Ice Harris & Butch...Not Ready for Hillary

Right. With a thread title of "...not ready for Hillary", your only goal was to inform people that you saw a couple coaches at a political event. It wasn't to incite judgement on the left...despite the fact that your favorite derogatory tagline these days for anyone on the left ifs"ready for Hillary."

Do you really believe the **** you post?

Would I really need Butch or Ice to incite judgment on the left? You're too sensitive. If Ferne Labati shows up at an Elizabeth Warren event then I encourage you to inform us as well.

Not sensitive at all. I'm just calling you out on your BS. It's pretty disingenuous to start a thread that was obviously meant to stir up partisanship and then shy away from it when you get called on it by saying something like "well, I was just posting because I saw them on TV at a political event." Be a man and admit that it was your intent to stir **** up.

Which brings me back to my overall point. Seeing as how the WEZ specializes in stuff like political antagonism and stirring stuff up, it'd be nice if folks would use that board and keep the political antagonism off this board. I regularly engage in that stuff over there, so this ain't about sensitivity, it's about knowing the place for it and keeping at least one UM sports forum free of the political BS.

If UM could be freed from political BS then that would be easy. But since it is completely infected with the most deadly strain of that disease your cry for silence sounds too much like prohibition form critic. The base reason so much politics gets into the discussion is that one side of the political spectrum has being at war against our football program from the inside for years. They brought the politics into play and it remains at the forefront of all their efforts. For whatever reason, the left seems to be against Miami football. If you could get and keep your politicians out of our school, I am certain their would be little politics on the board. Deal?


"the left" this, "the left" that. Blahblahblah. Broken record.

"The left" isn't the reason UM has always gotten shoddy support from the community and mediocre-at-best attendance.
"The left" isn't the reason the OB was torn down...and "the right" never stood up for the OB.
"The left" isn't the reason we're playing in Sun Life.
"The left" isn't the reason we're in the ACC. No logical person, right or left, would have stayed in a dying BE that had continually disrespected us or would have tried to go solo as an independent when faced with the choice given.
"The left" isn't the reason ex-players, alumni and fans rarely give big money to the athletic department.
"The left" isn't the reason UM has been in trouble in the past, and got in trouble regarding Shapiro. In fact, "the left", by way of Shalala herself, stood up to the corrupt practices of the NCAA, and has stood up to the media in the past on various issues related to the public mischaracterization of UM football.
"The left" isn't trying to kill UM football.

"The right" has an extreme persecution complex and loves to traffic in conspiracy theories about "the left."

I read your playbook skippy. That's rule 5. It's cute that you got it in in the context of Canes football. Kudos.