Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

In your opinion Is next year still the demolition process ?
In my opinion what's happening probably needs to happen. Not a gattis fan but if we had hired someone better would have probably won 7-8 games but it would've only been another patch on the wall not to mention that OC would've probably moved on to something better once the roster showed it's face. We have to get down to the core and buy into the the rebuild. That includes the coaches. If our OC and DC have bought in it maybe beneficial long term than someone looking to jump ship. IMO this off-season will be the start
Gotta be awesome to get paid millions to not care about losing.
Are you talking about Mario? The guy who was recruited by Jimmy Johnson and who was part of the team who literally told the new coach Dennis Ericson that he was just handed the keys to a porche, don't crash it, just let us do our thing, we got this. Yeah he doesn't care about losing. LOL
Big thing I noticed was he kept talking about the "half a yard".

We were up 7-0 and driving..went for it on 4th and didn't get the half yard. A few plays later we've given up 3 turnovers and we're down 14-7 instead of up 14-0.

He said that quick sequence of events was a huge killer.
Biggest play of the game. WR and TE out wide and one Duke defender absolutely panicking and trying to call help that he was outnumbered and we were going to pick it up easy.

What do we do? Qb doesn't even look at that side of the field, he motions the TE split out wide into the jumbo formation and we run in up the middle for less than the yard we needed.

I almost fell on the ground laughing it was so inept and predictable.
Biggest play of the game. WR and TE out wide and one Duke defender absolutely panicking and trying to call help that he was outnumbered and we were going to pick it up easy.

What do we do? Qb doesn't even look at that side of the field, he motions the TE split out wide into the jumbo formation and we run in up the middle for less than the yard we needed.

I almost fell on the ground laughing it was so inept and predictable.

This is not the first time they have run into the middle of the line for a loss on critical downs.... it is a pattern. Gattis is a maroon
Are you talking about Mario? The guy who was recruited by Jimmy Johnson and who was part of the team who literally told the new coach Dennis Ericson that he was just handed the keys to a porche, don't crash it, just let us do our thing, we got this. Yeah he doesn't care about losing. LOL
Mtsu and duke shows his desire to win.
Wasn't Joe Brady supposedly Mario's first choice? How can you say Mario's offensive style isn't going to work when his first choice was a guy who ran a high powered offense? You ever think that he had to go with what he could get because for whatever reason the ones he really wanted turned him down?
I was always kind of concerned about this from the start. Why did guys keep turning him down? Was it Mario or did they know what was coming this season?
Are you talking about Mario? The guy who was recruited by Jimmy Johnson and who was part of the team who literally told the new coach Dennis Ericson that he was just handed the keys to a porche, don't crash it, just let us do our thing, we got this. Yeah he doesn't care about losing. LOL
randy didnt want to fail at his dream job where he was the successs story -- inner city kid played and won titles as a player for his hometown school, coordinated title winning defenses, and became an HC. he also sucked as an HC too.
Criticize? Yeah i will

He should give me a reason to change my opinion.
So you think he has a bunch of horses on his roster who are willing to work harder than anybody to be the best? That's laughable. The common theme over the years is a bunch of wanna be Miami Hurricanes more interested in their social media presence than they are in having a desire to put in the work needed to be better than everyone else. That's Mario's biggest challenge.
randy didnt want to fail at his dream job where he was the successs story -- inner city kid played and won titles as a player for his hometown school, coordinated title winning defenses, and became an HC. he also sucked as an HC too.
Randy wasn't on the staff on a national championship team learning from the best college football coach in history and didn't win 2 conference championships as a head coach.

Take out Mario's connection to Miami and he checks all the boxes so many Hurricanes fans have been begging for in a coach. Recognized as one of the best recruiters in the country, been part of a staff learning under the best and then proving his worth as a HC by winning multiple Power 5 conference titles.
Over It Abandon Thread GIF
But be serious......don't come back.......
A few things that stood out (and I’m going to paraphrase)

Mario mentioned a couple of times that he and the staff left great jobs to come to Miami understanding the challenges turning the program around after years of ineptitude.

He believes he can turn the program into championship caliber.

Asked about player effort Sat, Mario said he didn’t see anybody laying down

Asked about the 8 turnovers and he mentioned Roosters fumble, KeyShawn’s fumble, and another as being mental lapses.

Asked about Jake’s play he said he made some good plays but obviously there were some Jake would like to have back.

No update on TVD’s status and it looks like no OL will return soon.

Always talks about returning to work and being real with the players and coaches.
Left good jobs to come here? Please go back. If anyone is having second thoughts. Please leave