Kyle, Lu, D$, Pete,Tito, Geo's Nips: Confirm/Dispel a Rumor

and I know pretty much nothing too. The two names I keep hearing are Butch and schiano. That could mean they're the two leading candidates or just the first two to be interviewed.

only thing I've seen on Mullen was that SI report
Jaysus ! Today we had a post that said Butch is definitely the guy. Now we got Mullen. Who the ****
does one believe ? Maybe I should just sit back and have a nice black rum (Goslings Black Sea) and
simply wait for the damned announcement !
You just lost your place in the title.

How's it feel? How's it feel to be replaced by Tito Binaca?
I haven't heard anything but it would not surprise me. He wants out and Miami is trying to conduct a complete search.
I'm no insider at all and don't claim to be at all, (check my post history for the last 4 years)! I know zero!! about what goes on in Miami or Miss State athletic department. However, I had a conversation last night through FB messenger with a guy from my home town (Hattiesburg Miss, hence the name Noliaboi - Magnolia State) who spent a few years as a high school coach in the state of Mississippi.

He claimed (without me soliciting or asking) that he talked with John Hevesy (Miss State OL coach and supposedly a close friend of Mullen) via text. He claim he know John Hevesy from being a HS coach in the state of Mississippi and him going to camps with his students and recruiting.

Supposedly, John Hevesy told him Mullen feels he has taken Miss State as far as they can go (not earth shattering news) and that he is/was considering Miami as a job he would leave for. That he would take a few days to consider his option.

Now I been around these boards for years so I'm always skeptical of "inside information". I don't even know if I believed this.

I screenshot the conversation in case it turned out to be true.
Mullen is not coming here. I expect him to go after the Georgia Job. Or possibly, the Maryland job. Maryland can throw big money at him.
Not saying we will or won't get Mullen, but I think Kirby Smart will get the Georgia Job.

Maryland is not much better than Miss State.

Better but not by much.
Mullen is not coming here. I expect him to go after the Georgia Job. Or possibly, the Maryland job. Maryland can throw big money at him.

That makes no sense. Mullen already makes a lot of money. MSU will give him more. If he leaves, it's because he wants to win big. He can't do that at Maryland.
Mullen is not coming here. I expect him to go after the Georgia Job. Or possibly, the Maryland job. Maryland can throw big money at him.

So Mullen would choose one place he has no chance to win big at for another place he has no chance to win at with higher academic standards? Maryland better be paying him 6 million a year.
Forget about Miami considering any real top candidates.

We're stuck with the scraps of Schiano, Mario, Chud, Strong, and Richt.

No way our Admin and AD have the balls to go after the bigger guns or a guy like Herman who will be the next Urban Meyer.

Butch is probably our only hope on establishing a real program again compared to the other candidates UM will actually consider.
It's a rumor that Maryland may offer him the job. Plus the Big Ten is easier than the crowded SEC West. Georgia is more realistic though.
Non-disclosure agreements probably signed by all who are in the know so nobody on the outside has reliable information at this time.