P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

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I am simply removing the burden from the victim to explain their pain. We live in the same country. I am done explaining. There have been dramas on TV since the 60’s explaining the “other America”. They laugh quickly enough at the comedy of our situation, but in the real world claim ignorance. Nah, you watched Sanford & Son, Chapelle Show, Fresh Prince, Heat of the Night . . . ya’ll know, no explanations required. If in doubt, read “The Fire Next Time”.
Many years ago I worked with a woman I thought the world of. One day we were talking about various ticket experiences and she told a story about when she was a bartender going home at 3 AM and got pulled over. She was handcuffed and put face down on the ground with the cop's foot on her back holding her there. No ticket, no probable cause, nothing. In the history of the world, there was never a woman less likely of committing a crime. I get it.

This time there's no need for anything. The video speaks volumes. There's no room for interpretation. He's going to jail.

And I loved Sanford and Son.

Great idea, but I can tell you being a guy that has literally strapped mental patients to stretchers and have them break my straps I can tell you that somebody who’s angry enough is breaking through that. That definitely a tool that could be used but it’s not an end all.
OP should band. This thread clearly wasn't posted just to take a shot a coach's fraud persona and shtick.

But while I'm here I'll just say this too:

Everyone that took part in that press conference by the County and US Attorney yesterday that served absolutely no purpose except to fan the flames leading into last night should be ashamed of themselves for their absolute tone deaf ineptitude.

Also, if rioting and looting (as despicable as it is) somehow gives you a reason to diminish your initial outrage over the killing of Floyd then maybe you were always looking for a reason to diminish it.

Lastly and largely from an optics standpoint but also based on some of his answers at 2am last night, I personally don't have a whole lot of faith in the mayor of Minneapolis to be up to the job if this escalates any more over the weekend. Has a poor man's Beto O'Rourke vibe to him and that shtick will only go so far.
He's the highest paid state employee in Minnesota. That should come with like at minimum an iota of responsibility to be visible in a situation like this- especially when he tries to be visible at EVERY other opportunity.

Why would I personally or anyone else call it a "gimmick"? All this shows is that all his other "genuine" talk is the gimmick.


Fleck seems like a good enough guy, but his silence here shows he's smoke and mirrors and nothing but a football meathead with all that rah-rah coach speak hype.

Really want to see the Gophers backslide. A cute one-off story last year, but their fans believing they are somehow some power or threat now after one good season—no thanks.

Fleck seems like a good enough guy, but his silence here shows he's smoke and mirrors and nothing but a football meathead with all that rah-rah coach speak hype.

Really want to see the Gophers backslide. A cute one-off story last year, but their fans believing they are somehow some power or threat now after one good season—no thanks.
:puzzled: :impurethoughts:
A guy took a knee on the sidelines and was vilified for it and run out of the league (and don't hand me the crap that he isn't better than some of the dregs holding backup QB positions in the NFL). No one listened. We have a guy murdered here on video, and a guy who got murdered by vigilantes who weren't going to be charged in Georgia recently. The exact thing he was trying to bring attention to. You're supposed to get your day in court, unless I've read the Constitution wrong. And it doesn't say white guys only.
Kap wasn't "run out of the league"
He opted out of his contract and wanted starter money for 3rd string talent.......
Correct as usual, Tad. Maybe he can go out to tonight’s riot and give a “do it for little Tommy” speech like he did for the Cubs.
You should just STFU. This is NOT an issue to be joking about. You are part of the problem. People in society who only care what happens to them and not their fellow man. Institutional racism will not end unless those disaffected are also outraged.

The same kids that you root for on Saturday's deal with instutional racism on a daily basis. Cheering and praising on one hand, but ignoring the plight they or their family members may face. That makes you a hypocrite.

Have you ever been pulled over by the police and asked what you do for a living? How can you afford the car you're driving? Or that your license says you live in ABC city, what are you doing in this affluent neighborhood? I HAVE.

Stop being a part of the problem by ignoring or making light of the problem.
Was pleasantly surprised to see Lashlee's response. Guy could have honestly stayed quiet. If our new OC's game plan matches his personality, no fux will be given.

As for Fleck, I'm sure he'll post some watered down MLK quote after consulting with Tony Dungy about it. Eventually.
I don’t care for public figure’s opinion much. Especially issues like this. He’s a public employee, but he doesn’t know **** about ****. I’d rather ask the guy laying asphalt what his opinion is since he’s not a millionaire living a different life than the rest of us.

Hollywood has become especially insufferable. They can take a good cause and morph it into some agenda driven ******* child of what it should be.
Exactly. Nobody gives a crap what a football coach has to say other than the readers of the Gopher in The Sky message boards.
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