Cristobal does his thing

"On December 5, 2012, Cristobal was relieved of his position as head coach of the FIU football program. FIU Athletic Director Pete Garcia explained his reasoning for firing Cristobal as "He's done a very good job for this program, but we’ve gone backwards over the last year and a half. Over the last 22 games, we've gone 8-14."[6] The decision by Garcia was heavily criticized for its rashness."
Yet the players went to Garcia and asked him to retain Mario. But what difference does it make about why he got fired at FIU, he's the HEAD COACH AT OREGON NOW! LOL
Mario is a good coach and he is getting into the swing of things at Oregon. Mario left UM because JJ told him he would be a fool not to go to bama to learn from Saban. Mario is a winner and will only get better.
Mario left UM because he was only getting paid 130k ! Lol
No, it’s a mistake because at any time any guy COULD suffer an injury that devastates his draft position. It’s also a mistake because that’s another year where something could happen off the field that would cost him. And, some would say, it’s a mistake for a guy like him, who is expected to go in top 10, to put out another year of tape to critique.

There’s really no debate from a business standpoint.
Why are yall bringing up injuries to begin with? That's why we ain't **** now, because of all the hatin and yall dumb ****'s too STOOPID to realize this!
A. You don’t know where for sure he’s going to get drafted. Sure the QB class is weak but nothing is guaranteed and it’s not like he lit it up this year, so there is always room to get better.

B. How the **** do you not understand it’s the player and his families decision? No coach in America controls a players fate one way or the other. You obviously hate Cristabol for some reason and sound like a jerk off.
This! Mario told the kid to go but he loves Oregon that much, plus he wants to play with his kids brother who's a 4 star TE in the 19 class.
****'s hate Mario so much they want his QB to get injured! Truly pathetic! Made because Herbert is staying and WE AIN'T GOT A QB PERIOD!
@305to954 so it's dumb for Wario to look out for himself first? Look at it as you will but if it gives me a chance to get a contract extension? I'm selling that kid at coming back.
A coach under contract who is actually comfortably getting paid unlike these kids should give these kids the best advice possible for the players future. At the end of the day it’s up to the player and the fam. I’m not faulting Mario personally. Just using him and this situation as an example of what college coaches should not be doing.
You are failing to realize it’s a business. When a coach wins he’s gets more money. What’s so hard to understand? I think you are confusing what I think is right and wrong.
It’s pretty one sided buisness seeing as only one side gets paid..sounds more like a scheme to me. And if a coach is tryna y’all a early 1st rd pick to come back to school then that coach is a **** scam artist
And Melvin still toughed it out and made it to the NFL...but was never the same and missed out on 1st round money

Yeah, now that you mention it I vaguely recall that. So now when I hear about a draft eligible player electing to skip a bowl game I don’t fault the player.
Bratton was a Big Tine Stud player at the U.
Why are yall bringing up injuries to begin with? That's why we ain't **** now, because of all the hatin and yall dumb ****'s too STOOPID to realize this!

I didn’t think about it that way. Very smart. You should give Pete a call.
@DMoney what would your opinion be if Cristobal was our next head coach?

**** has frozen over.

He makes more money at Oregon, pays his assistants much more than Miami (DC makes $1.5M+), the Pac12 sucks so he can recruit talent rich California w/o competition, and has Phil Knight/Nike.
**** has frozen over.

He makes more money at Oregon, pays his assistants much more than Miami (DC makes $1.5M+), the Pac12 sucks so he can recruit talent rich California w/o competition, and has Phil Knight/Nike.

If offered, he would be here in a New York second. Fact.
The kid thinks Oregon has a chance to be really good next season, and he wants to be the leader of that team. Just what you want from a local QB. To give a **** about more than himself. To want to accomplish something with his team before he leaves.

College ball isn’t all about preparing for the professional level. Yes, it is the training ground for the next level. But that’s not really the major point of college sports.

Again ... Some of y’all are so blinded by the money/business debates to understand this kid’s position.

He’s actually making a really mature decision, as a teammate and competitor. The money will still be there in the 2020 draft. And if he wins like he thinks he can, he may even get an invite to NY to end the season.
This is a big year for him.

I’ll be watching the OL closely since that’s his bread and butter. If Oregon is mauling people up front (like they did early this year) that would be a good sign.
The oline next year is going to be sick!
Great for mario and Oregon. Horrible business decision by the kid as he's guaranteed to not be the first qb taken next year (Tua).

Been saying this all year, Mario with the right assistants would kill it down here. Hes our Dabo. Under the right circumstance, where he would have experienced OC/DCs, we could be a legit top 10 team every year.