Ice Harris & Butch...Not Ready for Hillary


Unfortunately, as a big Football fan, I'm more concerned about a leader who left FOUR Americans to die, put on a show consoling their survivors, lied about the circumstance, then told Congress "what difference does it make"

Anybody against Hillary is my favorite candidate...
Google has all the answers you need .You are baseless. Your exhibition of hubric ignorance has siphoned IQ points from the everyone that frequents CiS.

Some are a pox on the Cane community. Their mothers weep daily at the embarrassment that sprung from their loins. Father probably lost himself in a bottle out of the shame that his daughter has become on the family name. Your boyfriend left you for a fat girl even though you allowed him to run rampant through your duodenum.

Grab some wadded up newspaper to stem your menorrhea. Everyone here knows what you are bomb jr. You will end up with him soon enough I suppose.


When you can't back up your claims, just resort to insults. It's very reasonable.

NEGGED for snitching. This site has become worse than Ferman. Sold their souls for a media pass.....SMH.
Butthurt lefties on this thread should do what comes naturally, ignore anything that doesn't support your script, continue believing (don't stop believing) in your fantasies.

Imagine, last year was a right-wing plot, it was all GW's fault, give Golden a chance! It was the other coaches that prevented his directives from being actualized. Canes should apologize for all their years of unfair dominance! The important thing is giving every player a fair shake, fill JRS with dreamers! It's time for change, give Golden a parachute, its time for a tranny HC! Free tuition is a human right! Arepas for everyone (except mean old righties of course). We need more pillars people [insert brainless peewee football chant here]!

All of this is nonsense of course, there are some that should never be criticized.

When you remove all the data that conflicts last year's season was our hottest year on record.

Ahh, just funnin' y'all. It's the off season and there isn't much going on here so we can argue about who looks better in a pant suit. Here's a picture taken by HRC's staff as she got out of the scooby van. wonder woman.jpg
Oh goody, we got a lot of delusional Ayn Rand acolytes and righty wingnuts talking shop here. Be nice if there was a place where one could talk politics instead of bringing it to a football board. God knows there's enough of it in every thread that even has a cursory mention of Shalala around here.

You try so hard to be Bomb and you can't even pull that off.

Not trying to be bomb. Just remarking on the state of the board. It gets annoying to see the anti-left rhetoric in every thread that has anything remotely to do with Shalala, the BOT, the university at large or academia in general. Be nice if you guys could keep politics out of sports for a few months, or perhaps go where this type of convo is warranted and welcomed.

Apparently you think that's too much to ask.

It a current coach and a former head coach showing up on national tv in a political setting. You can't even come correct with your complaints. Relax, guy. When Donna and Hillary share a burrito at your local Chipotle please feel free to come here and gush about it.

And they'll park their limo/van in the handicapped spot.
Google has all the answers you need .You are baseless. Your exhibition of hubric ignorance has siphoned IQ points from the everyone that frequents CiS.

Some are a pox on the Cane community. Their mothers weep daily at the embarrassment that sprung from their loins. Father probably lost himself in a bottle out of the shame that his daughter has become on the family name. Your boyfriend left you for a fat girl even though you allowed him to run rampant through your duodenum.

Grab some wadded up newspaper to stem your menorrhea. Everyone here knows what you are bomb jr. You will end up with him soon enough I suppose.


When you can't back up your claims, just resort to insults. It's very reasonable.

Reported? What the **** does that mean? Are you saying that you went crying to the admin because someone was mean to poor wittle ****InHighHeels? Holy ****. Soft as melted butter around here. What ever happened to sticks and stones? I feel bad for you bud that you can get your feelings hurt over a ******* MESSAGE BOARD POST.
Anyone reporting posts should be kicked off this site and sent to a psychiatrist. You have to have the lowest self esteem to get upset at being called a ****** (no matter how fitting it is in this scenario) by someone of the Internet.
Relax, asshats. It was a joke. Cane Dynasty is a big fan of "reporting"...or at least quoting my posts and then saying he's reported it. He did the same a couple weeks ago. Now that he can't neg and leave me fan mail, he's getting jumpy. I just replied in kind.
Classy as always, Tad.

I don't think either Ice or Butch "showed up on national TV in a political setting" They weren't giving a speech. They aren't running for office. They were spotted sitting at a local political event by a Herald reporter who tweeted a pic.

But this thread has gone beyond that, as I'm sure you know. This ain't about them being seen at the event. It's a political ****ing match. Which is why it should be somewhere else.

Actually the only reason I posted it was because Ice was one of the first people to congratulate Rubio post speech- something I noticed as it was broadcast on CNN. I posted the Tweet because it mentioned Butch too. Not to mention that Rubio also has an affiliation to our esteemed university. If you have a problem with any matters that were broached later in the thread then that's on you.

