMR has all but shut down anymore discussions concerning QB1 in that interview. Regardless of how anyone else performs, #12 is his guy...honestly, **** yeah im feeling some kind of way. I want the U to be elite and we could have taken a big step this season. It's like taking 2 steps backwards when you're trying to compete with the big boys. Its the stubborness that i can't get over right now. These fans and recruits see this. A lot ppl don't post but they sure as **** talk about all this. Im headed to the bar; this like going to job intetview and they choose to promote the guy within, whose been sitting in the mailroom for 3yrs over hiring you fresh out of school with a Masters degree and internship on your resume...GO CANES

So you want to win more than Rick does.

And you’re all super emotional about it.

All Rick wants is for Rosier to start because he has special feelings for him. A guy who’s leaving in six months and who Rick will probably never see again.

Rick doesn’t care at all about his own won-loss record or his legacy. He’d rather throw it all away just so a guy he’s only going to know for only a few more months, Rosier, can be the QB.

You know, Rick doesn’t care about winning at all. He has no emotional investment in winning like you do. He’s the guy that almost poked one of Fedora’s eyes out punking him out after the UNC game. Or almost cold ****ed a ref in the Wisconsin game.

Got it. Doesn’t care about putting in the guy that gives him the best chance to win. Only cares about putting in the guy he likes better.

So you want to win more than Rick does.

And you’re all super emotional about it.

All Rick wants is for Rosier to start because he has special feelings for him. A guy who’s leaving in six months and who Rick will probably never see again.

Rick doesn’t care at all about his own won-loss record or his legacy. He’d rather throw it all away just so a guy he’s only going to know for only a few more months, Rosier, can be the QB.

You know, Rick doesn’t care about winning at all. He has no emotional investment in winning like you do. He’s the guy that almost poked one of Fedora’s eyes out punking him out after the UNC game. Or almost cold ****ed a ref in the Wisconsin game.

Got it. Doesn’t care about putting in the guy that gives him the best chance to win. Only cares about putting in the guy he likes better.

Don’t you know Richt loves backup QBs to be starting QBs? I got it! It’s because Richt feels slighted by having to sit behind a talented QB in Jim Kelly, so he has made it his mission to prove backup QBs are better than starters. Yeah, that’s it.
The problem is that there are ulterior motives that lead Rosier to be the starter vs. LSU that transcend who is the best QB on the roster. Once you start a freshman over a redshirt senior, there's no turning back. You've planted your flag and QB roulette is the worst thing you can do, so you're now riding with the freshman. And if you start a true freshman over a redshirt freshman, you better be **** sure you're making the right read, because otherwise you can see the other QBs transfer.

I think that's what is most frustrating: we know deep down Rosier will start. But does it mean he gives us the best chance to win? I don't think he does, I think he starts due to extenuating circumstances.
The problem is that there are ulterior motives that lead Rosier to be the starter vs. LSU that transcend who is the best QB on the roster. Once you start a freshman over a redshirt senior, there's no turning back. You've planted your flag and QB roulette is the worst thing you can do, so you're now riding with the freshman. And if you start a true freshman over a redshirt freshman, you better be **** sure you're making the right read, because otherwise you can see the other QBs transfer.

I think that's what is most frustrating: we know deep down Rosier will start. But does it mean he gives us the best chance to win? I don't think he does, I think he starts due to extenuating circumstances.


So he starts the guy that doesn’t give us the best chance to win because of some weird convoluted circular logic?