If you ever thought the hate wasn't real...

I take cam over Dorsey everytime and it ain’t close. Put Dorsey and his “great” passing on that auburn team and they don’t sniff a championship. Running is part of football too so yes it does count. And I’m not even saying cam should be there but to try to act like he didn’t dominate that 1 year is wild
To try to act like cam did anything AT ALL every other college season is JUST AS WILD... PEOPLE SEEM TO FORGET MEYER HAD SWITCHED THE MAN TO TIGHT END BEFORE HE LEFT UFAG... He sucked *** every other season.
Barry Sanders was only a one-year guy but he at least had a season where you just shook your head every game wondering how he did it. There was no attempt to even act like he wasn't getting the ball 30 times.

Cam Newton had an unreal season. No doubting that. But within that one season, he had some really mediocre games. Ole Miss and Miss State stick out. Even in the Bama game if that DB doesn't absolutely muff the tackle on the long TD pass Newton did zero that game and that is basically what won him the Heisman. The hype train was unstoppable at that point. Same with Manziel. Who was very good and fun to watch but also was chucking up jump balls to Mike Evans a lot.

So when guys like Warren Sapp dominated 2 or more seasons and completely changed game plans and how positions are viewed it's unreal we didn't get at least 1 guy on there. I mean, put Hester on there just to show you aren't completely biased. Sapps performance in the loss to Nebraska still blows my mind.
Barry Sanders was only a one-year guy but he at least had a season where you just shook your head every game wondering how he did it. There was no attempt to even act like he wasn't getting the ball 30 times.

Cam Newton had an unreal season. No doubting that. But within that one season, he had some really mediocre games. Ole Miss and Miss State stick out. Even in the Bama game if that DB doesn't absolutely muff the tackle on the long TD pass Newton did zero that game and that is basically what won him the Heisman. The hype train was unstoppable at that point. Same with Manziel. Who was very good and fun to watch but also was chucking up jump balls to Mike Evans a lot.

So when guys like Warren Sapp dominated 2 or more seasons and completely changed game plans and how positions are viewed it's unreal we didn't get at least 1 guy on there. I mean, put Hester on there just to show you aren't completely biased. Sapps performance in the loss to Nebraska still blows my mind.
As much as I love Barry I can understand him being on there. But you gotta wonder considering other than that one season he wasn't even the starter. That was Thurman & he's nowhere on this list. Troy davis had several seasons where he flat out dominated and no mention for him. More I think on this list the more it just ****es me off.
As much as I love Barry I can understand him being on there. But you gotta wonder considering other than that one season he wasn't even the starter. That was Thurman & he's nowhere on this list. Troy davis had several seasons where he flat out dominated and no mention for him. More I think on this list the more it just ****es me off.
Yeah if anything make to list. Greatest college player of all time and then the greatest single seasons.
I take cam over Dorsey everytime and it ain’t close. Put Dorsey and his “great” passing on that auburn team and they don’t sniff a championship. Running is part of football too so yes it does count. And I’m not even saying cam should be there but to try to act like he didn’t dominate that 1 year is wild

And, again, this is why your posts on this thread are dopey and indicate horrible reading comprehension.

This is NOT about "who you would take". I realize you have an unhealthy attraction to Cam Newton.


This is about who the Top 20 college football players OF ALL TIME were. And Cam isn't one of them. Dorsey belongs ON THAT LIST ahead of WHEREVER you end up ranking Newton.

God**** you are thick-headed. This is NOT about whether he "dominated" college football (or your ******/mouth) for 1 year or not, this is about collegiate careers.

You want a list of 1-year dominators, MAKE YOUR OWN SEPARATE LIST.
I take cam over Dorsey everytime and it ain’t close. Put Dorsey and his “great” passing on that auburn team and they don’t sniff a championship. Running is part of football too so yes it does count. And I’m not even saying cam should be there but to try to act like he didn’t dominate that 1 year is wild
I'm not gonna bother looking up the stats. But if it's about one single season like cams that accounts for some passing and some running than why no vick,why no Lamar, why no air McNair better yet why no Eric crouch? They all had the same kinds of abilities and all had better years if I had to guess. I'm not saying I liked any of them except Steve. I loved that dude. But they all did plenty in college to establish themselves if cam did as well...
I think that's the biggest issue with the list though. It's clearly some water cooler nonsense with not much of an established criteria. There's all kinds of examples that say it's one dominant season is their criteria. Yet they exclude dudes who dominated in single seasons as well. So you turn around and say continued success but yet again then there's dudes on here who got no place... No ron dayne,no Eric ****erson,no troy davis,no Timmy chang, no chase Daniels, no flutie,no detmer,no klingler... I don't get how they compiled this list

I agree with you 100%. Just look at the first 9 names, they are all running backs who played in a different era (maybe Ricky Williams is the most recent?), and they were all great. But then it descends into 11 random names with zero common criteria. It's just a crapshoot of famous names. So if the list was a "vote", and certain fans of certain colleges pushed their "top-selling-throwback-jersey-guy", then I could understand (although how Jim Thorpe gets on that list, I'll never know, although he was a GREAT).

