Official Fall PractiSe # 13: Friday August 19

Lashlee and TVD were a great match. that kind of offensive system + TVD's arm strength and overall talent is going to equal a ton of yards and points in college football. it's really just that simple.

the trade that we are making with Cristobal is relinquishing an offense that pushes the ball downfield for explosive pass plays in exchange for a team that is overall more physically prepared to play high level, championship contending football. whether we were 7-5 last year because we couldn't convert third and short feels like not seeing the forest for the trees. we will probably be better in short yardage this year but that will be a symptom of just having a team and program that is, on a macro level, much more ready to compete -- the fact that our defense last year couldn't tackle feels related to the fact that our offensive line couldn't get push in short yardage. all this stuff should be better this year because we have a coach that thinks a certain way, and that also influences his offensive POV.

if you look at how guys like Saban, Kirby, Urban coach, there is a correlation (for whatever reason) between recruiting at a certain level -> having a team that looks a certain way athletically/physically -> playing a brand of offensive football that keeps hyper-explosive, pass-happy offenses at arm's distance. Saban of course has loosened his offenses up, but title winning teams in the last 10-15 years have generally had balanced, even run-heavy offenses. I guess the thinking is that if you can mash people and be hyper-efficient running the ball, you might as well do that. it's important to note that there have been teams who have done it differently -- 2019 LSU had probably the best offense in the history of the sport and they were throwing the ball all over the place. they also had what may end up being an NFL Hall of Fame QB and two Hall of Fame WRs.

ultimately, stylistically speaking, we hired a Nick Saban not a Lincoln Riley. we'll see how the results play out, but if Mario recruits at a certain level the success should be there.

as for Lashlee, we should keep in mind he was getting hired by SMU regardless. so we would have had a new OC anyway, probably a similar system/vision but the exact offense we saw last year was never coming back. I also had issues with how he coached against teams like Clemson -- the Malzahn and Briles systems are based on simplicity, and I never felt like Lashlee was coming into those games with a team-specific game plan. he very much wanted to run his stuff, which with those systems is going to work almost every time against the average college football team. but we have higher aspirations now.
I agree with a lot of what you wrote and outlined regarding what Lashlee aimed to do, what Mario aims to do, and how those can be emblematic of a broader team philosophy. I’m not sure how I’m missing the forest for the trees. My response was specific to the reason we ended up 7-5. I wasn’t commenting or engaging on what I prefer or think is possible. You can be explosive (even if you’re not spreading teams to the absolute sidelines) and still have an overall tough, physical team. They’re not mutually exclusive. Many teams have now proven that. I hope that’s what Mario and his OCs aim to do.
Our current OL will never be road graders or super physical but scheme and coaching will improve their biggest weaknesses. This offense will allow them to drive and play down hill more versus previous years. They’re also having physicality beat into their heads daily. Mario with OL‘s is like Urban with St’s, Leach / Riley with qb’s and Saban with db’s. They all take pride in their specialties. If that area struggles it reflects on them.

That said if we want to be successful this season I think we should take notes from Lashlee. Depend on the qb and a pretty good pass blocking Ol and skill guys. Good coaches play to their rosters strengths first.

Imma wait and see... been burned the last two off seasons with everything from "much improved" to "strength of the team" comments. From what I see its the same dudes. I also don't think Mario's toughness or better coaching counts for a giant difference in a few months. The coaches we had were life long OL coaches and not complete bums so these guys may get a little better but they're not getting some magic button that only Mirabal can provide. They could be a little more determine with a few more skills, but nothing game breaking. If I saw them changing their bodies or strength numbers I would be a little more excited, but same dudes same 1x1 losses.
Agree. Opening the offense up and being a true pass first team is what saved the season from getting ugly. We looked more like a Sonny Dykes offense versus a Gus Malzahn offense under king. The Rpo and using backs in the passing game is what changed things.
I think King just wasn’t the right guy to run the Lashlee offense.

It wasn’t tailored to King’s strengths, IMO. And didn’t mask his weaknesses.

Tbd whether TVD and Gattis are match.
That's an 8.5-win pace with the hottest QB in the nation and three close wins going our way. We also weren’t playing Bama or MSU.

I agree defense was our biggest problem. Our bad running game made it worse. You can win with an average passer. You can't win with no running game.

Just look at the Top 5 teams last year. Georgia, Michigan and Baylor were all heavy run-first teams with average or worse QBs. Cincy was balanced. Alabama was more passing-oriented but could run when they needed to. Even in 2022, running the ball is still a non-negotiable.

That's not to say we should play like a Big 10 team. If we aren't taking advantage of our elite QB and making explosive passing plays, we're in trouble. But if the solution is "give up on the run," like the poster suggested, it's the formula for another mediocre season.
I dont think anyone disagrees with the idea that we need to run the ball ‘at least when we need to.’ You wrote we threw the ball a ton last season. Also, that finished last in running the ball. And, then simply stated ‘7-5.’

