Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

Bunch of pussies on here scared of women hitting them. LOL.

Because the hospitals are overflowing with men victimized with physical abuse by women.

Look, there is noooo doubt it happens on both sides. Women initiate it, and men also initiate it. It’s not just a man hitting a woman problem in domestic violence. The problem is only one side gets the news so it seems one sided. If a man reports getting abused he’s looked at as a *****, which (maybe true) isn’t fair.

Men who initiate domestic violence are pieces of the stickiest **** you can find. Everybody agrees with that, or should. And I have no problem with a woman defending herself by any mean necessary. But in a situation where it is a woman who initiates the physical altercation, I’m not gonna sit here and “oh he’s a man he should take or just walk away”.

Now me, if I get into some type of verbal altercation with a drunk female for instance (which I have) and she is with her dude, before I say a insult or anything, I’m loookin at ole boy, like “bro get your chick”. If that doesn’t work I’ll do my best to ignore her. BUT if a random chick steps to me like she a man and attempts to hit me, ima defend myself with necessary force for that situation (which has never happened). Doesn’t mean ima full on fight her like a man, but I’m not gonna sit there and get slapped, a drink thrown at me or punched then say “well it’s a woman”.

I was raised to never put my hands on any woman/girl, like most. SOME Girls are also keen to this lil loophole in the “keep her hands to herself” rule we all here as kids. I work at school and I’ve had girls hit or mess with some of the boys and a boy hits the girl back. The girl will say “boys aren’t allowed to hit girls” lol. My response to that is, well you hit him first so what happens after that, all bets are off. Then I’ll pull the boy to side and try to explain to him that he’s much stronger than her and next time just come tell the adult. But I’m not gonna reprehend him for his action.

My advice to men who find themselves in these situations at a party or out in public comes from my school resource officer, have someone take out their phone and start recording the entire situation. Because if something goes down and cops do shows up the preconceived notion is already ingrained in ppls head that the man was the aggressor and at fault. You saw it with the Kareem Hunt situation how that girl all of a sudden goes full franny from the movie rosewood when the cops arrived
In this world of #metoo and this not being his first offence, they might not have a choice.
That's what I'm saying. This is a different age than when Bobby Bowden brushed this crap under the rug. In the aftermath of Ray Rice and Kareem Hunt, I'm not sure they can keep him on the team. Is there video evidence he hit her? No. But he says in the video something about "do you want me to hit you in the face again?" Clearly, he's hitting a woman and threatening to do so.
I know, I’m not talking about the previous situation...but I’m saying would dismiss a player from this “video” of nothing but an argument? Which to me looks like entrapment.

lol him saying you want me to hit you in the face again is an admission
Hiring briles means you can’t be the old FSU anymore. Dude has so much baggage attached to him. Doesn’t matter if he knew didn’t know or whatever that last name and that school has some non wash away stank. If they had another dude they may be able to survive it. But having briles on there they can’t afford to even have a bad break up go public.
That's what I'm saying. This is a different age than when Bobby Bowden brushed this crap under the rug. In the aftermath of Ray Rice and Kareem Hunt, I'm not sure they can keep him on the team. Is there video evidence he hit her? No. But he says in the video something about "do you want me to hit you in the face again?" Clearly, he's hitting a woman and threatening to do so.


But you have posters that say there's no evidence of him hitting her.

Yes you do, in the video he clearly stated to the girl that he would hit her again.

I'll give Willie credit for this, he handled the situation right. He's screwed next year with just Blackman at QB with no other scholly QBs behind him (that I'm aware of). But from a moral compass (don't know if he was pressured into it), he did the right thing.
So who do they have at QB now?! Edit: I thought Blackman had transferred.

Surely there's no excuse to lose to them in 2019.