Genron Letter Thread

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Why are yall so mad? Did he threaten your livelihood? Does he really affect your day to day life?
But see, that's the thing. This is now a part of college football, just like it is in basketball. For Pete to ignore these shady street agents is to pretend like they don't exist. How successful has basketball been at getting rid of these guys? Not at all. How long have those articles with the Urban Meyer and other coaches complaining about them been circulating? How long have fan boards been complaining about them? A long **** time. What has been done about it? Nothing.

Like it or not, Genron has the title of "coach" and he has influence over these kids. Whether he "should" or "should not" be a coach is besides the point. He is a coach until he isn't. He could very easily manipulate these kids not to talk to Pete. A reporter without access doesn't have a job for very long.

Edit: And one more thing with what happened here tonight. A bunch of grown *** men from a fan site complaining to a coach's boss can ONLY come across as petty and vindictive no matter how shady Genron is and how right or wrong you are. The only people that can change this situation are those with the most vested interest in this process: the kids, their parents, the schools that recruit them, and the bumbling stumbling NCAA.

Imagine the crap we'd be giving Warchant if they behaved like what went on here tonight. I'll bet they're laughing their asses off at us.

Jesus Christ, do you lack basic reading comprehension? Did I say Pete should ignore the guy or these agents? No. I said:

I have a problem with Pete and his infatuation with the sleezy SFL recruiting leeches and constantly taking up for them. He's has consistently given a voice (interviews) and support to these douche bags and it's finally come to a head.

You obviously haven't followed this site long enough to understand Pete's infatuation with these scum bags. ****, read the Valentine thread from two short weeks ago.....lovin' on Genron. He interviewed (and published) Uncle Luke and Ice Harris interviews very shortly after they PUBLICLY ripped the staff in the media. Those two are cream puffs compared to Genron, however, still no friends of the program.

Pete shouldn't "avoid" these guys. By all means, get all the info. you can from them, however, grasp a little perspective on who/what you're dealing with. And please god quit giving these program bashers a platform.

If you don't like what Pete has to say or his actions, then don't read his posts. Put him on ignore.
Why are yall so mad? Did he threaten your livelihood? Does he really affect your day to day life?

Why are people so mad at Golden and D'Onofrio? Did they threaten your livelihood? Do they really affect your day to day life? Why would you call for them to lose their jobs?

Difference being Genron is a certified dirtbag who is out for himself and doesn't seem to care about the kids (anyone who would lie about two kids to try to make his point clearly is out for himself only).
Why are yall so mad? Did he threaten your livelihood? Does he really affect your day to day life?

Why are people so mad at Golden and D'Onofrio? Did they threaten your livelihood? Do they really affect your day to day life? Why would you call for them to lose their jobs?

Difference being Genron is a certified dirtbag who is out for himself and doesn't seem to care about the kids (anyone who would lie about two kids to try to make his point clearly is out for himself only).

Yeah, I don't get the double standard. You can bash Dorito (guilty) and Golden but scumbag street agent is off limits.
Edit: And one more thing with what happened here tonight. A bunch of grown *** men from a fan site complaining to a coach's boss can ONLY come across as petty and vindictive no matter how shady Genron is and how right or wrong you are. The only people that can change this situation are those with the most vested interest in this process: the kids, their parents, the schools that recruit them, and the bumbling stumbling NCAA.

Imagine the crap we'd be giving Warchant if they behaved like what went on here tonight. I'll bet they're laughing their asses off at us.

CIS is D´s site and he can do whatever he wants, period. I have no problem with it, and if someday it bothers me enough, I will just leave this site.

Aside from some crazy vindictive ideas, whats the problem of some people send images of what Genron was saying for his boss? If it was a rumor (money) without evidence I would agree, but some guys were just sending print screens of Genron own words. If he´s not doing anything ethical wrong, his boss will just shrug at the emails.

This is a multimillion dollar business and guys like Genron will never disappear, I´m not that naive. But what I really don´t follow is your logic. Maybe it´s because I don´t have the same flexible morals, but I don´t think it´s crying to see something wrong and report it. This happens in all democratic countries around the world and in all areas, does not matter if in sports or not...

Btw, I don´t give a **** about what Warchnat think.
Why are yall so mad? Did he threaten your livelihood? Does he really affect your day to day life?

