Lane Kiffin is realistic (info).

For people that want Lane, why was he a failure at USC and UT?

I think it's a fair question. UT gig was a disaster. He got into some hot water with the school and the SEC over comments he made, iirc, so his time there was going to be short lived. Not sure what to make of USC but I do know he got stuck with NCAA penalties, etc. It's hard to measure how much he's grown since then but I suspect Bama and FAU did a lot to rebuild him as a person and coach.
In his one season at UT, he improved them by 2 games.
At USC, he had the sanctions handcuff him a bit, along with being young and immature.
To say either was a total failure is kind of a stretch. He didn't shock the world, but he didn't completely **** the bed.
I would rather judge him since his time spent under Saban and learning from him. Since then, he has shown a lot of potential.
Gotcha I guess I just mean “failure” as in the final result not that he necessarily was this huge disaster

I don’t hate the idea of Kiffin at all. He brings some great things which is why he keeps getting jobs when others wouldn’t
he likes recruiting. I just think Mario is on another level with his commitment to it.

the question I have in this scenario(and I like both): do we go with the career carpetbagger(which UM has had success with in their glory days), or the guy who may really set in his roots here, but not as dynamic in terms of scheming things up offensively.
All of you that want lane…don’t you see? He’s a mercenary, if he does come here and has any sort of success, he WILL leave for a better job as soon as it opens. He’s proven that every place he’s gone.
What, was he supposed to stay at FAU? Or turn down his dream job of USCw?

Mario would've left FIU if he wasn't fired first and now you're all asking him to ditch Oregon for his dream job just like you're criticizing Lane for.
We’d have to fundamentally change some of our recruiting practices. Knowing what I do, Mario is capable of doing that consistently. Also, for what it’s worth, most everyone down here wants to stay home. They leave because they have to. If they were treated properly and could get everything from us that they do them, it’s very doable.
This is why I said all that money being pumped into the football program would need to be redirected to those who want to be treated properly for that top 6 dream to happen. We're going to have to change the way we operate
In his one season at UT, he improved them by 2 games.
At USC, he had the sanctions handcuff him a bit, along with being young and immature.
To say either was a total failure is kind of a stretch. He didn't shock the world, but he didn't completely **** the bed.
I would rather judge him since his time spent under Saban and learning from him. Since then, he has shown a lot of potential.

Tennessee fans were extremely upset he left. They thought he was building them back up.
What, was he supposed to stay at FAU? Or turn down his dream job of USCw?

Mario would've left FIU if he wasn't fired first and now you're all asking him to ditch Oregon for his dream job just like you're criticizing Lane for.
Stop making sense homie.
Ole miss ain’t going to the playoffs, we would have an answer on lane quicker than one on cristobal
This is whats going on. They been had backchannels with Mario for weeks as I and others previously said. Mario is all about coming home if they show commitment and Blake was gone. If he doesnt come, Lane is 110% looking to take the job. that wasnt a slip up on game day. There is no option #3 at this point.
What did he say on game day?
Based on what? Considering he's never recruited as the head coach here why is anyone so sure about that. Miami won't be taking national recruits consistently so Mario's recruiting ranking will be determined by how loaded the classes are in south Florida is from year to year. And how many times he can beat out the SEC powers along with Clemson and Ohio State among others for kids.
Fin - look at his recruiting history as well as what he’s done at Oregon.

There is no abundance of recruits in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, etc. He has to go to Cali & National.

He can still recruit top 6 classes here despite Baba, UGA, OSU, etc. He can get national players as well. Not just S. Florida or Florida guys.
View attachment 161750Lol them SEC boys getting nervous

Yep. It's the whole "SEC-SEC-SEC" chant all over again.

Guy acting like every SEC job is so awesome that nobody would ever leave voluntarily. And, because "stats", it is some "fantasy world" that Lane Kiffin would leave Ole Miss.

Look, just drop the word "Miami". Is this guy saying that Lane wouldn't take a job with Texas (I realize they will be joining the SEC soon) or F$U (assuming Norvell is ****-canned) or Notre Dame (not saying this is realistic, but you KNOW Lane would take Notre Dame).
As someone who’s seen Mario recruit and lived in that world when he was at FIU, he’d have a top ten class every year. Lane would too fwiw

We don't even have to project. He's literally had a top 10 class every year at Oregon. Actually between 3-8 I believe. Every year.
I do also like that Lane doesn’t need an elite OC like I think Mario would. I know we are tossing around some money but same time when there aren’t clear cut choices I think things like this matter

But he would need an elite DC.

Both Mario and Lane would need to make one or two key hires.