OT - Breaking Bad

During quarantine I have started binging. Almost through season 2. Now it’s a good show, but it’s not near Sopranos, Snowfall or The Wire. Does it get better?? I’m sorry, I just don’t see GOAT...at least not yet.
You haven't seen anything yet.... Greatest show of all time to me..... And better call saul is creeping up
Better Call Saul is absolutely phenomenal.
BB is definitely in my top 5 of all time, fa sho. But the Wire, man The Wire is on a different platform for me. The Wire & GOT as far as TV series are battling for #1, but Better Call Saul is trying to push into top 5
I really enjoyed The Wire, but it fell off a cliff in season 2. I never got past that. Maybe one day I'll watch it all.

GoT was incredible until season 4, then it was a slow slide into ****e.
During quarantine I have started binging. Almost through season 2. Now it’s a good show, but it’s not near Sopranos, Snowfall or The Wire. Does it get better?? I’m sorry, I just don’t see GOAT...at least not yet.
Nothing more suspenseful the canes.
I really enjoyed The Wire, but it fell off a cliff in season 2. I never got past that. Maybe one day I'll watch it all.

GoT was incredible until season 4, then it was a slow slide into ****e.

Man, Season 8 sucked too. It was hella rushed.
Last episode of Better Call Saul was so boring for most of it. These showrunners and writers love to ego trip and send you on slow diversions.

At least when The Sopranos or The Wire did it there was either major payoff or it was symbolic/thematic/groundbreaking.

Breaking Bad is great entertainment with masterful character arcs but it doesn't have the cultural relevance of those peak HBO shows, or Mad Men for that matter.