Follow-up to a story I mentioned in my long post


And that's another reason neither HE (who wears his shorts backwards) nor Diaz wanted Alonzo - Alonzo would have recognized their incompetence immediately - and he'd be reporting that to the ones paying him - not the AD - not Diaz.

The idea of a guy who's somewhat independent - cuts down on the politics and Boulschitt. You get the straight story of a matter.
Blake could have taken that as a chance to learn from a real football mind, but he took the cowardly route and it got him fired in the end. Being a weasel will always catch up to you eventually.
“If my life depended on telling you what went through Blake’s head any time I ever talked to him, I would probably be a dead man,” Lambert said. “I have no idea. Was Blake initially receptive to it? He was more of a politician about it.”

Interesting to say the least.
Now I’ll be rooting for Lambert against the Inner Circle

In a nutshell

Lambert asked Blake James to list all the things needed to turn a 6-7 team into a championship caliber one and he (Lambert) would pay it.

Blake James responded "nicer locker rooms and a couple of analysts."

Lambert then told Blake James he was a f#cking idiot and just got himself fired with his stupid answer.
Well this article is just depressing.

Blake James is a simp. He was not person enough for the job he had. Manny had zero clout as a head coach after 2019 to veto any demand Blake made, and yet he did and Blake backed off like a b*tch.
So for the past 3 years this football team has been lead by a fool for a coach and a simp-b*tch for an AD

I wonder why UM did not win more games? Weird, huh
Was it Manny or Manny daddy he feared? I would guess daddy. ****, politricks