Hurricane Irma

If you have the means or the way you need to get out of S.Fla and head toward mobile or west of there....If this thing comes straight up the state it will still be pulling energy from the gulf or Atlantic.This things gonna be NAS-ty.

Everyone in its path please be safe and my thoughts are with you.

This hurricane, if it strikes Florida, could affect literally any or many parts of the state. Once it turns north, the models don't agree.

Remembering that any part of the state of 20 million could be grievously affected, suggesting evacuation is impractical, logistically impossible, and plain crazy. Only those mandatory evacuation areas should leave, like the keys, etc. It's hard enough getting thousands out of the keys, the beaches, etc

More people would die in a mass population evacuation than from a hurricane. It's literally impossible to evacuate any city like Miami and others.

If you're not in an evacuation area, the best thing to do is prepare thoroughly, including finding the best safe interior space in your house, possibly a bathroom.

Not talking about evacuating if your not in the path of the thing.But the eye is 35 miles wide and it looks like it could go straight up the middle of the state.If it does that means people on either side of the eye are in its path which is pretty much coast to coast so who stays and who goes...

Even if it goes up the west coast of Fla.It puts the worst part of the storm ,the east/N Eastern side of the storm Right over Dade,and Broward who stays and who goes.

It is supposed to get to the southern point of Fla and to the keys on Saturday or Sunday .That gives you4-5 days to get you and your family out of harms way.

Yea if everyone decides to go on Friday it's going to be a mess.If you go now or tomorrow you may have traffic but it will be moving.Ive vacated from Key West several times.Big thing is don't wait until the day before to go.

South Florida alone, if you count Naples Ft Myers, the Keys, Miami-Dade, PB and surrounding areas, just that, is around 6 million give or take.

I don't believe your thinking this through. Even if only 30% of those millions decide to leave in an orderly fashion starting right now, it would be an unmitigated disaster.

Our roadways and transportation systems can only handle a fraction of the population leaving over time. It's just not possible.

I completely understand the sheer mass of people that would be evacuating.So what do you do ask them to stay at home and ride this thing out because there's too many cars on the road....they do that and the loss of life will be huge.They stay then some first responder has to risk his/her life to get them.Thats why you leave today or tomorrow to minimize the traffic jams. As much as possible.

Me,I'd already be gone.I guess it's up to the individual person but I'm not risking my life,my families life or those of first responders because I was afraid of traffic.

All I know is I hope by the grace of God this thing turns due north and misses everyone but if it doesn't may whatever supreme being you believe in watch over you and your family if you decide to stay.
I don't know how our players from South Florida would be able to focus on football when a catastrophic storm could be ravaging their homes and threatening the well being of their families. I think they cancel and postpone. This storm is an absolute beast!

SO **** YOU IRMA!!!!!!!!!
If you can make it to Utah I have an extra room that sleeps 4.

I know. Utah.

I thought about taking you up on the offer but then I remembered that Utah's beer laws are unacceptable.

It's an embarrassing state. Both in geographical location and state of mind.

I heard the women there are freaks

Yep. Str8 twerkin

If you have the means or the way you need to get out of S.Fla and head toward mobile or west of there....If this thing comes straight up the state it will still be pulling energy from the gulf or Atlantic.This things gonna be NAS-ty.

Everyone in its path please be safe and my thoughts are with you.

This hurricane, if it strikes Florida, could affect literally any or many parts of the state. Once it turns north, the models don't agree.

Remembering that any part of the state of 20 million could be grievously affected, suggesting evacuation is impractical, logistically impossible, and plain crazy. Only those mandatory evacuation areas should leave, like the keys, etc. It's hard enough getting thousands out of the keys, the beaches, etc

More people would die in a mass population evacuation than from a hurricane. It's literally impossible to evacuate any city like Miami and others.

If you're not in an evacuation area, the best thing to do is prepare thoroughly, including finding the best safe interior space in your house, possibly a bathroom.

Not talking about evacuating if your not in the path of the thing.But the eye is 35 miles wide and it looks like it could go straight up the middle of the state.If it does that means people on either side of the eye are in its path which is pretty much coast to coast so who stays and who goes...

