Not being disingenuous at all, this entire thread is about us "abandoning the team" because fans have dared to harshly criticize Richt & his staff after we got beat.

You all act like our grievances aren't legitimate, like we just made up all this sh*t & losing the way we did vs LSU is just no big deal. Then yall immediately start questioning people's fandom because a lot of us aren't happy about the 4 game losing streak... Again.

I haven't called for Richt to be fired, I did say Diaz needs to be reevaluated after the season if the Defense doesn't improve & I do believe we need an OC, but regardless of that my dedication to my Alma mater & my team hasn't changed one bit.

Just because we criticize the coaches doesn't mean we hate the team, you guys want us just burying our heads in the sand every time something goes wrong with this team & every time it's the exact same result.

I'm as hopeful as anyone that we turn it around & win every game left on the schedule, but I'm not gonna sit here & act like I don't see wtf I see. Richt & has this staff has a chance to shut all of us up come ACC play, I hope they reinvigorate this team & do it.

But go read D$, Stephan's & LuCane'a post game recaps, go listen to the new Podcast just dropped about the LSU game, it's not just us "bad whiny fans" who have been critical of that performance. Maybe there's something to it & not just us overreacting.

That's not what I'm saying at all, my point is the incredible overreaction that I've seen on this board since the loss is ridiculous. I don't disagree with most of what you said/feel

Richt should be fired
No better than when we lost to Clemson 58-0
We should fly a banner

It's the start of year three...

I also hold you partially responsible, who changes the greatest avatar ever right before the season starts????
That's not what I'm saying at all, my point is the incredible overreaction that I've seen on this board since the loss is ridiculous. I don't disagree with most of what you said/feel

Richt should be fired
No better than when we lost to Clemson 58-0
We should fly a banner

It's the start of year three...

I also hold you partially responsible, who changes the greatest avatar ever right before the season starts????
That's not what I'm saying at all, my point is the incredible overreaction that I've seen on this board since the loss is ridiculous. I don't disagree with most of what you said/feel

Richt should be fired
No better than when we lost to Clemson 58-0
We should fly a banner

It's the start of year three...

I also hold you partially responsible, who changes the greatest avatar ever right before the season starts????

If you can't see that we have a corch then I can't help you son.

We are fvcked, yet once again.
With several former fans deserting team, players, coaches, threating banners, donations, etc, guess we will see who pulls for team to be successful and how many support program and how many do not.

Have never in half a century of following football seen such a reaction to a loss to a team with a superior roster create such havoc. Yes Canes were a 2 point favorite, but LSU clearly had better O& D Lines. other positions were close with both teams having QB's that would not play for many D1 teams.

Hope most fans continue to support team as we did in Dallas and with this favorable schedule, except (VT) everbody back

Wrong, the reaction (and "fan" depletion) was worse in 1995, trust me, much worse. They all came barnstorming back in 1999-2000 for some reason. :livid:

Also, you won't sell me that L$U was a superior roster, it just isn't true...unless your talking superior coaching roster top to bottom.

I will NEVER leave the Canes, but I reserve the undisputed right to continue to be absolutely disgusted by the lack of preparation and pathetic execution I saw that night...that will not change.

Losing a hand full of bandwagon fans who never attended a game or made any other contributions maybe. All the criticism just proves we have a lot of fans that care
The talent is there it's just incredibly diluted, too many schools...**** every school recruits Florida. You still have to be great at evaluating.
I saw VT the other night with a 6', 280DT from Venice, FL that FSU couldn't block. Granted FSU's line is likely garbage, but the kid was a high school powerlifter, and was recruited by App St, Iown St, ECU and Colorado St.
Not to mention the 3 star kid, Jeshaun Jones, from South Ft. Myers who had a Heisman-type day (running, catching and passing for TDs) against Texas, playing for the Terps.
Think the way things went last year when we won 10 games the way the players tweeted the lsu game kinda surprised a lot of us.15 yrs of being dead we fans have forgotten one basic's going to take more than 3 recruiting cycles to get a team where it needs to be.especially if we are expecting elite status.we've came long ways in 3 yrs.but the last 4 games show us how far we have yet to go.I'm just as upset about last Sun as anyone but I also know were this program was at two yrs ago.
I've been so critical of that game but LSU only scored 2 TD on offense. Our punter killed us since LSU went 4/4 in FG plus that pick 6. We shot ourselves in the foot all game. Punter was garbage and Rosier wasn't going to win us the game. We need a QB n a punter. In my opinion, we play that game again and we win. Still not a fan of the coaching staff thought.
Not being disingenuous at all, this entire thread is about us "abandoning the team" because fans have dared to harshly criticize Richt & his staff after we got beat.

