Jeff Thomas deep

This is what concerns me. Miami has been down right lethal on post snap RPOs (all in breaking or vertical seam variety) this central Michigan defender is in a prime position to take away the qb's read AND be a free hitter and engage vs the run game. Miami will see this again. I promise you this.

And this type of play is coming from a vastly outgunned (talentwise) team. Imagine what UVA Vt Duke etc do here?
Def. needs work on this. I would love to hear that Jarren is after practice working with WR's the next two weeks.
Doesn’t help if there is not varying coverages and a pass rush. The time to work on this was the Bethune game, but we were too busy establishing our dominance in the run game and quick hitting RPOs against a high school team. Thanks enos
Hey, Roman — Love your work. Look for it every week.
But a suggestion: Not all of us are up on x and o terminology — i.,e., “Smash corner,” “Overlay to an out underneath.”
Makes it hard to follow. If you could simplify the language, dummies like me would get even more out of this feature.

Or, do a video that defines and explains all of these terms and concepts in basic language. I think that would probably be very popular.
Doesn’t help if there is not varying coverages and a pass rush. The time to work on this was the Bethune game, but we were too busy establishing our dominance in the run game and quick hitting RPOs against a high school team. Thanks enos

I get you, some of it's timing too, he needs to get better at not under throwing everything.
Williams absolutely has to work on that aspect of the game, with that being said as he was rolling out Jeff was open early but Williams had to reset and throw coming out of the rollout and by that time it doesn’t show on that picture frame shot or video but the db was right there with Jeff while mallory was wide open. Later in the game williams did underthrow Jeff who probably still could have made a play on that ball but it was a good play by the db honestly
Need to find ways to get him the ball downfield when he is open. This one has a little bit of caveat. Jeff is running the smash corner which is the overlay to an out underneath (KJ) Mallory essentially drags across the field in the middle of the two twin receivers making this a flood with a high, middle and low read. Jeff wouldn't essentially have an option to stay vertical in most college offenses, but it's hard to see this on film and think they need to plan for this contingency in the future. Kid has been standing open a few times down field this year. This offense needs big chunk plays to help out the youth and inexperienced offensive line that tends to set you back a bit at times. It's currently 51st nationally in yards per play.

The whole video can be found on the front page.

I asked you in the other thread but I’ll ask you here. The CB that’s on Osborn at the snap drops all the way off, so I’m pretty sure if you show the entire field, you’ll see him outside of JT down the field. Since JT is running a corner route, that would essentially put him running in the direction of that defender. Correct me if I’m wrong
Great breakdown as always. It really doesn’t matter what Jeff or any other receiver does on these deep routes. We have a 4 game sample set and by my recollection we have at least a dozen wide open deep routes that are missed and even worse....not one well thrown deep ball. Literally not a single ball thrown more than 20 yards where the receiver can keep his stride and run under it. At some point it stops being circumstantial and starts becoming evidence.

A dozen is absolutely false.
I asked you in the other thread but I’ll ask you here. The CB that’s on Osborn at the snap drops all the way off, so I’m pretty sure if you show the entire field, you’ll see him outside of JT down the field. Since JT is running a corner route, that would essentially put him running in the direction of that defender. Correct me if I’m wrong

I think that’s why he mentioned the option to stay vertical as opposed to the corner route.
I asked you in the other thread but I’ll ask you here. The CB that’s on Osborn at the snap drops all the way off, so I’m pretty sure if you show the entire field, you’ll see him outside of JT down the field. Since JT is running a corner route, that would essentially put him running in the direction of that defender. Correct me if I’m wrong

He is. A corner is playing a deep third. Jeff running into him. But that is why in this thread ive said "if" Miami sight adjusts this to a flatter route. A vertical? Jeff is open by 30 yards. People don't call a smash typically with this option.. but after this? Just something me and the wr store and learn for the future. If they coverage bust... don't run into coverage... I'll find you.