Cristobol chew out Frosh for celebrating.......

There are coaches that used to assault players and it got the message across, doesn't mean the ends justify the means. As I said before, there's nothing wrong with holding people accountable, but when it goes from holding people accountable to being out of control that's an issue. I'm not saying that Mario is consistently like that, it may have been a one off, but it makes you wonder.

Frankly, I'm more from the Belichick/Saban school of management: Teach, correct, but eventually know when to cut the cord and move on. Saban may chew a guy out, but I've never seen him look out of control doing it.

Don't be this guy. Don't be the guy so out of control, you just look like a dumbass.


Regarding Saban. He's lost it here and there.
They all do. Landry may be the only coach that i've seen over the years that had shown zero emotion.
Although this was at the refs, still not the look (i would think) he would like to project.

Cristobal can do no wrong.... Until the next time he loses.
Naw...when he loses they make excuses or they disappear from the board.
I gave up when they made excuses for him having a sh*tty avg offense with Justin Herbert and the great wall of china in front of him blocking playing against pac 12 defensive talent which is G5 level defense.
.......and we're still celebrating a tackle after they get positive yards as continue to move the ball. We're celebrating a touchdown like we just went ahead to ice the ACCCG when we're down by four scores. The current culture is not one that will net any kind of success on a championship level. We will continue to be a middle of the road team.
It was tuff to watch... but so is watching parents disciplining their kids. Manny (and the Canes) may benefit by emphatically expressing his displeasure when players fvck-up.
A lot of our fans are meatheads. A lot of them don't know what real leadership looks like. Mario was over the top, he was borderline out of control. Saban and others may yell, they may scream, but it's a calculated anger. Just flying off the handle is stupid and leads to guys tuning you out eventually.
They did at FIU.....
Who gets to publicly chew out Luigi after he loses to UCLA in a couple weeks and drops another game or two to garbage Pac-12 teams as they play down to their competition and he corches away wins in the 4th quarter?
Honestly i dont care for antics like that. You can teach a kid without embarrassing him. I know its probably not a popular opinion, but that kid got the point in the first *** chewing session. No need to do it 3 more times.
And this is why we look like we do now along with MANY other things in this country outside of football. Let’s not embarrass the kid or be too stern with him. Let’s go get him a puppy and some hot cocoa because I’m sure his anxiety level is way too high now to be able to function in society. SMDH!
.......and we're still celebrating a tackle after they get positive yards as continue to move the ball. We're celebrating a touchdown like we just went ahead to ice the ACCCG when we're down by four scores. The current culture is not one that will net any kind of success on a championship level. We will continue to be a middle of the road team.
Man yah need a life…football is a sport, down or not players typically celebrate…get over it
Honestly i dont care for antics like that. You can teach a kid without embarrassing him. I know its probably not a popular opinion, but that kid got the point in the first *** chewing session. No need to do it 3 more times.
I'm good with it. Too much soft *** worrying about feelings. You don't want to get embarrassed on national TV? Don't do stupid selfish **** that hurts the team!!!!

It also sends a message to the rest of the team. I'll call your *** out on national TV. Don't think twice about being selfish.
Speaking of unsportsmanlike conduct, Cam'Ron got flagged for jumping into the stands, but opponents throw down the U all the time in the same area of the field. Never a flag.
Honest question. We beat a team in App State that would likely be favored against Arizona and you wanted everyone fired. What’s the difference?

Why not a “We won” here?
Lol im not surprised you can’t differentiate the difference between not only the two games but the direction of both programs.
And this is why we look like we do now along with MANY other things in this country outside of football. Let’s not embarrass the kid or be too stern with him. Let’s go get him a puppy and some hot cocoa because I’m sure his anxiety level is way too high now to be able to function in society. SMDH!
And here comes the meathead, with his "The country is getting soft because people aren't tolerating glorified gym teachers being sociopaths and ******** to people that can't fight back" argument.. Ever notice that these people wouldn't dare say "Go up to an adult and act like this and see what happens". Easy to be a miserable bully to those that in theory can't do anything to you. When you show up at work tomorrow, start yelling at people you manage(if you manage anyone at all), and see how long it lasts. We get it, you miss back when mostly upper middle class old white guys could be unmitigated jackasses to people and those people had to take it. There's a reason why this crap doesn't fly in the NFL. Those guys have something the typical college player doesn't: LEVERAGE.

The last time I checked, you can hold people accountable, and have a world class organization without being a tyrant. It's not all or nothing. Tom Landry, Chuck Noll, Bill Walsh(Who rarely yelled at players, but would script *** chewings with his assistants in order to send a message) and even Jimmy Johnson(Once he got to the pros) realized that yelling at people past a certain point doesn't do anything. Give me a coach that understands how to set a standard and can back up his talk with action when standard is not being met, and I'll show you someone that does well as a coach. A lot of the coaches that yell and scream have a short shelf life, because there's only so much you can do when you lead by fear. No one truly respects that coach, and as soon as things goes sideways, that yelling and screaming becomes really funny and self defeating.
Mario was awesome. A coach actually coaching and showin balls. Freakin made me want to suit up. Thank you Mario
This literally happens multiple times EVERY Saturday. I know we're all slurping at the Luigi altar but just because it doesn't happen on OUR sidelines doesn't make it unique at all or something that should electrify your jimmies in the slightest.
This literally happens multiple times EVERY Saturday. I know we're all slurping at the Luigi altar but just because it doesn't happen on OUR sidelines doesn't make it unique at all or something that should electrify your jimmies in the slightest.
Very true, guys get chewed out, it's part of the game. Mario probably pushed the envelope in this case, but I wouldn't be shocked that a mediocre gameday coach would also fly off the handle in a crucial moment.
Hence the first *** chewing. After that, it's theatre. You make the statement, and then put that guy on the bench. That's how you set an example.
Spot on. And to be fair to Luigi, I haven't seen him over do this. There are plenty of corches that rely on this theater and completely negate the actual benefit of it because the players just tune it out eventually.
How many different ways can we learn how Manny sucks? It’s getting to the point where a lot of the existing threads need to be merged and re-merged with new ones.