Tears Gator Tears

They cover up murder over there.
Pulling an arm of a tow truck driver won’t even get you a wind sprint from the staff up there.
That sht at uf is like morning coffee after a morning rub out.

More like a Morning head job and blunt from your Hispanic Neighbor
Lol I know, that’s what I thought when reading it but let’s pile it on while the stove is hot

It really isnt weak. If he grabbed the tow truck drivers arm that roughly that the guy reported it, then its an issue. It also again shows the lack of discipline there.
Chaney ain’t going nowhere and Goldcunt knows this, especially to the Turds who weren’t even in his top 2 and may have been after USCe. He writes this crap knowing this because he’s trying to throw cover for the staff for the **** show going on now in Turdsville.

The State Attorney who is an alum of UF undergrad and law school is letting it slide

FTFY... but in all seriousness, this does seem like much to do about nothing. Though the state attorney's quotes about it sound more like a defense attorney speaking on behalf of his/her client.

The State Attorney is letting it slide

I have NEVER seen a State Attorney give such a ridiculous quote:

"That is bullsh--. There’s a certain amount of touching that is not intended to be a criminal matter,” Cervone said. “I could put my arm on your shoulder as I walk past you and technically that’s battery. Some people revel in something that’s not a big deal. It’s a football player and it becomes the end of the world.”

How does this guy keep his job? First, he gives a quote where he is cursing at (presumably) a reporter. Then AS A PROSECUTOR he minimizes the intent of the law, even though it is his job to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Finally, he gives an OBVIOUS defense of the UF football team, which clearly evidences an awareness of who the accused is (in a PRE-charge phase of the case).

I would say that I am shocked, but we are talking about Alachua County. This guy probably won the SA election by dropping the n-word a few times and wearing white robes to campaign functions.
FTFY... but in all seriousness, this does seem like much to do about nothing. Though the state attorney's quotes about it sound more like a defense attorney speaking on behalf of his/her client.

Try doing that in Cali and its a wrap