Why are people so mad at Golden and D'Onofrio? Did they threaten your livelihood? Do they really affect your day to day life? Why would you call for them to lose their jobs?

Difference being Genron is a certified dirtbag who is out for himself and doesn't seem to care about the kids (anyone who would lie about two kids to try to make his point clearly is out for himself only).
Gotta love the double standard...
Please, nobody hurt Genrons feelings. He is not on our coaching staff. So you have no right to attack him.
What did i miss?
Someone posted contact info to Valentine's high school and people started sending emails there trying to get Genron fired. Accusing him of all the things everyone around here accuses him of.

Dan, is there something wrong with that? Guy libels staff, THE U, and now draws players into it. He coaches at a Catholic School. His actions offend The Faith. I am Marist educated. I probably was one of the first to send an email.

Success or failure of THE U impacts many of our personal lives--maybe it should not but fans taek some stuff serious. I will alos being using what influence I have to try to get THE U to opening stop recruiting any kid this guy touches and any player at a school he works at or is is allowed access to. I do not believe for one moment he is merely looking out for kids. Ice might be, but this guy is clearly in it for $$$. If he is looking out for kids, he would not do things that might prevent them from getting a free ride and fine institution close to home and family. That dog will not hunt. For me it is war and he needs to be kept away from kids like any predator. I love this site, but not enough to turn a blind eye to this slave trader's business.
Don't kill me but who the **** is Genron?

Street agent who seems to push kids away from UM.

Street Agent with an Agenda. UM is not playing his game so he is trying to sabotage recruits coming here. Posted some **** about FSU being the local school and said that Duke and TH3 told Valentine not to come to UM. Sick individual on a power trip who represents everything that is wrong with high school football in SF. Oh, but people claim that he has no Agenda and that he is a great mentor.
Why are yall so mad? Did he threaten your livelihood? Does he really affect your day to day life?

Frankly we don't give a crap about the guy, he's the one that seemed intent on ruining the UM football program's reputation. What are his motives? who knows, but I bet it has to do with not being able to line his pockets with UM's money.

He doesn't affect our lives, but he is trying to affect something we care for.
Yeah, I don't get the double standard. You can bash Dorito (guilty) and Golden but scumbag street agent is off limits.

Definitely the dumbest part. If they are remotely serious about "not making it personal" then I expect every thread calling for Golden/Dorito to be fired to be deleted immediately. After all, that is their livelihood.
I think deleting the letter thread was a good idea but why was the original Genron thread trashed?
disappointed that DMoney is ignoring the real cause of the firestorm, the (supposed) lies about duke and Tracy and his FB posts in his words, not speculation

How are we ignoring that? We were the first site to report that those rumors were BS. We followed up, got the truth and disseminated it.

D I understand, but I have watch people on this site, myself included, say things attempting to damage many people personal lives-- Randy, Mark, Al, Art. This dude is not a private person. He is a public persona who actively engages and interacts in the lives of minors. He take to social media to sling mud at others. He is not some dedicated HS coach putting his own personal best interest aside for the sake of kids. He is fair game and not entitled to protection. I immediately sent email to his school and think everyone should. I also sent Al one sujjesting he stop recruitng any kid this guy touches and any school he works at. Unfortunately, Al no longer responses to my mail--he seems to be a little sensitive to nasty comments about his buddy. Oh well, I am all about THIS U. This slave trader needs to be chase out of town. Let go to Tally and coach. Let him see how those rednecks up there treat a dude who sells one of their DTs to LSU.

This is your site and you can do as you want, but war has been declared and I prefer no gloves. I will continue to read Pete because his work is great. Maybe he can do a series explaning Al's devotion to Mark. For us, Pete's defense of the slave trader is looking more like Al's crap every day. I can understand him not coming out against the dude, but to defend him, well that is going to **** people off real bad.
He deleted this Twitter account because he's a straight up dude, and straight up dudes never have an agenda or try to exploit kids for their own personal gain.
The dirtbag is on the run because he kicked a hornets nest, and he's got media coming at him asking why he posted lies about current UM players.

The " Recruiting guy " from this site might be his boy and tried to protect him from all of the negative pub but it's too effin late.
Anyone who feels that contacting Genron's jerb and trying to get him fired is kosher, I invite you to jump over to the wEz and sign slashken's guestbook.
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