Coaches deserve most of the blame. Here's why.

What players look better this year versus last year ?

Every player has looked worst in the new coaching scheme. I can't name anybody.....Mallory? He seems to really benefit in this 3 yards and cloud offense. I just looked up his numbers and his easily going to beat out his last years stats. That's all I got.
Has Mario kicked any players off this team yet, or benched anyone for poor play?

If not, what does that say?
How many players get kicked off the team during the season? No one in the country does that unless it’s an extreme scenario. Playing time is a fair point but injuries also play a big role in playing time and we have been hurt.

Our staff missed on the portal during the off season. Gattis especially underestimated a lot of our talent. I expect our roster to be significantly different next year on both sides.
TF is mostly right BUT

There is a point where kids have to have pride. Have to be internally motivated. I saw exactly ONE kid truly ****ed off about the TOs today and that was Wes.

I was at that abortion of a game today. Your Offense fumbles 5 times, your offense didn’t give a **** enough to correct it after the 2nd fumble. I see exactly zero leadership from upperclassmen. Like none.
Terd , I agree. With that said, I'm still in disbelief that we lost to a Duke team that went 1-8 and 0-9 the last two years in the ACC and there's anyone out there even bringing up a lack of talent regarding our woes.
but but this Mario’s first year!
Elko’s first year too, but he inherited more talent. Lol
As I said Mario needs a big talent advantage to be successful. He’s not going to out coach people on Saturday’s. The sooner people wrap their hands around that the better. Blaming the culture or current roster won’t change that.
That doesn’t seem like a recipe for long term success, particularly against elite opponents.
Yes but personel is different , duke has team players, Miami has individuals. Once they’re gone n everyone buys in . Then it’ll look like a team in right direction . Every one wants south Florida players. Football has changed in florida. It’s not about pride anymore its about individual, what can u do for me
We GoTTa gEt bAcK tO WeRK
And then lose the subsequent week.
We are so fcked, this is worse than Golden and Manny. We could at least look forward to them moving on.
We’re stuck with Mario for the next DECADE.
We’ll have self driving cars, commercial space travel and ai robots cleaning our house but still have to watch Mario’s 1980’s football.
Buy in. The coaches didn't get it from these players. Even from early on you could see the disinterest and blank stares from TVD and others on offense. As a coach you have your philosophy (what you're all about and what we're gonna do) and then you have the implementation of that philosophy, meaning getting buy in from the players. Without buy in from the players, your philosphy doens't mean **** no matter how brilliant it is. These players haven't bought in at all. They're making penalties, making boneheaded plays, exhorbitant turnovers, poor technique, freelancing....these are all signs of guys that just don't care.

Some people see all that stuff from the players and simply conclude that the players stink. You know what the odds are that we assembled an 85 man roster consisting of an average recruting class ranking of 13 and everyone stinks? Off the charts astronomical. It's not a realistic or logical conclusion. We don't have playoff contending talent, but it's better than this. Better than what they are showing. These guys are all playing worse than their talent because they're not trying. THAT is on the coaches. It's the coaches job to sell their vision to the players and to get them to buy in. It's the coaches job to motivate the players. As a coach if you can't do those things, you failed.

Now, Mario can still get buy in from another group of players in the future (his guys etc). Maybe in a couple years when the roster has been turned over he'll be able to put together a team that's fully bought into his vision. Even if that happens, this time period that we're in now is still a massive failure by Mario because he was not able to sell his vision to the current players and get them on board. That's what we're paying him $8 million a year to do and he failed.
I disagree. The players need to buy into the coaching. You can't change your fundamental principles just to make players happy. I'm not talking X's and O's. It's attitude, dicipline, and execution.

What I've noticed around college football is that the teams with successful 1st year coaches had a good culture from the previous regime and the new staff is similar. Take Duke this year and Baylor last year as examples.

Teams that have struggled with first year head coaches had bad cultures. FSU with prison Mike and now us with Mario.

This thing is just going to take time. I thought our guys would buy into Mario because toughness and discipline is what they needed rather than someone like Manny Diaz sugar coating a poison pill allowing players to be undiciplined on and off the field.

I know Mario will turn things around because he will bring in ths right players and build the infrastructure necessary to compete at a high level.

