Follow-up to a story I mentioned in my long post

I wouldn't trust Blake James to run a Bath and Body Works at a local mall, let alone a power-5 athletic department.

Goes to show how ****ed up the AD has been, over 20 years of collecting checks, without a clear vision on how to build a winner.

"Building Champions," my ***.
Of all the things I’ve heard, the most baffling is how you don’t take money somebody’s trying to give you. When a dude says come up with an idea and I’ll find it you don’t say “nah, we cool”. I’m one of the less hysterical people around here, but this blows my mind. How the ever living f**k has this been allowed to go on? I get the university not wanting to support football, but why wouldn’t you take outside money if making the football team better is your f**king job?
This is the last I’ll talk about this comedy show which is the UM BOT / Prez.

First off if you believe the BOT is “toothless “ in anything or “lacks power“ I have some ocean side property for ya. Secondly the media like all main stream news media are shills. They take the side of or push whatever agenda their sauces gives them, because of the access. As we’ve seen all of this has been playing out in the media. Using the “Journalists” as pawns in their real life game of chess.

If you follow my posts you know I’ve been saying this is a crap show for a long time. People caring more about playing politics, pushing their agenda , their guy or their vision of what the program should be. Wanting things done but on their terms.

There‘s Bot members that legit care and have a plan but not all are created equal. There’s a pecking order. Some have a louder voice and wields a bigger stick.

Whats sad is there’s donors that want to spend money and would spend more if they knew there was a plan and their money was actually going to something, Which is beyond sad , they have doubts their money actually goes to where they want it directed. It’s criminal how high the ceiling of donations could be if somebody in the Administration had a clue. Even more comical we actually have donors who couldn’t get a response from the former AD, for months. These are people that donates real money smh.

The more I learn on this the more disgusted I get as a fan. There’s nothing too simple for these people, it has to be something dramatic like Blake completely sabotaging himself and the program for them to finally react. Just like the Herbie situation. People suddenly care and pay attention when they’re the ones with the gun pointing back at them lol. Lastly does anyone remember somebody mentioning Dan Lamber being huge behind the scenes and Manny / Blake killing the Zo deal? Just checking , since it’s news…..again lol.

I hope everyone enjoys the same soap opera , click bait articles and tweets. I’m personally over it.

Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving, see you in 2022.
Pouring Austin Powers GIF

Say hi to Inday, Cribby.

Happy Thanksgiving! See you next week
That article is going in Korn Ferry’s AD file. Lol that made my week, along with Epstein getting btfo on Twitter.
Epstein is getting demolished.

Hey, may not be professional but all is fair in love & war. You want to be the biggest POS and throw your balls around? Cool!!

If you're a big enough boy to do what he does then be a big enough boy and take it when it’s given right back.
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I wouldn't trust Blake James to run a Bath and Body Works at a local mall, let alone a power-5 athletic department.

Goes to show how ****ed up the AD has been, over 20 years of collecting checks, without a clear vision on how to build a winner.

"Building Champions," my ***.
Guy wouldn’t know a champion if the 2001 team was simultaneously taking a dump on his head.
SMH at Barry for putting all those kids names in this article. He could have written it without that . some of them are still playing.
Going scorched -earth against MAnny, Blake etc is one thing. Humiliating the kids by basically calling them JAGS in a newspaper article is pretty low in my book...
Hes been a jack *** for years with this type of thing. Hes on this board...and if i was a aparent i woulda had to check him in person.

Dude is already named kids that are rs freshman in the programs as Jags and guys currently playing. He legitimately could of just done it without the name ....i mean he sh*tted on the Butler kid for no reason ..which is how i know he is on here lol
For all the mistakes Diaz commited while HC not hiring Highsmith doesn't even crack the top 100, not even sure it's a mistake tbh. It wouldn't change the product on the field, because Diaz would still be here picking the coaches, the players and Miami would still be lagging on support staff.

Diaz is a HC, an awful one, but that's his job. He or any other coach should have final say on his staff, if he can't pick'em than you have a bigger problem than wether somebody is hired on an advisory role
Hes been a jack *** for years with this type of thing. Hes on this board...and if i was a aparent i woulda had to check him in person.

Dude is already named kids that are rs freshman in the programs as Jags and guys currently playing. He legitimately could of just done it without the name ....i mean he sh*tted on the Butler kid for no reason ..which is how i know he is on here lol
I was incensed when I saw the part with all those kids names. No class at all.