Cristobol chew out Frosh for celebrating.......

I find the exaggerations to be hysterical:

“I saw Mario in the restaurant yesterday & he was eating eggs Benedict! Now that’s what a real coach orders”

Change it to Manny:

“Saw this bum at the coffee shop yesterday & he ask for 2 creams. What kind of ****** coach does that?”
As long as he asked for sugar with those creams, he’s fine by me. Otherwise, BUM!
And here comes the meathead, with his "The country is getting soft because people aren't tolerating glorified gym teachers being sociopaths and ******** to people that can't fight back" argument.. Ever notice that these people wouldn't dare say "Go up to an adult and act like this and see what happens". Easy to be a miserable bully to those that in theory can't do anything to you. When you show up at work tomorrow, start yelling at people you manage(if you manage anyone at all), and see how long it lasts. We get it, you miss back when mostly upper middle class old white guys could be unmitigated jackasses to people and those people had to take it. There's a reason why this crap doesn't fly in the NFL. Those guys have something the typical college player doesn't: LEVERAGE.

The last time I checked, you can hold people accountable, and have a world class organization without being a tyrant. It's not all or nothing. Tom Landry, Chuck Noll, Bill Walsh(Who rarely yelled at players, but would script *** chewings with his assistants in order to send a message) and even Jimmy Johnson(Once he got to the pros) realized that yelling at people past a certain point doesn't do anything. Give me a coach that understands how to set a standard and can back up his talk with action when standard is not being met, and I'll show you someone that does well as a coach. A lot of the coaches that yell and scream have a short shelf life, because there's only so much you can do when you lead by fear. No one truly respects that coach, and as soon as things goes sideways, that yelling and screaming becomes really funny and self defeating.
Would you like a participation trophy for your post now?
Ive seen this board eviscerate Brian Kelly for similar actions. But because we suck and want Mario, were just going to overlook him losing it a little right
prank middle finger GIF
Spot on. And to be fair to Luigi, I haven't seen him over do this. There are plenty of corches that rely on this theater and completely negate the actual benefit of it because the players just tune it out eventually.
You can tell the people that actually played sports, and those that didn't. When you chew someone out, the first minute is the most impactful. That's why the best chewings are usually short. Parcells is the master of a short, pithy comment that is impactful, but gets the message across. Once you get past that first moment, that's when guys start staring at you.
Agreed. I am all for admonishings kids and holding them accountable. But, Mario walking towards the kid and throwing the headset in his direction. The continued yelling and demonstrations was over the top. Slap him on the top of his helmet, let him know what he just did and what it costs the team. Then tell him to have a set for a while. Message would be received.
You must not like the way Saban coaches then. Go you tube his sideline tirades at players. This is a business. Not playing patty cake here.
Bad play for a number of reasons.

1. It was a 2-minute scenario, he should be running the ball to the ref to get the ball spotted ASAP.
2. Celebrating during 2 minutes wastes even more time.
3. Getting flagged negates the big play that just happened.
4. It costs you a timeout or causes a time runoff.

End result took away a field goal opportunity in what was a 2 score game.
A lot of our fans are meatheads. A lot of them don't know what real leadership looks like. Mario was over the top, he was borderline out of control. Saban and others may yell, they may scream, but it's a calculated anger. Just flying off the handle is stupid and leads to guys tuning you out eventually.

