Out of the box candidates

What about Gary Pinkel at Mizzou? Has a solid defense and not afraid to change his offense to meet what he has on the roster. If he beats Arkansas he will be in back to back SEC championship games and SEC east champs. Does more with less.
What about Gary Pinkel at Mizzou? Has a solid defense and not afraid to change his offense to meet what he has on the roster. If he beats Arkansas he will be in back to back SEC championship games and SEC east champs. Does more with less.

that dude can flat-out coach. no question about it. not sure about his recruiting ability, and he is 62, but he is a top-flight coach.
I wouldn't expect it and don't think it's necessary. I was just using an example of the type of thinking I believe would be wildly successful here. You can always have a local guy or two, like Ice Harris and Hurlie, etc., on board. But, what kids truly want to hear, and this is directly from what I've heard them say, is that you can put them in a position to ball out and get money. It's not a super complicated formula. Some luck is involved in terms of culture fit. If we continue to hire non-aggresive, non-forward thinking (in terms of football) guys, we'll continue to get the same results.

Do you think it would help to have an uptempo spread offense. I have always been a proponent of the prostyle offense, but man Florida is loaded with skill position players and we could have one scary offense.

No, in fact I would have such a hard time even rooting for UM while we were running a spread offense.. that's how much I hate that crap.

kids want to get ready for the NFL, that's all there is to it.

**** I remember being a kid and playing NCAA football 2002 on xbox and I started running a spread one year and it was like my picks on recruiting dropped off the planet. I had Miami literally on a 46-0 win streak and watched the interest in my program drop in half within one year of putting in a spread offense.

and that's just a video game, and now wiser I can clearly understood why

I wouldn't want the spread either. We would score too many points too quickly.

how'd that work out with urban meyer after tebow left? "i wanna spend time with my family" a year later bails and heads to ohio state

there's all sorts of examples of this year in and year and the best one to point at is alabama, top recruits, top program, no spread offense... why?

why is it the same thing at florida state?

personally I would never want to play in a spread offense as a recruit, ESPECIALLY as a QB

Tebow is probably the greatest all time college player ever considering accolades, record, margin of victory. He won the heisman, was in the running again, has 2 national championship rings... and absolutely god almighty does that man suck. He's a perfect example of how that system does not prepare you for the pros

One thing I have absolutely hated about the jacksonville jaguars is the fact that for a long time they kept drafting sh*tty @ss UF players that have never panned out that played in that system.

Bro it's time to stop railing on the spread, its the most popular offense at every level for a reason and even if they don't run a full on spread they run spread concepts. The reason is that it maximizes the offense’s inherent advantages. Utilizing the whole field vertically and horizontally is smart football and in one on one situations the advantage is ALWAYS with the offensive player. The spread isn't going anywhere, you can and will win with it (pointing out 1 or 2 teams doesn't prove your claim), and this idea that the spread won't prepare you for the pros is a myth. So many pro teams utilize spread concepts that the number 1 QB on most big boards this year is a guy from the most famous spread offense (Mariota).

Stop living in the 50s my man, football is changing and the spread is here to stay.
Mike Leach, no thanks.

Again, how do we know how much is Montgomery and how much is Briles? We would be hiring a first time HC (Montgomery) and we're unsure if he is control of the offense.
Respectfully regarding Leach--why no thanks? I know people are leery of his past (over the whole TTech/Craig James' son situation), and how his teams normally lack a D worth two *****...but if we disregard that one instance in his history, and we gave him a solid DC, I don't see a whole lot against giving him a shot. His personality/attitude fits what Miami should be. How fun would we be to watch both on and off the field with him as our coach? If you talk to Texas Tech fans, there are tons of people that still love him--and are happy that Klingsbury is there as a younger version of him.

Fair question on Montgomery, but that's why you interview him and vet him out. It honestly looks like Briles give him the reins and lets him run the offense to me, just from watching Baylor play. I don't see Briles calling every play from the sidelines ala Jimbo Fisher when he had Coley. Briles has built a very successful program at Baylor, a private school in a football state with two other in-state football powers (sound familiar?)...so, I think he's a guy that should at least be explored as an option to see how much he has learned from Briles. I think he's an intriguing option as long as those concerns you lined out are addressed.
Brad Kaaya would tear **** up in the spread. Kid is a quick decision maker and would have the ball out ontime to his WR's. Think about the WR class we have coming in 2016, Mullins, Bruce, and Snelson would be dangerous in the spread. More NFL teams are using this offense as well.

I don't understand the idea that teams with a spread offense automatically have a bad defense, and if you score 45 pts a game you aren't going to lose a whole lot.
Here's a name/thought.

Marc Trestman. He was rumored as a candidate years ago while he was still in Canada and if the Bears end up finishing the year on a down note he could get canned.

Before the smart asses chime in and rip it...success or lackthereof at the pro level is in no way indicative of the type of COLLEGE coach a guy would be cause last time I checked guys like Petrino and the almighty Nick Saban struggled in the league. He's a guy I'd have zero issue taking a chance on.

Trestman would be a poor college football HC. When he was OC at North Carolina State, it was well known that Trestman despised recruiting.
I'm glad some of the imbeciles in here will have no input on the decision. Holy ****, it's one dumb name after another.
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What about Gary Pinkel at Mizzou? Has a solid defense and not afraid to change his offense to meet what he has on the roster. If he beats Arkansas he will be in back to back SEC championship games and SEC east champs. Does more with less.

that dude can flat-out coach. no question about it. not sure about his recruiting ability, and he is 62, but he is a top-flight coach.

If he was gonna leave MU it would have been for Washington any of the times that job came open. Hes at MU till he retires and will get some buildings named after him.
i don't care about spread or pro O.

I just want to see a mean, passionate football team who wins a lot of games, talks **** and backs it up, and often hits hard.

I want my team to dominate on the field, and if needed, be able to whoop the other team's *** in a brawl as well.

is that so hard?
First call goes to Schiano if we lose to Pitt. I know some may not like that, but I think he could win here.
First call goes to Schiano if we lose to Pitt. I know some may not like that, but I think he could win here.

What is the sales pitch on Schiano? I've only really seen people complain about him.
What about Dirk Koetter OC for the Falcons. We wanted him in the past and he may be available this off-season.
What about Gary Pinkel at Mizzou? Has a solid defense and not afraid to change his offense to meet what he has on the roster. If he beats Arkansas he will be in back to back SEC championship games and SEC east champs. Does more with less.

Very good coach, IMO.
**** BUTKUS !!!

Man is a Hall of Fame football player and made a transition to coaching HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL is relative ease. Pretty sure he led the Deering High Tornado's to a couple of State Titles.


You did out of the box, right?