Right. With a thread title of "...not ready for Hillary", your only goal was to inform people that you saw a couple coaches at a political event. It wasn't to incite judgement on the left...despite the fact that your favorite derogatory tagline these days for anyone on the left ifs"ready for Hillary."

Do you really believe the **** you post?

Would I really need Butch or Ice to incite judgment on the left? You're too sensitive. If Ferne Labati shows up at an Elizabeth Warren event then I encourage you to inform us as well.

Not sensitive at all. I'm just calling you out on your BS. It's pretty disingenuous to start a thread that was obviously meant to stir up partisanship and then shy away from it when you get called on it by saying something like "well, I was just posting because I saw them on TV at a political event." Be a man and admit that it was your intent to stir **** up.

Which brings me back to my overall point. Seeing as how the WEZ specializes in stuff like political antagonism and stirring stuff up, it'd be nice if folks would use that board and keep the political antagonism off this board. I regularly engage in that stuff over there, so this ain't about sensitivity, it's about knowing the place for it and keeping at least one UM sports forum free of the political BS.

If UM could be freed from political BS then that would be easy. But since it is completely infected with the most deadly strain of that disease your cry for silence sounds too much like prohibition form critic. The base reason so much politics gets into the discussion is that one side of the political spectrum has being at war against our football program from the inside for years. They brought the politics into play and it remains at the forefront of all their efforts. For whatever reason, the left seems to be against Miami football. If you could get and keep your politicians out of our school, I am certain their would be little politics on the board. Deal?
'merica desperately needs a shift to the right both socially and economically. **** is getting ridiculous.

Sounds like someone missed out on the 5 year bull market in the stock market. Sucks for you.

Lol... I play the market too but everyone with half a brain knows the market is being artificially bolstered by the feds at taxpayers expense. Without their routine pumping the stock market would have collapsed 5 times over by now.
Actually the only reason I posted it was because Ice was one of the first people to congratulate Rubio post speech- something I noticed as it was broadcast on CNN. I posted the Tweet because it mentioned Butch too. Not to mention that Rubio also has an affiliation to our esteemed university. If you have a problem with any matters that were broached later in the thread then that's on you.

Right. With a thread title of "...not ready for Hillary", your only goal was to inform people that you saw a couple coaches at a political event. It wasn't to incite judgement on the left...despite the fact that your favorite derogatory tagline these days for anyone on the left ifs"ready for Hillary."

Do you really believe the **** you post?

Would I really need Butch or Ice to incite judgment on the left? You're too sensitive. If Ferne Labati shows up at an Elizabeth Warren event then I encourage you to inform us as well.

Not sensitive at all. I'm just calling you out on your BS. It's pretty disingenuous to start a thread that was obviously meant to stir up partisanship and then shy away from it when you get called on it by saying something like "well, I was just posting because I saw them on TV at a political event." Be a man and admit that it was your intent to stir **** up.

Which brings me back to my overall point. Seeing as how the WEZ specializes in stuff like political antagonism and stirring stuff up, it'd be nice if folks would use that board and keep the political antagonism off this board. I regularly engage in that stuff over there, so this ain't about sensitivity, it's about knowing the place for it and keeping at least one UM sports forum free of the political BS.

If UM could be freed from political BS then that would be easy. But since it is completely infected with the most deadly strain of that disease your cry for silence sounds too much like prohibition form critic. The base reason so much politics gets into the discussion is that one side of the political spectrum has being at war against our football program from the inside for years. They brought the politics into play and it remains at the forefront of all their efforts. For whatever reason, the left seems to be against Miami football. If you could get and keep your politicians out of our school, I am certain their would be little politics on the board. Deal?


"the left" this, "the left" that. Blahblahblah. Broken record.

"The left" isn't the reason UM has always gotten shoddy support from the community and mediocre-at-best attendance.
"The left" isn't the reason the OB was torn down...and "the right" never stood up for the OB.
"The left" isn't the reason we're playing in Sun Life.
"The left" isn't the reason we're in the ACC. No logical person, right or left, would have stayed in a dying BE that had continually disrespected us or would have tried to go solo as an independent when faced with the choice given.
"The left" isn't the reason ex-players, alumni and fans rarely give big money to the athletic department.
"The left" isn't the reason UM has been in trouble in the past, and got in trouble regarding Shapiro. In fact, "the left", by way of Shalala herself, stood up to the corrupt practices of the NCAA, and has stood up to the media in the past on various issues related to the public mischaracterization of UM football.
"The left" isn't trying to kill UM football.

