Official Fall PractiSe # 13: Friday August 19

Everyone knew what was coming when we ran the ball. Just being more diverse in run plays is likely to help the OL since the guy they are trying to block will not know where the ball is going from the minute the ball is snapped
Happy Youtube GIF by Hyper RPG
Coach Lash......we knew what was coming with the run up the middle to make first downs in 3 rd and short.....frustrating as ****, but we looked for it, and guess what, we got it, and he kept doing it over and over and over...............
Excited Happy Hour GIF by Boomerang Official
you could take it to the bank...........but he played fast and opened up TVD's game I give him that......Gattis will have to go more to the passing game if the RB's are limited and not deep.
Its just a stereotype joke I heard a lot when I was growing up as the only Caucasian in my friend group back in the 80’s - 90’s. Momma Cribby change many an opinion on white folks seasoning / cooking.
I’m right there with you. I will say, I’ve met a lot of white families who do cook some bland *** food though too.
So now Cribby is an authoritative figure on white people's cooking??....So I guess all those "Bland Crackers" in New Orleans don't know how to spice/season food correctly??....Or same goes for those "Italian Crackers"........Jesus H Christ...The downright ignorance on CIS is laughable....
Most mens cooking skills are relegated to opening a microwave and then trying to figure out how long do I nuke this thing.
So now Cribby is an authoritative figure on white people's cooking??....So I guess all those "Bland Crackers" in New Orleans don't know how to spice/season food correctly??....Or same goes for those "Italian Crackers"........Jesus H Christ...The downright ignorance on CIS is laughable....
Calm your **** friend , I said it was an old stereotype joke.
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Lashlee didn’t have a run scheme. He could spread you out and put pressure on you through the air however. But my goodness the run game was JV
Which is confusing given he played and coached for Gus Malzahn. You would think he would have picked up something more creative than what he called.
We threw the **** out of the ball last year. Finished last in the ACC in rushing.


If we hadn't thrown the heck out of the ball last year we probably go 4-8. Love Lashlee, but his inability to come up with better options on 3rd/4th and short was a complete head scratcher
Which is confusing given he played and coached for Gus Malzahn. You would think he would have picked up something more creative than what he called.
Gus- inside zone read, power one way (I think right), power read, counter the other way from power (I think left), and buck sweep. Gus doesn't over-think it