Looks like FSU hired Kendal Briles...

Couldn't disagree more. I'm a fan, short for fanatic. Their is no rational thought in fanaticism. The chump coach of a most hated rival gets zero props from me. Seeing that you feel the need to ride his jock speaks volumes to me. Go wash your trailerhasse girl's school panties.
Speaks volumes to u? Lmao!!!! Goodthing your opinion counts for absolutely ***1n zero, u zero!!!! So ur telling me that u would have rather had Golden as a coach rather than Fisher. Enough said.
At the end of the day they’re going to make a good hire because they will pay big money.

We aren’t willing to spend the same and we have a guy who believes in his heart he’s the answer at OC.
Speaks volumes to u? Lmao!!!! Goodthing your opinion counts for absolutely ***1n zero, u zero!!!! So ur telling me that u would have rather had Golden as a coach rather than Fisher. Enough said.
Who mentioned Golden.? Now your grasping at straws. Shows your lack of wit and intelligence. Keep to the topic. By the way I'm not looking for acknowledgement on my opinion. So, you're childish retort falls on deaf ears. Man up chump before you get into an adult conversation. Run along your trailerhasse girl's school panties need to be placed in the drier.
When did our fan base become a bunch of scared little b itches. Houston is in a conference where they do nothing but score points. This hire doesn’t scare me in the slightest. Willie is FSUs McLwain/golden

If they hire Briles.
I’m not scared....I’m jealous.
It’s the era of offensive football and we are stuck with a HC that wants to pretend he is still a relevant OC.
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Notice a lot of you are finished with Cane FB.
I am too,, till the Bowl game.
Not getting 'Bribes' is not the end of the world..
At the end of the day they’re going to make a good hire because they will pay big money.

We aren’t willing to spend the same and we have a guy who believes in his heart he’s the answer at OC.

Our board has already said they would spend $1m. That is plenty for an OC. That narrative is just false. Whether a Richt wants to hire one is a different story.
That's because yall ****'s need Cane rehab, i've never seen a True UM fan jealous of another school. Just the fact that we have a top defense for the last 2yrs, who do yall think hired the defensive staff in order for that to happen. Its not coach richt's fault the offensive personnel were not that talented, but the talent upgrades on offense have mostly been addressed, takes longer to develop an offense. To the UM amnesia community, coach richt did not take over this program after butch davis. To many people acting as if coach richt wanted to be stuck with rosier as the starting qb. Player development is taking place, if you know anything about football, offensive player development takes time.

Wrap your mind around this Calvin.....Richt inherited better offensive talent than what he has recruited!!!
And don’t make me bring up the names.

You are just making up **** to defend your god Richt.
Wrap your mind around this Calvin.....Richt inherited better offensive talent than what he has recruited!!!
And don’t make me bring up the names.

You are just making up **** to defend your god Richt.

This is a big stretch. Richt’s real recruits are all true freshmen or sophomores. Way too early to know that.
Real recruits? As opposed to his fake recruits?
Aaaa yes the old narrative that players have to be juniors and seniors before they are ready.......

Richt’s first class was more about holding on to what was already committed. He’s only had two classes of his guys.

I said it’s too early to judge because none of Richt’s recruits have cycled through. You have absolutely no idea what they are yet. It’s not a narrative it’s a fact.
School with Title IX issues, rape covers ups and DV incidents potentially hires coach from school with one of the worst scandals in history on same issues. That’s called an all-in strategy, and not the good type
Richt’s first class was more about holding on to what was already committed. He’s only had two classes of his guys.

I said it’s too early to judge because none of Richt’s recruits have cycled through. You have absolutely no idea what they are yet. It’s not a narrative it’s a fact.

Ok fair enough we shall see.
I see freshman and sophomores balling all over college football but if we need more time so be it.

I object to Calvin lying about the offensive talent Richt inherited.

(played better than the QB’s Richt has recruited)

(Good reciever in NFL)

(Good reliever in NFL)

(First round TE)

(Very good TE in NFL)

(Good RB in NFL)

(Played better than what Richt has recruited so far)
Brother, if this is true and Rick doesn't counter with someone like Bill Bedenbaugh, then I think it might be time to take a break from Miami football. Gonna be a first time daddy next Sunday, and I wont have the energy to watch Rick drive nails into Miami's coffin next year.

Congratulations !!
Couldn't disagree more. I'm a fan, short for fanatic. Their is no rational thought in fanaticism. The chump coach of a most hated rival gets zero props from me. Seeing that you feel the need to ride his jock speaks volumes to me. Go wash your trailerhasse girl's school panties.
Yo boys. I'm flushing out the trailerhasse girl's school Glee club. @Cane1835 and @3GC captain and co-captain.