Trust me. Mario made sure that kid nor his teammates will get a flag for stupidity like that again on his watch.
Mario might need to take a chill pill, but football has been ruined with all these celebrations. Watching Brady down 14 to the Rams tossing a TD and he gives zero s****s.
The most impressive part of that scene wasn't Cristobal. Instead, the kid kept eye contact the entire time. Either he trusts the **** out of Cristobal or the kid was raised like a G. Or both. Really impressive from that kid. He made a mistake and was completely accountable. Great attitude on getting ripped.
You could read his lips - “Yes, Coach!!”
You must not like the way Saban coaches then. Go you tube his sideline tirades at players. This is a business. Not playing patty cake here.
Yet when it was truly a business(With adult men), Saban went running back to where he had a captive audience. Saban is able to do his crap, at a place like Alabama, because he has players on top of players. Even then, Saban does more behind the scenes stuff that doesn't involve yelling than actually yelling. I believe that he does stuff, for theatrics. You think he's yelling like that every day? No, because he sets the standard, and he'll just bench a guy for doing stupid crap. Like I said before, there's a point in which yelling stops being effective.
Man yah need a life…football is a sport, down or not players typically celebrate…get over it

And coaches lose their jobs or livelihoods over knucklehead plays.... so it is not JUST a sport.

If you want to play with just a sport attitude, then go play lacrosse or intramural football.
There is $$ and jobs involved in big time sports.
Honest question. We beat a team in App State that would likely be favored against Arizona and you wanted everyone fired. What’s the difference?

Why not a “We won” here?

- Every team has weeks where they just don't play well for whatever reason. It's not because of a coaching issue, isn't necessarily because players aren't trying, **** just happens. Sometimes it's just a matchup issue. You have to win those ugly games. That's what Oregon did.

-Now with Miami, it wasn't that type of game. Miami almost lost because the coaches got their **** pushed in like they do EVERY SINGLE WEEK. They actually should have lost but App State's QB couldn't hit wide open receivers. Manny's scheme had no answers and he didn't adjust, same thing with Lashlee.

- So basically, I don't mind close games, that happens. And my reaction isn't just based upon a single game, it's based on the fact that Mario MIGHT be a really good head coach, but Manny has proven he isn't (unless he makes drastic changes this week, but i don't see that happening).
Man these Mario dikk sukkers take any negative comments as a threat on his livelyhood. A person can like Mario but dislike a singular action that he's done. If some of you girls stop playing with your stinky puzzys to pics of Mario for a second or two maybe the lust would calm down and the mind could think for a minute or two.
Personally I wouldn't care who this is. Y'all acting like he just strung Jesus up on a cross is exactly the reasons for why what we've become is acceptable. It's a coaching moment and 9 out of 10 of y'all simply wouldn't comprehend what it is to work towards perfecting your craft... You talk about dikk suckers yet y'all acting like hoes because he got in a kids face and held him accountable for his own actions which jeapordized his team having a chance to score. It negated what they were working towards and that's how you lose games. Blown opportunities... If you consider that over board than I'd hate to see what y'all would've said about butch or **** near any other old school coach.
Personally I wouldn't care who this is. Y'all acting like he just strung Jesus up on a cross is exactly the reasons for why what we've become is acceptable. It's a coaching moment and 9 out of 10 of y'all simply wouldn't comprehend what it is to work towards perfecting your craft... You talk about dikk suckers yet y'all acting like hoes because he got in a kids face and held him accountable for his own actions which jeapordized his team having a chance to score. It negated what they were working towards and that's how you lose games. Blown opportunities... If you consider that over board than I'd hate to see what y'all would've said about butch or **** near any other old school coach.

- Every team has weeks where they just don't play well for whatever reason. It's not because of a coaching issue, isn't necessarily because players aren't trying, **** just happens. Sometimes it's just a matchup issue. You have to win those ugly games. That's what Oregon did.

-Now with Miami, it wasn't that type of game. Miami almost lost because the coaches got their **** pushed in like they do EVERY SINGLE WEEK. They actually should have lost but App State's QB couldn't hit wide open receivers. Manny's scheme had no answers and he didn't adjust, same thing with Lashlee.

- So basically, I don't mind close games, that happens. And my reaction isn't just based upon a single game, it's based on the fact that Mario MIGHT be a really good head coach, but Manny has proven he isn't (unless he makes drastic changes this week, but i don't see that happening).
Arizona is 0-4 — with a loss to an FCS team — and their offense was making Oregon’s defense look horrendous.