Even if it goes up the west coast of Fla.It puts the worst part of the storm ,the east/N Eastern side of the storm Right over Dade,and Broward who stays and who goes.

It is supposed to get to the southern point of Fla and to the keys on Saturday or Sunday .That gives you4-5 days to get you and your family out of harms way.

Yea if everyone decides to go on Friday it's going to be a mess.If you go now or tomorrow you may have traffic but it will be moving.Ive vacated from Key West several times.Big thing is don't wait until the day before to go.

South Florida alone, if you count Naples Ft Myers, the Keys, Miami-Dade, PB and surrounding areas, just that, is around 6 million give or take.

I don't believe your thinking this through. Even if only 30% of those millions decide to leave in an orderly fashion starting right now, it would be an unmitigated disaster.

Our roadways and transportation systems can only handle a fraction of the population leaving over time. It's just not possible.

I completely understand the sheer mass of people that would be evacuating.So what do you do ask them to stay at home and ride this thing out because there's too many cars on the road....they do that and the loss of life will be huge.They stay then some first responder has to risk his/her life to get them.Thats why you leave today or tomorrow to minimize the traffic jams. As much as possible.

Me,I'd already be gone.I guess it's up to the individual person but I'm not risking my life,my families life or those of first responders because I was afraid of traffic.

All I know is I hope by the grace of God this thing turns due north and misses everyone but if it doesn't may whatever supreme being you believe in watch over you and your family if you decide to stay.

You're wrong here my friend. Only those in mandatory evacuation areas need to evacuate. People will be safer in their homes, than millions trying to evacuate even over several days. It's just not logistically feasible even on an organized 3-4 day evacuation.

Historically, how many people have died in hurricanes?

And of those that have died, what has been the cause of death for the overwhelming majority?

What's at stake here, in the main, is property. Things that can be rebuilt and replaced.

Not saying that there won't be loss of life, but waiting out the storm in a non water surge area is safer than traveling.

Some people will leave, sure, but fortunately most will stay. Otherwise there would be a catastrophe before the hurricanes.
If you can make it to Utah I have an extra room that sleeps 4.

I know. Utah.

I thought about taking you up on the offer but then I remembered that Utah's beer laws are unacceptable.

It's an embarrassing state. Both in geographical location and state of mind.

I heard the women there are freaks

Yep. Str8 twerkin


I don't know how our players from South Florida would be able to focus on football when a catastrophic storm could be ravaging their homes and threatening the well being of their families. I think they cancel and postpone. This storm is an absolute beast!

FAU, FIU, and UCF are playing, but yeah, we should cancel. Right.

Just cancel the whole season then. The doom and gloomers would just love that.

We didn't cancel anything after Andrew or after Wilma, but somehow we should get rid of the program even if this thing goes up the west coast. Ridiculous
for real anyone near the coast, get on a second story sturdy building ASAP or get out of the state. Storm surge is going to take so many lives in the leeward islands tonight and tomorrow

my roommate's fianc and my good friend is in St. Kitts island studying aborad and we're terrified for her safety, hope everyone is safe, don't underestimate this storm if you're in it's path. luckily here in Orlando we won't see the brunt of it
haven't read the 1st 10 pages here but did you guys see the post on twitter saying U *** is trying to cancel the 2017 season due to Irma and the 2018 season due to storm 18 hahaha Stay safe!!
This hurricane, if it strikes Florida, could affect literally any or many parts of the state. Once it turns north, the models don't agree.

Remembering that any part of the state of 20 million could be grievously affected, suggesting evacuation is impractical, logistically impossible, and plain crazy. Only those mandatory evacuation areas should leave, like the keys, etc. It's hard enough getting thousands out of the keys, the beaches, etc

More people would die in a mass population evacuation than from a hurricane. It's literally impossible to evacuate any city like Miami and others.

If you're not in an evacuation area, the best thing to do is prepare thoroughly, including finding the best safe interior space in your house, possibly a bathroom.

Not talking about evacuating if your not in the path of the thing.But the eye is 35 miles wide and it looks like it could go straight up the middle of the state.If it does that means people on either side of the eye are in its path which is pretty much coast to coast so who stays and who goes...

