It's Official: California to let college athletes make money, defying NCAA

Come play at school "X", shoot a commercial for one of our billionaire alumnis company and we'll pay you $500,000

This. Free reign for boosters of big money schools to pay for players. How anyone would think this helps Miami in any way is beyond me. Absent some kind of regulations that level the playing field, we may as well find a different program to root for.
Alabama generates a lot more revenue than Miami. This would directly translate into value. Miami wouldn’t be too 25 in terms of value.

They generate more revenue because they have the best players. They won't continue getting the best players for long.

People in NYC, Cali, and Texas don't care about Alabama. Doesn't matter how many championships they win.
Plays won’t be able to appear in ads with UM gear without paying UM and the NCAA. Pete Rose is the ceiling of what they can hope for.
Isn’t that the case in professional sports, the team and nfl get a cut of jersey sales? What’s the downside of being in a commercial with a Miami jersey on?
I do t see how anyone can think is negative. Exactly what does the NCAA doe to make $4 billion annually of the blood sweat and tears of student athletes? Absolutely NOTHING. So many people making money off these kids while they get peanuts if that. Why not legalize the bag game and level the playing field? I know it's an unintended consequence of this ruling but I'll be damned if I don't support it. Tired of NCAA partisanship allowing certain schools to rampantly cheat in plain site while holding the guillotine over those they dislike.

Legalizing the bag game is not leveling the playing field. At least not for schools like Miami.
OSU would benefit? Really? This is what OSU athletic director Gene Smith had to say about it. Sounds like a man who knows his goose is cooked. Ohio will not be able to compete with California for sponsorship $$$, and Gene Smith **** well knows it.

“If the California law goes into effect in ’23,” Smith said Tuesday, "...who’s going to play (California schools)? We’re certainly not. They won’t be members of the NCAA. I think that’s going to be the problem."

During a follow-up interview Wednesday, Smith addressed a question about whether the NCAA’s schools would take a position on California schools’ membership that would result in the association essentially walking away from the California economic market.

“I’m a single vote in that,” he said. “My guess is our membership would say yes because one of our principles is fair play, and even in the working group that I’m on, we’re focused on trying to make sure we deal with this in a fair-play way – as best as we can have a level playing field. We know it’s unlevel in a lot of ways, but this could make it unbelievably unlevel. So, my position would be, yes, and actually I would really be interested in how the Pac-12 (Conference) will handle those schools who are not in California that are members of the Pac-12. And how those schools will compete against those schools in California who have an unfair advantage because they’ll be able to offer student-athletes benefits that the other schools will not be able to offer. So, yeah, my position would be we walk…" read that wrong.
This. Free reign for boosters of big money schools to pay for players. How anyone would think this helps Miami in any way is beyond me. Absent some kind of regulations that level the playing field, we may as well find a different program to root for.
If this was around back in 2000 we could’ve killed it. Now not so much. Program was already down, this just pushes us farther down as we can’t compete for recruits and what bigger programs can and will offer.
Only people living in la-la land is people who think the SEC or NCAA is more powerful than the state of California.

There's a saying "as goes California, so goes the country."

Yall think Nick Saban is Jesus or something. Let me tell is nothing more than a GAME, Nick Saban is nothing more than a football coach, and the racist, broke *** state of Alabama is probably the least influential in America.

The governor of California has REAL power. This bill is absolutely going to shake up the good ole boy network of the NCAA in favor of the California schools and those most similar to them.
How TF is this post racist?!
I don’t think this will level the playing field as much as people think. The bag game will still be a massive draw for kids looking for a double dip. Why not get $100k to sign and then $500k for your advertisement? We still can’t compete with the first part. We still don’t have the purchasing power. We have the exposure and the opportunity for someone once they start, but this won’t solve buying signatures unless I’m misunderstanding how this law will work

This makes the bag game legal bro, which only helps big schools and hurts Miami.
It's not racist.

Andrew is a white guy from the South and he took it personally. I got an infraction for it lmao.

Whatever. I'm done with this conversation.
I'm a white guy from the south and I don't think it was racist at all. One of the major problems in this country is when free speech is infringed upon because someone is "offended." Lulz
Only people living in la-la land is people who think the SEC or NCAA is more powerful than the state of California.

There's a saying "as goes California, so goes the country."

Yall think Nick Saban is Jesus or something. Let me tell is nothing more than a GAME, Nick Saban is nothing more than a football coach, and the racist, broke *** state of Alabama is probably the least influential in America.

The governor of California has REAL power. This bill is absolutely going to shake up the good ole boy network of the NCAA in favor of the California schools and those most similar to them.

The governor of Californica is a dope.
He should worry about the homeless people, the return of epidemic diseases to the general population, human ***** and needles on sidewalks and so on.
College football is an afterthought in California, it is religion in the south.
That is where the money is and will remain.
Isn’t that the case in professional sports, the team and nfl get a cut of jersey sales? What’s the downside of being in a commercial with a Miami jersey on?

It’s the NFLs jersey so it needs to be licensed. Look at football and baseball commercials. They’re hardly ever wearing their team jersey.
This is the right thing to do for legally adult men and women to earn the highest economic return on their unique skill sets and talents.
Personally, I don't see a lot of big companies lining up to pay football players (at least not until they are nearing draft eligibility). Nike, Adidas, Under Armor aren't going to pay some high school football player. They will and do pay basketball players, but it's easier to spot of future NBA star right out of high school than it is to spot a future NFL star. As such, I think the primary impact of this is that it will legalize boosters paying kids to come to their school. Miami will not benefit from that. May as well turn off the lights at that point.
Miami can survive this honestly, they have boosters like everyone else by obviously not as many. Non revenue generating sports however will likely be cut as its funded mostly by football anyway. That extra money could go to football and basketball athletes. They will have to police this somehow though, would rather a set amount every scholarship athlete gets after they graduate which incentivizes education Obviously but they still we get a pay off after. Maybe something like $30,000 or so. Yes being a student athlete is hard and I get All that but at the end of the day everything is paid for in school for them and are getting a great education being COMPLETELY debt free . Also can pursue a masters if I’m not mistaken which is funded by the school. Which is something no one should really scoff at as being nothing.
Miami can survive this honestly, they have boosters like everyone else by obviously not as many. Non revenue generating sports however will likely be cut as its funded mostly by football anyway. That extra money could go to football and basketball athletes. They will have to police this somehow though, would rather a set amount every scholarship athlete gets after they graduate which incentivizes education Obviously but they still we get a pay off after. Maybe something like $30,000 or so. Yes being a student athlete is hard and I get All that but at the end of the day everything is paid for in school for them and are getting a great education being COMPLETELY debt free.

This law doesn't allow schools to pay players. It allows players to profit externally.
Alabama generates a lot more revenue than Miami. This would directly translate into value. Miami wouldn’t be too 25 in terms of value.
He's talking about the local markets. Miami vs Tuscaloosa, there's no comparison. Under the California law, I dont think the schools will being paying for play. It just opens up avenues for the athletes to make money away from the school using their position as a football player for X University.