I'm Done

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I'm not claiming I know MORE than anyone. I'm just claiming their information is worthless. Nothing. What comes from that information? Better understanding of our program that should have had a Purge on it last year?
Real Miami fans in here running up the score on the shills and Golden family tree.


I'm out... this site has become a joke. People look for any reason to bash and attack anything or anyone that is positive towards the program...

It's not even limited to bashing anything "positive". They will start bashing when they make up complete lies or other nonsensical attacks and are proven wrong, even if you don't say anything positive about the program. They are the equivalent of mentally/emotionally disturbed children that hate their teacher/babysitter/stepparent, etc. so much that they will make up false accusations of abuse just to try to bring them down.

Then why haven't you ****ed off yet too? We aren't going anywhere. I promise you that you wont be thanked for your efforts to save face for Golden & Co.
With all due respect to the OP, sending your son to play for Al Golden is.... well, I wish you and him good luck. You are going to need it. Hope he gets better coaching and leadership after the inevitable happens.

While I understand the frustration with AG from our vantage point, doesn't the father of a prime recruit have a more informed perspective? I mean, how many of us have met AG and actually talked to him? I haven't and venture to guess that 99% of those posting have never gotten close to him. Seems to me that the OP is in a far better position to evaluate the program, the coaches and all the intangibles then any of us are.
****, he has been inside and seen it while all of us could only dream about that access.

Look at it like a business. You have one of your best customers telling you he doesn't like what he sees in your shop. You tell him to **** off without looking in the mirror and reflecting on what that means.

So you don't like the coach, we get it already...try and be respectful about it for a change is the only point I would add.

That's a pretty simple, logical, reasonable perspective...yet around here, good luck with that.

You're right. It was simple.

It's mind-blowing how some think that these parents have the type of access to 'evaluate the program better' like they are on campus daily and sit in on team and coach meetings on the reg. They are being recruited. It's no different than restaurant commercials with a nice juicy steak and then when they serve it is as tender as a shoe sole. Or parading the hottest co-eds to give campus tours instead of the feminist hipster chick that doesn't shave.

Who cares how the inner machinations of a clock works if the time is wrong?

/metaphor overload!

I'd argue that the parents have less ability to give a fair evaluation. They're being wooed and courted like prom queens. All they see is the glitz and sell. We see the same **** they see without the bias of having Folden sweet talking us and the assistants making a bunch of empty promises not supported by any facts. We see facts; they hear a sales pitch.

No one ever said Folden couldn't make a good pitch to someone he wants to pitch. His sales pitch has been neutered by his constant failure, but he can still put on a good fat face for the people he's trying to trick into coming here.
I'm out... this site has become a joke. People look for any reason to bash and attack anything or anyone that is positive towards the program...

It's not even limited to bashing anything "positive". They will start bashing when they make up complete lies or other nonsensical attacks and are proven wrong, even if you don't say anything positive about the program. They are the equivalent of mentally/emotionally disturbed children that hate their teacher/babysitter/stepparent, etc. so much that they will make up false accusations of abuse just to try to bring them down.

Do you realize that every post you make is whining and crying about other posters? Might be time for you to find a new hobby if this is so painful for you. Bow out like those other 2 guys.
I'm out... this site has become a joke. People look for any reason to bash and attack anything or anyone that is positive towards the program...

That ellipsis you used at the end tells me you have more to say and that you'll be back. I'll be anxiously awaiting your return under a new screen name.
You Golden hating trolls run off your mouths almost as good as you run off great fans/posters/parents/players/recruits.
I'm out... this site has become a joke. People look for any reason to bash and attack anything or anyone that is positive towards the program...

It's not even limited to bashing anything "positive". They will start bashing when they make up complete lies or other nonsensical attacks and are proven wrong, even if you don't say anything positive about the program. They are the equivalent of mentally/emotionally disturbed children that hate their teacher/babysitter/stepparent, etc. so much that they will make up false accusations of abuse just to try to bring them down.