Throwing the ball a ton last year doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of that 7-5. As others have told you, without that throwing the ball a ton, we may have gone 4-8. Sometimes, as Liberty just explained in his post, you have to do what your personnel dictates.

I’m in full agreement with anyone who wants a more physical football team. I was the one pounding that point all of last season and prior to last season even before the fake tackling in practice came to light (on gameday and otherwise). I just also want us to do the most with what we have. That OL recruiting class hasn’t gotten here yet. So we’ll see if we mix in some of that throwing the ball around, too.
Serious question... Why should we think our running game will be any better?

So many times our O couldn't get the push. Play calling and new practicing techniques don't seem like enough of a difference maker to make these guys win the man on man battles they need to win to get that push. I dont see drastically different body types on the O or any real newbies cracking the rotation. To me its the biggest question mark about this team, with the second being how does Gattis handle not being able to run the ball.
I agree with this.

I can see marginal improvement, but these guys aren’t gonna become road-graders overnight. Scaife gets destroyed at the point of attack on the reg.
I think King just wasn’t the right guy to run the Lashlee offense.

It wasn’t tailored to King’s strengths, IMO. And didn’t mask his weaknesses.

Tbd whether TVD and Gattis are match.
That wasn’t the same offense as when king played. Tvd also excelled in areas king struggled. The Rpo being one area. King also held on to the ball too long or would leave the picket early if first read wasn’t open. He caused some of the pressure.
That wasn’t the same offense as when king played. Tvd also excelled in areas king struggled. The Rpo being one area. King also held on to the ball too long or would leave the picket early if first read wasn’t open. He caused some of the pressure.
Maybe, but king had other limitations too.

His height was an issue. His downfield accuracy was an issue. I mean, let’s be honest… he was an athlete playing QB. TVD is a true QB.

King liked to keep it in the RPO, tuck it and run. That led to a lot of the holding it too long stuff you mentioned.

And he definitely took off out of the pocket too fast. Part of that is on him, and part is on the OL that almost got him killed on a regular basis.

I’d have to rewatch the games, but I didn’t think the offense changed too much. You just had a guy in TVD that wasn’t looking for that 3rd option in the RPO… tuck it and run. He read the key defender, and either handed off or threw it. That extra second that he had in the pocket allowed him to confidently stand in the pocket and make his progressions. King looked at his first target, then took off after.

Just my opinion. As far as this season, I think our OL is fine pass blocking. I have questions whether they can run block. I liked what I saw of the gap blocking scheme in the spring game, but now we lose Don and citizen? Please don’t force rooster and Parrish to run between the tackles. Unfortunately, I think that is what will happen.
I dont think anyone disagrees with the idea that we need to run the ball ‘at least when we need to.’ You wrote we threw the ball a ton last season. Also, that finished last in running the ball. And, then simply stated ‘7-5.’
The post I responded to was a meme that said "Stop getting RBs hurt, throw the **** ball." That's a formula for a mediocre team, like we were last year. There are very few good teams that can't run.

I agree with @Liberty City El that we don't have Big 10 personnel and shouldn't emulate those teams. Miami is Miami when we're making explosive plays in the passing game. If the vertical passing game doesn't improve, it's going to be a bad year for Miami.

But if we're talking personnel, it should also be noted that our two most proven skill players are RBs and that our most talented skill position unit might be TE. Wide receiver is not currently a strength and our OL, while below CFP standard, has some future pros and a ton of experience.

Getting better in the run game is a key to us improving our W/L. That's certainly how Cristobal is approaching it. We shouldn't reverse course just because our 3rd and 4th tailbacks got hurt.
You must’ve not heard me on the Canes Legacy Podcast. Apparently I talk like I belong on Swamp People lol. Which I’ve never heard in my life , even from northerners lol.
Nah fam you sound a little like tony Gwynn (even though he's from long beach)
Imma wait and see... been burned the last two off seasons with everything from "much improved" to "strength of the team" comments. From what I see its the same dudes. I also don't think Mario's toughness or better coaching counts for a giant difference in a few months. The coaches we had were life long OL coaches and not complete bums so these guys may get a little better but they're not getting some magic button that only Mirabal can provide. They could be a little more determine with a few more skills, but nothing game breaking. If I saw them changing their bodies or strength numbers I would be a little more excited, but same dudes same 1x1 losses.
I said last year the ol , de and lb were my concerns and will dictate the season. I’m not as concerned with the Ol this year especially with how it finished last season but it’s still the area I’m focusing on. If we stay healthy I believe it’ll be solid.
There’s no way you can let Rooster and Parrish get hit in these scrimmages from here on out. You lose one of them and we are f***** . Part of being an elite coach is being a smart coach. I get trying to instill your culture but there’s smart ways to do it