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I thought he was brought in to run a fast tempo spread offense.

Am i missing something?
One thing that was glaring in the run game was King's reads. It really seemed like he was guessing out there...Mainly on his pulls.

(I know at Aubrun, Gus had took the reads out of plays in certain situations. Not sure if that is whats going on)
Miami fans have 2 choices ...

1. Stay in the real world and clearly see that Mandy has NO skills to recruit the right players or hire the right coaches for a serious chance to win
championships. he needs to get his *** back to fetching coffee at ESPN because he is clearly NOT a real football coach. even Ray Charles
could see that.

or ......

2. Stay in fantasyland where rainbows shoot out of a unicorn's *** and in your demented mind, Mandy wins ACC championships and every year
Miami wins the national championship in spite of poor coaching and mediocre play. that ain't ever going to happen with Mandy and fans that think that and finally figure out it never will are going to end up jumping out of the upper deck at Hard Rock like that ******* drunk cat !

i really feel sorry for these fans who stay on the hamster wheel and make weak excuses for Mandy and Miami football game after game
and year after year.

In fantasyland TrumpyCane is a real human, almost like Pinocchio but more of an ******* and likes alcohol and drugs
I was under the impression we was gonna be airing this thing out. Boy am and was I wrong. I be thinking Dan Enos is still out there calling plays. Just like it seems like Blake baker is still calling the defense
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Asslee could do King some favors like rolling him out more and calling more intermediate routes between the hashes. Seems like he waits til 3rd and long to try those. Another way to help buy time is by playaction. The OL would look a lot better if those were in the mix.
say it to yourselves.... "we run an RPO with a QB that can't see over the OLINE" "we run an RPO with a QB that can't see over the OLINE" "we run an RPO with a QB that can't see over the OLINE" "we run an RPO with a QB that can't see over the OLINE"
I was predicting every play lashlee was gonna run. I was right about 80 percent of the time. Our two coordinators are
Experts on making JAGs look like superstars, yet can’t make their own players look like superstars. I just want my team
to be good I’m tired of moping man. Isn’t twenty years of this torture enough???
I was predicting every play lashlee was gonna run. I was right about 80 percent of the time. Our two coordinators are
Experts on making JAGs look like superstars, yet can’t make their own players look like superstars. I just want my team
to be good I’m tired of moping man. Isn’t twenty years of this torture enough???
I Guess If You Say So GIF
Our offensive personnel is better this year (mainly due to age & maturity)
Unfortunately age and maturity don't help you block and move the pile - you need some talent in there.

This guy has age and maturity, just sayin:

Let me add an observation that can’t be quantified but may also play a factor: we play tight. I mean, it jumps off the screen. You watch an offense like the Chiefs (I know, I know, apples to oranges) and the guys just look like they are having fun and mistakes don’t phase them. The minute we have a penalty or a drop or a sack, it’s like we go into a shell. Conservative play call coming up! Where are the plays that show off our supposed athletic superiority? This is assuredly a simpleton’s perspective, but one that I think speaks volumes about our coaching and culture.
Lashlee is an Air Raid disciple being hindered by an option qb. King is an option qb being hindered by an Air Raid coach. This was never going to work. King would be a Heisman contender in a Coastal Carolina type spread offense. In this type of offense he will continue to struggle. As long as Lashlee has him at qb he will continue to struggle at putting together a gameplan unless he goes full spread option ala Houston
my main question is where the heck is the Air Raid? All I have seen is the power spread like they ran at Auburn
Beginning to feel what I feared early on, SMU offense was largely due to Dykes influence. Probably kept him from getting unhinged and calling the whacky, scared, dumb plays he does at times
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