"The right" has an extreme persecution complex and loves to traffic in conspiracy theories about "the left."
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'merica desperately needs a shift to the right both socially and economically. **** is getting ridiculous.

If reality serves me correctly, we are far better off economically than we were when the "right" policies had the country in a depression! Hate Obama, but let's not shift "right" again and lose jobs, homes and bail out banks.

Without getting into blame and politics, personally I loved the stock market collapse(I was all cash and made serious $$$$ during the chaos), and can't wait for the next one(Been all cash for a long time hoping for it). We have not had a real economy since about '88, just bailouts, bubbles, and ever increasing debt at all levels.

Last two years of just about every two-term president have been bad economically, usually a recession. We don't usually know about it until the very end or the beginning of the next president -- president controls a lot of numbers. Clinton was the master of making figures lie (ever notice how inflation disappeared for his 8 years--changed basket that is used to measure it), and Bush was good at it too, but mostly just continued using Bill's. Obama has also done masterful job -- note Labor department's change in methodology for unemployment numbers prior to 2012 election and convenient drop in unemployment number shortly thereafter.

Anyway, small tip for Cane fans, when the Fed's latest stock bubble blow's up watch for stocks like Met Life as they fall. Life insurance companies has historical best survival chances in depression and bounce back nice after stock crashes(by definition they are cash cows and cash is king in bad times). Remember, LIFE INSURANCE not property and casualty companies. If you time your entry for somewhere around the scariest moment of the next collapse, there will be big money to be made again.

Another financial expert! I got an MBA and I swear if any of you supposed financial experts believe the crap you saying then you fooling "yourself"! Simply put, the market per se is a creation of governmental agreements, the wealthy, banks and corporations. Therefore at any given time different segments are manipulated by these very same entities to their desire for whatever benefit required. There is no one place to invest your money from catastrophe! The best option available to any general investor "in my non expert opinion" is to diversify. When you invest your money is inevitably at the discretion of the decision maker (corp, feds, wall street speculators, banks,hedge fund guy) at the end of the line. Don't ever believe you're ultimately in charge of your investment/money.
Right. With a thread title of "...not ready for Hillary", your only goal was to inform people that you saw a couple coaches at a political event. It wasn't to incite judgement on the left...despite the fact that your favorite derogatory tagline these days for anyone on the left ifs"ready for Hillary."

Do you really believe the **** you post?

Would I really need Butch or Ice to incite judgment on the left? You're too sensitive. If Ferne Labati shows up at an Elizabeth Warren event then I encourage you to inform us as well.

Not sensitive at all. I'm just calling you out on your BS. It's pretty disingenuous to start a thread that was obviously meant to stir up partisanship and then shy away from it when you get called on it by saying something like "well, I was just posting because I saw them on TV at a political event." Be a man and admit that it was your intent to stir **** up.

Which brings me back to my overall point. Seeing as how the WEZ specializes in stuff like political antagonism and stirring stuff up, it'd be nice if folks would use that board and keep the political antagonism off this board. I regularly engage in that stuff over there, so this ain't about sensitivity, it's about knowing the place for it and keeping at least one UM sports forum free of the political BS.

If UM could be freed from political BS then that would be easy. But since it is completely infected with the most deadly strain of that disease your cry for silence sounds too much like prohibition form critic. The base reason so much politics gets into the discussion is that one side of the political spectrum has being at war against our football program from the inside for years. They brought the politics into play and it remains at the forefront of all their efforts. For whatever reason, the left seems to be against Miami football. If you could get and keep your politicians out of our school, I am certain their would be little politics on the board. Deal?


"the left" this, "the left" that. Blahblahblah. Broken record.

"The left" isn't the reason UM has always gotten shoddy support from the community and mediocre-at-best attendance.
"The left" isn't the reason the OB was torn down...and "the right" never stood up for the OB.
"The left" isn't the reason we're playing in Sun Life.
"The left" isn't the reason we're in the ACC. No logical person, right or left, would have stayed in a dying BE that had continually disrespected us or would have tried to go solo as an independent when faced with the choice given.
"The left" isn't the reason ex-players, alumni and fans rarely give big money to the athletic department.
"The left" isn't the reason UM has been in trouble in the past, and got in trouble regarding Shapiro. In fact, "the left", by way of Shalala herself, stood up to the corrupt practices of the NCAA, and has stood up to the media in the past on various issues related to the public mischaracterization of UM football.
"The left" isn't trying to kill UM football.

"The right" has an extreme persecution complex and loves to traffic in conspiracy theories about "the left."

No Donna is. And she's as "left" as they come. (Except when it comes to holding signs at a basketball game.)