OT - Game of Thrones S8

What a load of bullsh!te. It's not about the medium, it's the fact that it's an ongoing story line. You are whining like a little ***** about "not getting closure" and "waiting around for the ending" when it is not the job of the TV writers to prematurely conclude an ongoing comic book.

If you don't like it, stop watching. Simple as that.

As for your ignorance about Spider-Man...oh my lord..."there's only so many villains for him to defeat"? Are you insane? The movies have been rebooted because of rights issues and/or actor/director availability, not because of "villain scarcity". ****, they could make an entire trilogy of just different characters who have worn the Green Goblin costume (Norman, Harry, Harry's psychiatrist, etc.), let alone the enormous villains list the Spider-Man has.

Nobody is arguing the GENERAL issue of TV shows lasting nearly a decade. Actors get sick of it too, thus the rise of 10-episode seasons over 22-episode seasons.

But you are whining about cutting 20 minutes out of a 73 episode series because it's "slower" for certain bits.

Come on, enjoy the last 6 episodes and quit complaining. Or just turn it off. If you don't have an extra 20 minutes of attention-span, this wasn't the series for you.
Here's the thing. The public at large doesn't care for minute changes to spiderman villains. There's a reason why millions of people see the movies and nobody buys the comic books. You may be a Spiderman mega fan but most people aren't. When you're spending tens of millions of dollars to make a movie or TV show, you're trying to attract the mass market, not the tiny percentage of people who actually appreciate the comic. So yes, you're limited in what you can do before you start getting repetitive.

Also, I said I enjoyed the first two episodes of this season of GOT. The series I said was getting repetitive was Walking Dead. I'm not the only person who feels that way either as the ratings attest.
Who is having pacing problems? YOU?

There are 5 books written (out of a planned 7). The book series was considered "unfilmable" previously. George RR Martin fell behind in delivering books 6 & 7. In the entire time the TV show has been on since 2011, Martin has not completed any additional books.

But, hey, since you're an expert on "pacing problems", why don't you just go out and write the books and screenplays.

Enjoy the show or turn it off.
First off, I pay my wifi bill and can watch whatever I want whether I enjoy it or not.

Second, who said I wasn't enjoying the show? In this same thread I've said:

1. GoT is the 4th best show ever.

2. The first episode was quite brilliant.

Get out your feelings, cuzzo.

You can literally take the first part of your response and apply it to anything that has to do with entertainment.

Who is enjoying the show? YOU.

Who thinks the show sucks? YOU

Well, duh. It's my opinion.

Also, wo giving too much away about myself, I do write for a living. And get paid. Never make personal assumptions. You don't know what I do or dont.

Not that it matters. You dont have to be a great cook to critique a meal and you dont have to be a great screenwriter to have pacing issues.
I’ve enjoyed this whole series and there’s been very few episodes I haven’t.

Having said that they could play that fantastic music and have Dany and Missandei prance around nude for awhile and it would hold my interest.

Can’t wait for the last episodes and did I read that right that the last 4 episodes are to be close to 3 hours each or was that a mistake..
I’ve enjoyed this whole series and there’s been very few episodes I haven’t.

Having said that they could play that fantastic music and have Dany and Missandei prance around nude for awhile and it would hold my interest.

Can’t wait for the last episodes and did I read that right that the last 4 episodes are to be close to 3 hours each or was that a mistake..
Each will be about 80 minutes.
Considering the last 4 episodes are about 3 hours each I don't think they would rush to tie up loose ends, Just my Opinion.
Where you getting 3 hours each from ?
Threads like this one and the Jam Pony thread from a few weeks back, are the only things that get me through the offseason! Can’t wait until we smash them Gators in August!!!
What are we doing here? Can I add on?

But it’s funny when people whine about it but you know they’re sitting their asses on that couch at 9pm every Sunday.

You want to complain about it for real? Don’t watch.

Although I do understand the last star wars movie which I did not pay for, I barely understand spanish and watched it in spanish thats how bad my brother said it was and he is a big *** nerd in SW.

And how can anyone complain the books aint even out and these guys that are directing the show are off to do a new Star Wars trilogy they cant stay there forever, so everything seems rushed its cause the story is being tied together. I have no problem with the way its going.

Although I do understand the last star wars movie which I did not pay for, I barely understand spanish and watched it in spanish thats how bad my brother said it was and he is a big *** nerd in SW.

And how can anyone complain the books aint even out and these guys that are directing the show are off to do a new Star Wars trilogy they cant stay there forever, so everything seems rushed its cause the story is being tied together. I have no problem with the way its going.
The people that don’t like the new Star Wars movies can’t accept change.

The Force Awakens was crap because it was too much like the old ones.

The Last Jedi was crap because it was way too different.

But instead of crying like babies people use words like “pacing” or “disjointed” when in reality they can barely tie their shoes and chew gum at the same time.