Genron Letter Thread

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Did people really send letters to Genron's school/place of employment? :eekeyes:
Why we're at it can we get Torian "2Felonyz" Bean fired too?
Cop out. Is he doing these kids right, or is he pimping them for his own gain?

I've got no clue. I don't know him like that.

My longest conversation with him was about his decision to use Hustle Holicz "I'm So Throwed Off" for a Corvin Lamb highlight video.

OK, fine. Now for the part you ignored...why do you guys keep defending him? His tweets are all out there for all of us to see. He is obviously no friend of Miami football, so why does he get protected here?
the dude's insight (allegedly) has gotten this site a ton of revenue money, and you don't bite the hand that feeds. public enemy of the fanbase you are catering to or not pretty simple.

Oh, I agree completely, but they've never come clean on it. I don't really expect them to either, but at some point, the guy has to be held accountable for what he says on social media for all of the world (recruits and their families) to see.
disappointed that DMoney is ignoring the real cause of the firestorm, the (supposed) lies about duke and Tracy and his FB posts in his words, not speculation

How are we ignoring that? We were the first site to report that those rumors were BS. We followed up, got the truth and disseminated it.
disspelled it, but yet he is being protected here, no real editorial view exposing him. why should someone like him keep his job around kids?

I wouldn't go so far as to say he is protected here, but it's no secret that the dude is a source to the admins on this site. Sometimes, investigative journalists, law enforcement, etc. get information from shady individuals. You don't see cops arresting their informants, and you aren't going to see a journalist sell out his source. What do you want? You want Dmoney and Pete to lead this childish lynch mob by running to this dude's boss like a crybaby because he told a lie on facebook? No, they investigated his claim, found it bunk, and reported it. You guys got your panties in a bunch and went batshlt crazy while making everyone on this site look like a bunch of school girl beeyotches.

Is Genron a shady cat? Probably. Does he sell access to players? Who knows.. prove it. He is a definitely part of a shady system, but as long as that system gives some benefit to these kids (by increasing their marketability in the recruiting process) it's not going to stop. It works for them, not the schools clamoring over this kids. Unfortunately that's the way things work in this world. A lot of people on this site let their butt hurt get them all riled up over a lie on facebook. Really? Cry me a river.
OK, fine. Now for the part you ignored...why do you guys keep defending him? His tweets are all out there for all of us to see. He is obviously no friend of Miami football, so why does he get protected here?

The only mod who defended him was Pete, and that's because he knows him personally. Pete's reaction was a natural one.

As for the rest of us, we are just trying to keep this personal life crap off the boards. We extend the same courtesy to everyone.

Fair enough. I appreciate the response.
There are some relationships that should not be out for everybody to know about. This one, between this guy and the staff, is likely one of those.
This man wouldn't have a job or an unburned-to-the-ground home if this **** was going down in Tuscaloosa.

But I support the move, DDollaDollaBills.

Everybody chug a beer.
Unless I missed something, I didn't see any personal information posted in that thread. Genron didn't have a problem lying about Duke and TH3 and bringing them into his business.

Good to see a Miami site and its writers all protect an anti-Miami guy like Genron.

I am new to this site but this reaction by the board mods is a little troubling. The Facebook posts by Drummond is the lowest and most despicable thing I have ever seen a supposed coach do. I could understand their position if all there was was innuendo and rumors about Genron, but when this guy goes on Facebook to bash UM and lies about what players said as confirmed by Peter Ariz then I don't get it.

I can't imagine a coach in Tuscaloosa sliming players or the Alabama institution like that and not getting heat from the fans and the school and the fan sites. I just can't see that happening.
Unless I missed something, I didn't see any personal information posted in that thread. Genron didn't have a problem lying about Duke and TH3 and bringing them into his business.

Good to see a Miami site and its writers all protect an anti-Miami guy like Genron.

I am new to this site but this reaction by the board mods is a little troubling. The Facebook posts by Drummond is the lowest and most despicable thing I have ever seen a supposed coach do. I could understand their position if all there was was innuendo and rumors about Genron, but when this guy goes on Facebook to bash UM and lies about what players said as confirmed by Peter Ariz then I don't get it.

I can't imagine a coach in Tuscaloosa sliming players or the Alabama institution like that and not getting heat from the fans and the school and the fan sites. I just can't see that happening.

That's a little melodramatic don't you think? Guess you were living in a cave when the whole Penn State/Sandusky thing went down huh? A facebook lie is hardly the most despicable thing a coach has ever done, lol.

