Follow-up to a story I mentioned in my long post

Many of us have been saying for years that the BoT, Admin and AD were killing the athletics department on purpose, and got **** on for it by a lot of porsters.

Now finally everyone is starting to believe how twisted these people are. No one should be surprised by this.
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Blake’s future career as an AD

mr. hankey toilet GIF by South Park
I wouldn't trust Blake James to run a Bath and Body Works at a local mall, let alone a power-5 athletic department.

Goes to show how ****ed up the AD has been, over 20 years of collecting checks, without a clear vision on how to build a winner.

"Building Champions," my ***.
Building the schools bank account, was more like it.
Just catching up. I can’t remember seeing such a level of incompetence or negligence. This article makes me sick to my stomach. Players/fans are over here giving blood, sweat, tears, careers, our Saturday’s, our money, and this fonzanoon can’t even pretend to care about improving even when the green light is flashing in his face. Gtfoh.

This just ain’t on Blake either. Frenk for letting this go on and some of the BoT knowing this, some enabling this.

I absolutely hate our dirty laundry being aired out in public. We look like a monkey ***ing a football out here trying to run sports. But if this is what needs to happen to embarrass the decision makers enough, then so be it. They’ve had plenty of opportunity to do this behind the scenes the right way. ***** every one of these cokgoblins.
We were here complaining about money and Waste James was offered money and he said analysts and locker room. Miami has been suffering from lack of vision more than freaking money problems. Its starts at the top. He was happy with hiring Manny, the clown. We have to root these clowns out.
Btw the whole narrative about money Waste James brought in. That can die right now. F these people man, im getting more upset reading these things.

Oh yeah, we need Jurich. We don't need another AD. Bring that man in
I love every word of this:

“After the first year of Manny’s tenure, donors sat down with Blake,” Lambert said. “There were some people that had some grievances and let him know that they weren’t happy with the product on the field. I said nothing at that point. I was waiting for everybody else to talk.

“I said I have a simple question for you: ’If you did not have the budgetary concerns that we always hear as excuses and you had the money available to do something big — whether it’s coaching, staff, facilities, whatever it is — I’m not telling you what it has to be, but assume you had that, what would you do? Before you answer, know that the people across this table are willing to make a commitment. If what you say excites us, we’ll come back with the money you’re asking for.’

“I said, ‘Before I leave, I’ll write you a check for half a million bucks and I’ll go out and take these people with me right now who have some crazy contacts and we’ll go hit the pavement with their contacts and go raise the money. Give me something good.’ I didn’t say, ‘you have to fire Manny Diaz or you have to do this.’

“I asked [James], ‘What would you do?’ His answer was ‘I’ll probably hire a couple more analysts and improve the locker room.’ I said, ‘Come on, seriously! It was a serious question. Give me a serious answer.’ He said ‘that’s my answer.’”

Lambert then told James “OK, just so you know, the next time we come here, we’re probably not going to be coming here with checkbooks. We’re probably going to be coming with pitchforks and torches because that’s a really [expletive] answer.


But it's what I've been saying about Beta Blake for years. No vision. Wants the money, doesn't know how to spend it. Rude and insulting and condescending. Weasel.

Man they been ready to spend the cash.

They just knew better than to **** it away giving it to these ****** ducks.
So pathetic man

Praying Lambert and Mas have enough influence to force these fools to get it right this time
They do. A new day is upon us. UM football will not look the way it is the past decade and a half plus. JF understood a couple months ago it was either total destruction or the correct path. He’s chosen well and did so because it’s logical. Be grateful for who you have running the university as prior to him, and for the first few years of his administration for that matter, there was zero true leaders who could or would dare make a case for change.
More to come unless the change happens ( it will). I mentioned it a couple months ago that this time was different. This story is the tip of the iceberg of what’s been going on in the athletic department. Painful to say at the very least. But understand as well that the pain was unfortunately necessary for change. I didn’t read the complete article. However, any defense of BJ as him wanting this and Manny overruling him is not correct (I assume that’s in there or insinuated as I’ve heard it too many times). Complete clown show.
SMH at Barry for putting all those kids names in this article. He could have written it without that . some of them are still playing.
Going scorched -earth against MAnny, Blake etc is one thing. Humiliating the kids by basically calling them JAGS in a newspaper article is pretty low in my book...
My mom always told me that the truth shall set you free
What would everyone have said to the blank check question?
Crazy money to set up the best NIL structure in the country to attract the best recruits in the nation.

I also would have asked for money for a new head coach and top notch coaching staff, but Blake was tied to manny so no chance that was happening.

How he didn’t take the highsmith offer is nothing more than a lack of confidence In how he was doing his job. I would have put him on notice right there if I was the BOT. Atleast he is gone and manny has to be close behind.