Fall practice #4

Man you can tell the season is around the corner! A lot of penned up anger ready to be let loose around here today. Lol.

Fck dat....it's a whole lotta *****in' going on. Literally after the post of "practice is over", ninjas have been going back & forth on what's a RPO, who's elite, who's not elite, who wants to "meat" me outside, where can I dm to set up "the meat"!! I mean, wtf!! Fall practice is here, and ninjas are digging their heels in on some dumb chit.
Wtf is in the water down there. Like a dozen of my board friends are fighting today. I hate when this happens.

If you're 5'11" 215 and you can't fold up a 6'4" 195 lb toothpick, you're probably handicapped.
All I know is that Tate put Kosi on the ground... I'm not sure 20#'s makes that much of a difference.
That's not an RPO (your first example). If you want to say it's an RPO because it makes you feel better fine. No team uses the term "RPO" in that scenario.
It literally is an RPO and teams do call it that, but if it makes you feel better to not accept the reality then fine.
It's not what people have come to define or know as the "RPO" though is it? Counting the box, throwing uncovered, checking to a pass or a run based on numbers or leverage isn't the RPO. The RPO is a concept meant to put a specific defender in a bad position no matter what they do.

HAHA You're right. Normally a hot route, as we all know it, is a blitz adjustment for sure.
It literally is an RPO. Just because it is not the most popular variant of RPOs and isn't what people first think of when they hear RPO does not mean it is not an RPO. I have no idea why you are arguing against this so hard.
Crazy to read the bold.

Jarren may not win the comp this year, but Manny needs to fight like **** to keep him from transferring. He will put it together at some point soon and when he does he'll be a top tier QB.

If he doesn't win he's gone! You can take that to the bank
All I know is that Tate put Kosi on the ground... I'm not sure 20#'s makes that much of a difference.
Try wrestling in a weight class 20 pounds more than your weight. It's not just the 20 pounds either. Perry is scrawny. LIterally anybody on the team, including the kicker should be able to toss him around.
You said “Zion is not physically ready yet.” Those are your exact words. I ain’t your boyfriend looking to read subtle cues from you, young lady. You spoke plain English, and I responded to your exact words.

If he wasn’t physically ready they wouldn’t be putting their jobs and the health of his teammates on the line by having him running first team at LT Have you lifted with him? He was lifter if the week regularly.

Because two of the best DEs in college football beat him occasionally you’ve declared him not physically ready. I’ll see what the coaches decide.

I'd guess he's already a better athlete, with a higher ceiling than Jason Fox(who started at OT very early and had a very underrated career here at UM, and played in the league). I really wonder, if he was rated a 5-star recruit, would people be so concerned about Zion getting on the field so early

IF he's the guy Barry thinks is our best option, well, let it be...