And btw, he did take all kinds of heat for it. So much so that he locked his twitter and whatnot. It's when the lynch mob started was when the line was crossed. Take a xanax and have a beer guys. It's going to be ok.
disappointed that DMoney is ignoring the real cause of the firestorm, the (supposed) lies about duke and Tracy and his FB posts in his words, not speculation

How are we ignoring that? We were the first site to report that those rumors were BS. We followed up, got the truth and disseminated it.
disspelled it, but yet he is being protected here, no real editorial view exposing him. why should someone like him keep his job around kids?

I wouldn't go so far as to say he is protected here, but it's no secret that the dude is a source to the admins on this site. Sometimes, investigative journalists, law enforcement, etc. get information from shady individuals. You don't see cops arresting their informants, and you aren't going to see a journalist sell out his source. What do you want? You want Dmoney and Pete to lead this childish lynch mob by running to this dude's boss like a crybaby because he told a lie on facebook? No, they investigated his claim, found it bunk, and reported it. You guys got your panties in a bunch and went batshlt crazy while making everyone on this site look like a bunch of school girl beeyotches.

Is Genron a shady cat? Probably. Does he sell access to players? Who knows.. prove it. He is a definitely part of a shady system, but as long as that system gives some benefit to these kids (by increasing their marketability in the recruiting process) it's not going to stop. It works for them, not the schools clamoring over this kids. Unfortunately that's the way things work in this world. A lot of people on this site let their butt hurt get them all riled up over a lie on facebook. Really? Cry me a river.

Dude hasn't even graduated college and you gonna tell us how the world is? As Jimmy McNulty says, The bad guys don't get to win, we do. You want to play in the mud, expect to get dirty. Dudes a joke.
disappointed that DMoney is ignoring the real cause of the firestorm, the (supposed) lies about duke and Tracy and his FB posts in his words, not speculation

How are we ignoring that? We were the first site to report that those rumors were BS. We followed up, got the truth and disseminated it.
disspelled it, but yet he is being protected here, no real editorial view exposing him. why should someone like him keep his job around kids?

I wouldn't go so far as to say he is protected here, but it's no secret that the dude is a source to the admins on this site. Sometimes, investigative journalists, law enforcement, etc. get information from shady individuals. You don't see cops arresting their informants, and you aren't going to see a journalist sell out his source. What do you want? You want Dmoney and Pete to lead this childish lynch mob by running to this dude's boss like a crybaby because he told a lie on facebook? No, they investigated his claim, found it bunk, and reported it. You guys got your panties in a bunch and went batshlt crazy while making everyone on this site look like a bunch of school girl beeyotches.

Is Genron a shady cat? Probably. Does he sell access to players? Who knows.. prove it. He is a definitely part of a shady system, but as long as that system gives some benefit to these kids (by increasing their marketability in the recruiting process) it's not going to stop. It works for them, not the schools clamoring over this kids. Unfortunately that's the way things work in this world. A lot of people on this site let their butt hurt get them all riled up over a lie on facebook. Really? Cry me a river.

Dude hasn't even graduated college and you gonna tell us how the world is? As Jimmy McNulty says, The bad guys don't get to win, we do. You want to play in the mud, expect to get dirty. Dudes a joke.

Um...I'm 40 years old.
Unless I missed something, I didn't see any personal information posted in that thread. Genron didn't have a problem lying about Duke and TH3 and bringing them into his business.

Good to see a Miami site and its writers all protect an anti-Miami guy like Genron.

I am new to this site but this reaction by the board mods is a little troubling. The Facebook posts by Drummond is the lowest and most despicable thing I have ever seen a supposed coach do. I could understand their position if all there was was innuendo and rumors about Genron, but when this guy goes on Facebook to bash UM and lies about what players said as confirmed by Peter Ariz then I don't get it.

I can't imagine a coach in Tuscaloosa sliming players or the Alabama institution like that and not getting heat from the fans and the school and the fan sites. I just can't see that happening.

That's a little melodramatic don't you think? Guess you were living in a cave when the whole Penn State/Sandusky thing went down huh? A facebook lie is hardly the most despicable thing a coach has ever done, lol.

And btw, he did take all kinds of heat for it. So much so that he locked his twitter and whatnot. It's when the lynch mob started was when the line was crossed. Take a xanax and have a beer guys. It's going to be ok.

do u think Genron should be allowed to coach kids? The guy pops off on twitter like a loose cannon and was involved in shady 7v7 stuff. Sound like a molder of young men to you? **** outta here, go back to Pearson RH and write an essay on what "the real world" is, since I've been living in it so much.
Unless I missed something, I didn't see any personal information posted in that thread. Genron didn't have a problem lying about Duke and TH3 and bringing them into his business.