It's just unfortunate that we fans (including myself) created the expectations just assuming everything would go smoothly.
While there isn't really a cure for Mario's lackluster coaching ability, Mario's rich and powerful Columbus mafia friends should be able to help him make this season an after thought. They need to give way above market NIL deals to Pancake Honcho and the rest of the top tier targets. Since Mario is supposedly a recruiting God, they shouldnt have to this every year, but the stench of this season is so bad that unless they start throwing around big money, we are going to lose recruits.

The problem for Mario is that if he ends up with a class ranked #12 or so, that won't nearly give him enough of a talent edge to consistently beat the Dukes and UNCs in cfb. Next season he'll have the same issue, and recruits are going to see bad football two years in a row and look elsewhere. It wasn't as big an issue at Oregon where Big Daddy Knight would pay any amount of $$$ to coveted recruits. 2024 is a brutal schedule where he may not finish above .500 if he doesn’t have stacked talent. Then the talk will start about looking for the next coach. And we start all over again.

Not to blow it out of proportion, but I really think that this upcoming recruiting class is going to have big impact Marios long term fate.
If he crushes it and gets a top 5ish class, he'll be on track to be the program builder. If he gets a top 12ish class, it's the beginning of the end. His friends need to come to his rescue now and start buying those recruits.
Especially when he runs 25 yards back to set up in his zone pass defense.
That play was so ridiculous.
Flag first shows like he is blitzing A gap, then 4 seconds before the ball is snapped, he turns around and runs back 25 yards off the TV screen. Duke then throws over the vacated middle for the first down.
Bottom line. The coaching staff is keeping it simple, AGAIN.
Simple doesn’t win games.
We didn’t simply lose to MTSU and Duke at home. We got completely mauled to the white meat.
That’s right. Things that would have been considered impossible just a few years ago have become the norm now.
I get wanting to install your own culture but this is turning into Mario's personal version of the Junction Boys. Players of this era are different. Not saying coddle them but you have to balance some. Can't browbeat constantly, imo.
Buy in. The coaches didn't get it from these players. Even from early on you could see the disinterest and blank stares from TVD and others on offense. As a coach you have your philosophy (what you're all about and what we're gonna do) and then you have the implementation of that philosophy, meaning getting buy in from the players. Without buy in from the players, your philosphy doens't mean **** no matter how brilliant it is. These players haven't bought in at all. They're making penalties, making boneheaded plays, exhorbitant turnovers, poor technique, freelancing....these are all signs of guys that just don't care.

Some people see all that stuff from the players and simply conclude that the players stink. You know what the odds are that we assembled an 85 man roster consisting of an average recruting class ranking of 13 and everyone stinks? Off the charts astronomical. It's not a realistic or logical conclusion. We don't have playoff contending talent, but it's better than this. Better than what they are showing. These guys are all playing worse than their talent because they're not trying. THAT is on the coaches. It's the coaches job to sell their vision to the players and to get them to buy in. It's the coaches job to motivate the players. As a coach if you can't do those things, you failed.

Now, Mario can still get buy in from another group of players in the future (his guys etc). Maybe in a couple years when the roster has been turned over he'll be able to put together a team that's fully bought into his vision. Even if that happens, this time period that we're in now is still a massive failure by Mario because he was not able to sell his vision to the current players and get them on board. That's what we're paying him $8 million a year to do and he failed.
When you ask your players to do things they’re not good at to the detriment of the team, you get mentally and emotionally checked out players. Adjust your offense to your players and not vice versa and you get buy in. Mario thought he was gonna come in and impose his bland offense and the players rejected it.

Mario should be reflecting on his coaching rather than blaming players.
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I hope that one day at least one of the "Mario just needs his own players" Cristo-bros joins the Marine Corps and is put in charge of an undisciplined group of young Marines and told to square them away. And then I hope the discipline issues become far worse than ever before under their command. And then when a 4 star General has them stand tall before the man and asks "What the f#ck is wrong with you- how is it possible that things are worse than ever before " I hope their response to the 4 star General is "It's not my fault, I didn't recruit these losers and need to bring in my own Marines." I would love to be in the room to see the reaction to that excuse.
Or, since it's CIS....

"But sir... most of these recruits are from south Florida. Surely you can't expect..."