The QB list ALONE is a joke. A horrible horrible joke. Not a single one of those QBs belongs on the Top 20 list, and possibly not even on the Top 100 list of BEST COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYERS OF ALL-TIME. Last 20 years? MAYBE. All-time, on a list that includes Jim Thorpe? BULL****.

And you are a student of the game. You are a former player who knows a lot about old-timers, as well as guys who have come more recently. There were some DOMINANT guys (at positions outside of RB and QB) that should be on that list. ABSOLUTELY.

EDIT: There are 13 QBs/RBs on that list. Leaving 7 spots FOR ALL OTHER POSITIONS ON THE FIELD. It's ridiculous.
WTF…Cam Newton? He wasn’t remarkable at Florida and then dismissed after he allegedly stole a teammates laptop. He went JUCO, then to Auburn were he was involved in the pay-to-play scandal after the NCAA’s briefest investigation.
Are you serious 😂
And, again, this is why your posts on this thread are dopey and indicate horrible reading comprehension.

This is NOT about "who you would take". I realize you have an unhealthy attraction to Cam Newton.


This is about who the Top 20 college football players OF ALL TIME were. And Cam isn't one of them. Dorsey belongs ON THAT LIST ahead of WHEREVER you end up ranking Newton.

God**** you are thick-headed. This is NOT about whether he "dominated" college football (or your ******/mouth) for 1 year or not, this is about collegiate careers.

You want a list of 1-year dominators, MAKE YOUR OWN SEPARATE LIST.
You need to check your own comprehension when I clearly stated I’m not saying he should be there. You brought up Dorsey that’s why I made the comment. And I don’t have no attraction for shît so keep your lil slick comments to yourself sir
I'm not gonna bother looking up the stats. But if it's about one single season like cams that accounts for some passing and some running than why no vick,why no Lamar, why no air McNair better yet why no Eric crouch? They all had the same kinds of abilities and all had better years if I had to guess. I'm not saying I liked any of them except Steve. I loved that dude. But they all did plenty in college to establish themselves if cam did as well...
College football lists like this are particularly maddening because they cannot separate "best college football player" from "best season by a college football player". If we are talking the former, how is a guy like Ron Dayne not on the list?
LT wasn't better than Boz in "College"....we know it wasn't in the same Galaxy in the NFL...but Boz had Spectacular games vs UM...Boz was a consensus 2 time 1st team AA....LT was only a one time 1st team AA. Boz finished 4th in the Heisman, and Won The Butkus Award two straight yrs. He had 22 Tackles vs UM in 86...
I hate the Boz, but he probably deserves to be on this list as far as his accolades and statistics. His steroid scandal, well that is a separate issue and a valid reason why he shouldn't be included on this list. He was an absolute beast and looked like a man among boys in some of those highlights. He's a lot better than most us on here give him credit.

Saying that, it's absolutely ridiculous that Dan Morgan and Ed Reed are not on this list.
College football lists like this are particularly maddening because they cannot separate "best college football player" from "best season by a college football player". If we are talking the former, how is a guy like Ron Dayne not on the list?
Agree. Need two lists. I love Barry Sanders, but he shouldn't be on this list. Basically, played one season, although it ended up being the most insane performance for a season of all time.

What don't I get??....Lol...about what??...The birth of the U, happened before those OU games. The birth of the U really actually started by beating #1 Penn St in 1981. I was at the 86 and 87(NC) OU games.
Yep, beating #1 PSU and then ND in 81 were big games that put Miami on the map. Sad, went on probation that year and missed a bowl game. In my humble opinion, we didn't become the over the top, in your face U until we went to OU in 85 and Jerome Brown broke Aikman's leg. That was Jimmy J's big moment to go there and beat his former nemesis.
I'm not gonna bother looking up the stats. But if it's about one single season like cams that accounts for some passing and some running than why no vick,why no Lamar, why no air McNair better yet why no Eric crouch? They all had the same kinds of abilities and all had better years if I had to guess. I'm not saying I liked any of them except Steve. I loved that dude. But they all did plenty in college to establish themselves if cam did as well...
I think it’s because he won the heisman and a championship in that 1 year. Burrow only had one good year too and they have him but he put up historical numbers
First, Michael Irvin and Sean Taylor should be on this list. Full stop. Next, count me in the camp that thinks the inclusion of Football Johnny on this list completely invalidates it. I realize this is intended to reflect what they did in college so their NFL career is irrelevant, but come on. Vince Young >>> Football Johnny in college. I would also take Kosar and Testaverde over Football Johnny. Just off the top of my head, Rodger Staubach, Joe Montana, Randy Moss, Rocket Ismail, Anthony Carter, Jerry Rice, Eric ****erson, Peyton Manning, Marcus Allen, Michael Vick, Tony Dorsett should be on the list over Manziel.