Cook & the mystery of who got the last visit...

Don't get your hopes up

All we need now is DBC to call it for FSU and we're good.

Its just hard to take Cook and his recruitment seriously anymore. If he truly wanted to be a program changer and truly wanted to feel like he was around family - just like at Central - then there is no way he would be entertaining FSU.

I expect the staff to stay on him until the paper's are faxed but I'm done.

The quicker We all accept that Cook and Dixon aren't coming the better

We gotta move on

I don't think it's time to move on just yet, people just need to be level headed and realize we are trailing right now and if they committ elsewhere we don't need to collapse into bolivian.
The idea that you have to work this hard on a kid who has a brother, best friend at Miami and parents who want him here-suggests Cook is determined to leave town. Nothing anyone on staff can do any harder, just a different type of kid. Frustrating, but 17 year old kids have the craziest reasons why they choose to leave or go to a school. Bizarre recruitment from the beginning.
This man is going to go to FSU and "change the program." Doesn't add up, man.
The idea that you have to work this hard on a kid who has a brother, best friend at Miami and parents who want him here-suggests Cook is determined to leave town. Nothing anyone on staff can do any harder, just a different type of kid. Frustrating, but 17 year old kids have the craziest reasons why they choose to leave or go to a school. Bizarre recruitment from the beginning.

or if there was a god, this kid was trolling other schools the whole time, building a bond with lane and jackson and others so when he flips, he can bring them to the U. Come on guys, my boys darling and yearby are going, we can blow up together. That is our fantasy conclusion to this. It does look like they are playing a game in thsi clip.

apparently, he didnt let muschamp come through last night. you never know. The same people saying we have no shot, had coley to fsu and matthew thomas and alex collins as miami locks last year.
he said the other day he has shut recruiting down, no more visits; so I don't know where this FSU visit is coming from.

Should tell you all you need to know about where he's leaning. He "shut it down" and then allowed FSU to visit the next day.

Could it be that he is telling the coaches that he chose us and he is giving them the respect to do it to their face? One can wish

No Cook and no Dixon. No good.

Also FSU probably gets Lane and Rudolph. Also no good.

to think this is "over" because FSU visited him last night is stupid.

Don't think anyone said over, just indications are leaning to FSU. It's dynamic and things changes, but with Powell not decommiting, Cook saying he is shutting down all visits, then scheduling a visit with FSU. Just how things are looking at this time.

I don't see the Brewster thing as a big deal. (nor Powell) Nobody knows anything. FSU lean might be a fair label.. but an assistant coach visiting probably won't be the deciding factor one way or the other.
all these experts hate miami. they get wet dreams over fsu. Luke Stampini thinks he is a cane or at least sad so last week. same with safid deen. they arent just making things up. newberg says no one is coming here because thats what he hopes for. cook has no interest in us but came here for a weekend with the flu. some of this makes no sense.