Good to see a Miami site and its writers all protect an anti-Miami guy like Genron.

I am new to this site but this reaction by the board mods is a little troubling. The Facebook posts by Drummond is the lowest and most despicable thing I have ever seen a supposed coach do. I could understand their position if all there was was innuendo and rumors about Genron, but when this guy goes on Facebook to bash UM and lies about what players said as confirmed by Peter Ariz then I don't get it.

I can't imagine a coach in Tuscaloosa sliming players or the Alabama institution like that and not getting heat from the fans and the school and the fan sites. I just can't see that happening.

That's a little melodramatic don't you think? Guess you were living in a cave when the whole Penn State/Sandusky thing went down huh? A facebook lie is hardly the most despicable thing a coach has ever done, lol.

And btw, he did take all kinds of heat for it. So much so that he locked his twitter and whatnot. It's when the lynch mob started was when the line was crossed. Take a xanax and have a beer guys. It's going to be ok.

Maybe a high school football coach is more accurate term I should have used. Whatever.

He absolutely should be taking heat for it. He should be run out of town for it. I think you missing the deeper implications of his lie. He was trying to cover his street agent tracks and in doing so he lied about two top local recruits on a public forum. Then add in the whole circus surrounding the Valentine recruitment it just really is quite disturbing. Now what is making it worse is I followed another poster's advice and googled John Drummond and Lamarcus Joyner only to find more crap about this dude from other fan bases about this dude. Apparently he is hated by other schools too for pulling this type of crap with recruits and the posting on social media.

The Sandusky stuff is on a whole other level that goes beyond just football.
Ah so you aren't a kid just a 40 year old who is still in college. I'm lining up to hear your words of wisdom.
Ah so you aren't a kid just a 40 year old who is still in college. I'm lining up to hear your words of wisdom.

Not that it's any of your business, but I started back to school after the recession destroyed my career, I lost my life savings, and my house to foreclosure. I busted my *** to get to the U and am working my *** of at school supporting my family on student loans while my wife works. I got my AA at MDC in 18 months and transferred to the U. Try going from a job making enough to be the sole provider for your family to losing everything you ever worked for. Then you can tell me how I don't know that life isn't fair.

I have busted my *** in school and have been rewarded with acceptance to medical school which I start next Fall. You try growing the balls to start your life completely over from scratch at my age and then you can talk ish. I bet you couldn't do what I am doing.

"Got my middle finger up, tell em I don't give a ****"
Unless I missed something, I didn't see any personal information posted in that thread. Genron didn't have a problem lying about Duke and TH3 and bringing them into his business.

Good to see a Miami site and its writers all protect an anti-Miami guy like Genron.

I am new to this site but this reaction by the board mods is a little troubling. The Facebook posts by Drummond is the lowest and most despicable thing I have ever seen a supposed coach do. I could understand their position if all there was was innuendo and rumors about Genron, but when this guy goes on Facebook to bash UM and lies about what players said as confirmed by Peter Ariz then I don't get it.

I can't imagine a coach in Tuscaloosa sliming players or the Alabama institution like that and not getting heat from the fans and the school and the fan sites. I just can't see that happening.

THIS......Yet, said mod will continue to insinuate that Golden doesn't have what it takes to recruit SFL, all the while providing shelter to the thugs that are making things difficult for him. Pete is a little too sweet with these handlers and he's let them taint his objectivity.
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Ah so you aren't a kid just a 40 year old who is still in college. I'm lining up to hear your words of wisdom.

Not that it's any of your business, but I started back to school after the recession destroyed my career, I lost my life savings, and my house to foreclosure. I busted my *** to get to the U and am working my *** of at school supporting my family on student loans while my wife works. I got my AA at MDC in 18 months and transferred to the U. Try going from a job making enough to be the sole provider for your family to losing everything you ever worked for. Then you can tell me how I don't know that life isn't fair.

I have busted my *** in school and have been rewarded with acceptance to medical school which I start next Fall. You try growing the balls to start your life completely over from scratch at my age and then you can talk ish. I bet you couldn't do what I am doing.

"Got my middle finger up, tell em I don't give a ****"

Very commendable good luck!

This Drummond dude is still bad news. I am still going thru tons of posts from all over the internet by fans from other schools just ripping this dude to pieces. It's not the first time he's been caught and has had to block his twitter page.
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