Even if it goes up the west coast of Fla.It puts the worst part of the storm ,the east/N Eastern side of the storm Right over Dade,and Broward who stays and who goes.

It is supposed to get to the southern point of Fla and to the keys on Saturday or Sunday .That gives you4-5 days to get you and your family out of harms way.

Yea if everyone decides to go on Friday it's going to be a mess.If you go now or tomorrow you may have traffic but it will be moving.Ive vacated from Key West several times.Big thing is don't wait until the day before to go.

South Florida alone, if you count Naples Ft Myers, the Keys, Miami-Dade, PB and surrounding areas, just that, is around 6 million give or take.

I don't believe your thinking this through. Even if only 30% of those millions decide to leave in an orderly fashion starting right now, it would be an unmitigated disaster.

Our roadways and transportation systems can only handle a fraction of the population leaving over time. It's just not possible.

I completely understand the sheer mass of people that would be evacuating.So what do you do ask them to stay at home and ride this thing out because there's too many cars on the road....they do that and the loss of life will be huge.They stay then some first responder has to risk his/her life to get them.Thats why you leave today or tomorrow to minimize the traffic jams. As much as possible.

Me,I'd already be gone.I guess it's up to the individual person but I'm not risking my life,my families life or those of first responders because I was afraid of traffic.

All I know is I hope by the grace of God this thing turns due north and misses everyone but if it doesn't may whatever supreme being you believe in watch over you and your family if you decide to stay.

You're wrong here my friend. Only those in mandatory evacuation areas need to evacuate. People will be safer in their homes, than millions trying to evacuate even over several days. It's just not logistically feasible even on an organized 3-4 day evacuation.

Historically, how many people have died in hurricanes?

And of those that have died, what has been the cause of death for the overwhelming majority?

What's at stake here, in the main, is property. Things that can be rebuilt and replaced.

Not saying that there won't be loss of life, but waiting out the storm in a non water surge area is safer than traveling.

Some people will leave, sure, but fortunately most will stay. Otherwise there would be a catastrophe before the hurricanes.

The keys and Miami are under mandatory evacuation according to the news.......

Not going back and forth with you on this cause it's silly.

My way of thinking is get yourself and your family out of harms way so other people don't have to risk theirs to come get you if God forbid you get trapped.Most of the whole southern part of the state will be under mandatory evacuation come tomorrow
So now if they haven't left today like they should have they can really sit in the traffic because now EVERYONE is leaving.

Last statement on the subject." Please everyone be safe if you decide to do as OCC and hang around during a cat 4-5 storm and if your leaving to get you and your family out of harms way please be careful on the highway.
We are on 75 north bound just past Tampa and the road is wide open in terms of traffic.

think us in central florida (i.e. north of tampa like you're stating) are waiting to see it turn north before evacuating

we'll be riding out in Orlando as probably won't be direct hit in middle of state.

stay safe on coastline, always risky there
The keys and Miami are under mandatory evacuation according to the news.......

Not going back and forth with you on this cause it's silly.

My way of thinking is get yourself and your family out of harms way so other people don't have to risk theirs to come get you if God forbid you get trapped.Most of the whole southern part of the state will be under mandatory evacuation come tomorrow
So now if they haven't left today like they should have they can really sit in the traffic because now EVERYONE is leaving.

Last statement on the subject." Please everyone be safe if you decide to do as OCC and hang around during a cat 4-5 storm and if your leaving to get you and your family out of harms way please be careful on the highway.

Miami is NOT under mandatory evacuation. That's nuts and is fake news. Only those in low lying areas and special needs, a very small fraction of the population. I live down here, I actually know what's going on.

Also, the evacuations are to shelters within the county, i.e., still in south Florida.

The only ones that actually have to leave Dodge are the people in the Keys. That's just a few thousand.

Direct hit or not, the vast majority of the population will remain in south Florida as it would be impossible to evacuate millions of people: no place to put them and no way to get them there.
Hope all of you in Miami and the rest of Florida stay safe!!! Im in SC so not much of a thing, but there is a video of Irma making landfall in Barbados... she is a beast. Safe travels and for those that are gonna beast out, yall in my prayers.