Then why haven't you ****ed off yet too? We aren't going anywhere. I promise you that you wont be thanked for your efforts to save face for Golden & Co.

Because there is still the occasional actual information and discussion on these boards, though you're driven away most of those who contribute to that end. I'm sure you aren't going anywhere. This is no longer a football fan site. It's a big childish temper tantrum.
I'm out... this site has become a joke. People look for any reason to bash and attack anything or anyone that is positive towards the program...

It's not even limited to bashing anything "positive". They will start bashing when they make up complete lies or other nonsensical attacks and are proven wrong, even if you don't say anything positive about the program. They are the equivalent of mentally/emotionally disturbed children that hate their teacher/babysitter/stepparent, etc. so much that they will make up false accusations of abuse just to try to bring them down.

Do you realize that every post you make is whining and crying about other posters? Might be time for you to find a new hobby if this is so painful for you. Bow out like those other 2 guys.

Do you realize that every post you make is whining and crying about the staff and making stupid "slurper" and "***" jokes? Might be time for you to move your hobby of homoerotic fantasizing to a website better suited for that.
I'm not aiming this post at anyone in particular, but it's amazing to me that anyone would think the tone of a college football message board -- especially ours considering its uniqueness as one of the most historic, controversial programs in the country -- would be anything less than relentlessly vitriolic after a coach is retained for going 6-7 in his fourth year with that much NFL talent and a True Freshman All-American at QB.

This isn't an example of Miami diehards being bigger ******** than fans of every other program. Any fan base going through even remotely similar circumstances would be just as openly outraged. It's all sunshine and happiness at boards for programs like Ohio State, Alabama, Auburn, and USC right now because they're all expected to contend for the championship. Not a pathetic Coastal title, an actual NCAA Championship. Even Michigan fans, after all they've had to deal with lately, are fired up because they went out and replaced an incompetent buffoon with Jim f'ing Harbaugh.

Miami's administration created this entire situation with their inaction, apathy, and incompetence. They signed up for this by bringing Golden back. This board will look entirely different three months from now if we either shockingly win 10+ games and have an amazing season (never happening) or if Golden is finally fired.

If Golden is retained for winning 8-9 games (unrealistic, but not impossible with this schedule) and failing to beat FSU, win the ACC, or accomplish anything meaningful...well, things are only going to get worse.

It's not about the outrage. Everybody understands that. It's the Internet tough guys on this board that talk to other people like a spoiled child who knows he won't get hit. It's insanity the way they talk. Get off the Internet and go outside and relearn how to interact with society like a big boy. If this was a bar or a lounge that you physically went to and the franchise or any of these other idiots said the things they say, they would get the **** beaten out of them on the spot. You should conduct yourself like a man, Internet or not.

That goes both ways. Some people reply to any one questioning anything Golden does the same way.
Thank you for your posts. You are not alone in your dismay over the vitriol that permeates this site. Having great players like your son come put on The U helmet will of course help turn things around. Please do not let some well meaning but misguided fans deter you and your son from the dream of attending The U.
I'm out... this site has become a joke. People look for any reason to bash and attack anything or anyone that is positive towards the program...

It's not even limited to bashing anything "positive". They will start bashing when they make up complete lies or other nonsensical attacks and are proven wrong, even if you don't say anything positive about the program. They are the equivalent of mentally/emotionally disturbed children that hate their teacher/babysitter/stepparent, etc. so much that they will make up false accusations of abuse just to try to bring them down.

Do you realize that every post you make is whining and crying about other posters? Might be time for you to find a new hobby if this is so painful for you. Bow out like those other 2 guys.

Do you realize that every post you make is whining and crying about the staff and making stupid "slurper" and "***" jokes? Might be time for you to move your hobby of homoerotic fantasizing to a website better suited for that.

Do you realize that every time you put Goldens **** in your mouth you validate his used-car-salesman act?
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