You all act like our grievances aren't legitimate, like we just made up all this sh*t & losing the way we did vs LSU is just no big deal. Then yall immediately start questioning people's fandom because a lot of us aren't happy about the 4 game losing streak... Again.

I haven't called for Richt to be fired, I did say Diaz needs to be reevaluated after the season if the Defense doesn't improve & I do believe we need an OC, but regardless of that my dedication to my Alma mater & my team hasn't changed one bit.

Just because we criticize the coaches doesn't mean we hate the team, you guys want us just burying our heads in the sand every time something goes wrong with this team & every time it's the exact same result.

I'm as hopeful as anyone that we turn it around & win every game left on the schedule, but I'm not gonna sit here & act like I don't see wtf I see. Richt & has this staff has a chance to shut all of us up come ACC play, I hope they reinvigorate this team & do it.

But go read D$, Stephan's & LuCane'a post game recaps, go listen to the new Podcast just dropped about the LSU game, it's not just us "bad whiny fans" who have been critical of that performance. Maybe there's something to it & not just us overreacting.

I dont get how some fans think your less of a fan because we complain about something. Feels like im in a cult
Come on dynasty you should know this.took butch 4-5 yrs to build the greatest team ever.even though cmr and company didn't lose any scholarships but the way the program was left to deteriorate the last 15's like the Lou saban ,Howard days were we starting from scratch again.Let's us fans make the university do it right this time so we don't have go through this again.
With several former fans deserting team, players, coaches, threating banners, donations, etc, guess we will see who pulls for team to be successful and how many support program and how many do not.

Have never in half a century of following football seen such a reaction to a loss to a team with a superior roster create such havoc. Yes Canes were a 2 point favorite, but LSU clearly had better O& D Lines. other positions were close with both teams having QB's that would not play for many D1 teams.

Hope most fans continue to support team as we did in Dallas and with this favorable schedule, except (VT) everbody back

Never left....But after the last three coaching regimes I refuse to engage in coach worship.
- He brought in a slew of yes men, green coaches under him so that no one would challenge his archaic game plan
- After he popped his play calling cherry, he decided against bringing in another grey beard, NOT TO become an OC, but simply to provide IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS
- The NCAA gifts us with the opportunity to bring in a 10th coach- what do we do? Hire no name assistant LB coach Crapke, to come in and nod his head at everything Manuela says
- Anyone notice how our LB play has deteriorated since 2016? I sure did
- Special teams has been atrocious since year one, what do we do? Keep Hartley (who, yes, is a savage recruiter, but knows not a single **** thing about special teams) without providing him any assistance
- Oh, and lest not forget our sub 30 yard punting average
- Did I mention the whole thing about playing a QB that has a 44% completion percentage

That's all I have. So to anyone that is saying that we should be patient and let this play out, take the sheet off from over your eyes and take a look at what's going on

I don't care how much you donated to the IPF. I want wins, not buildings.

That is the expected turnout for tomorrow's scrimmage.
That's not what I'm saying at all, my point is the incredible overreaction that I've seen on this board since the loss is ridiculous. I don't disagree with most of what you said/feel

Richt should be fired
No better than when we lost to Clemson 58-0
We should fly a banner

It's the start of year three...

I also hold you partially responsible, who changes the greatest avatar ever right before the season starts????

Year three is the new year five almost everywhere and this is Miami so Mark was on borrowed time when he hired his son as his first act. I’m an alum, was in the OB for the gator flop, and have given enough money to The U to buy a couple of my kids new homes. We are fans. We do not need to be reasonable or conformed to your measures of devotion. Hurricane football is the only sports I have watched for years now. Don’t assume we turn to other teams.

Losing to Clemson last year was probably understandable but how in the heck did mark get his anal use by Pitt? We could live with that but then he loses to WI when we actually were winning the game. Now it is next year and he gets ***** slapped by a coach we wouldn’t hire here. We have seen this show before and it ends badly, why wait for the final curtain, just cut to the chase.
Richt has his short comings but hitching himself to Rosier right now might be worse than anything else . He gotta bench this dude period. I mean look at this sht. That’s Jeff Thomas 4.3 speed out there. A true RS SR QB is looking that safety off and completing that pass for a TD . This mf threw the ball away


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Richt has his short comings but hitching himself to Rosier right now might be worse than anything else . He gotta bench this dude period. I mean look at this sht. That’s Jeff Thomas 4.3 speed out there. A true RS SR QB is looking that safety off and completing that pass for a TD . This mf threw the ball away
I think I’m going to vomit