Please show some respect to the OP. He is simply coming here and posting something he heard. He offered up a real life source and his info is consistent with the info that so many of us here have already posted. Please feel free to move on to the next thread if there is nothing here you wish to discuss related to the OP's topic.


Unreal that you are a mod.

Why? Do you have a problem with us offering a level of respect for someone posting information that you might not like or agree with??

1. You openly cheer for FSU
2. This isn't new information, everyone knows he is going to FSU
3. I could have made up a similar story and I don't live in SFla
4. His next few posts show he is trolling. "miami turn they back on allot of kids sometimes real um fans in miami know wat am talking about"
5. There are a million other Cook threads.
you got fans on here that hope cook commits elsewhere so they can blame coach d. lol
Ijs, most people on here have never talked to Cook but swear he's coming and somebody from Cape Coral says he "heard" from "everybody" that Cooks going to FSU like everybody assumes but yet it's still a mystery only to Cook from what family and friends are saying? **** KC is at the UA site saying he's recruiting Cook so now Darling is trolling him? How about we wait for the **** announcement?

Name one here who "swear" Cook is coming to Miami.
Hoping, yes. But even those who are hoping no it's just wishful thinking. But, go ahead and defend the OP.

What in the **** are you talking about? I said that everybody swears he's coming meaning to FSU because nobody has said anything but that am I right? I don't see where I said UM once and if you read any of my post on this thread I bashed the op every single time so once again what in the **** are you talking about?

Calm down, breath in and out..........
"most people on here have never talked to Cook but swear he's coming"
Since when "this recruit is coming" means coming to our rival school?
I wonder who will be next years MT, Cook.. Can't wait

Yea Cook situation with Miami reminds me of MT. Being "cold" towards Miami for most of his HS career but a lot fans were under the illusion that he was coming.
Cook has lacked interest in Miami, committing to Clemson, then Florida despite all the strong factors everybody knows about that would pull him hard to Miami. Still, some people will be surprised if he committed to FSU. Fans will be fans.
Ijs, most people on here have never talked to Cook but swear he's coming and somebody from Cape Coral says he "heard" from "everybody" that Cooks going to FSU like everybody assumes but yet it's still a mystery only to Cook from what family and friends are saying? **** KC is at the UA site saying he's recruiting Cook so now Darling is trolling him? How about we wait for the **** announcement?

Name one here who "swear" Cook is coming to Miami.
Hoping, yes. But even those who are hoping no it's just wishful thinking. But, go ahead and defend the OP.

What in the **** are you talking about? I said that everybody swears he's coming meaning to FSU because nobody has said anything but that am I right? I don't see where I said UM once and if you read any of my post on this thread I bashed the op every single time so once again what in the **** are you talking about?

Calm down, breath in and out..........
"most people on here have never talked to Cook but swear he's coming"
Since when "this recruit is coming" means coming to our rival school?

I typed fast lol im chill just its annoying like how many Cook threads and "predictions" do we need? Lets just wait for his announcement the **** is annoying now
I wonder who will be next years MT, Cook.. Can't wait

Yea Cook situation with Miami reminds me of MT. Being "cold" towards Miami for most of his HS career but a lot fans were under the illusion that he was coming.
Cook has lacked interest in Miami, committing to Clemson, then Florida despite all the strong factors everybody knows about that would pull him hard to Miami. Still, some people will be surprised if he committed to FSU. Fans will be fans.
I meant in terms of the thousand threads for 1 gaw**** player
If the kid wasnt all in on FSU, would all of our other local recruits have to put so much effort into getting him to commit to UM?
OMFG ok the kid is gone can this be the last **** thread about it? How this thread has more post then a thread about our commits at the AU game and somehow is a focus before our bowl game blows my mind can this **** die?
i dont want him at fsu but i cant hate on a kid if he is looking to go away for college. it just sucks if it fsu. still, we wont struggle with yearby and powell.
Lulz at the "one of the top JR in the country"
If your a jr and you committed to fsu and you have a bama offer what that make you

Lulz if you think your cousin has a commitable offer from Bama...

The kid IS COMMITTED TO THE #1 RANKED TEAM IN THE COUNTRY AS A JUNIOR and you're here trying to disparage the kid with smack like this? Too funny.

I'm sorry man, let me bow down to the 478th ranked jr in the country, I owe him everything, really one of the best, an elite player, we need him, Golden is dumb!